Looking at the conversation of these people, why did he feel that the more he looked at it, the more he seemed to be bragging?

But as soon as he thought of the lessons learned from the big whale, he suddenly felt very complicated again. Well, the emotional group has become a gathering group for big bosses... A navy commander is not enough, and the apostles and people from Tiance Mansion Here we come... By the way, why is the name of Tiance Mansion so familiar?

Li Jianan: Hey, be careful, your identities are exposed, and the topic is wrong. Consider the feelings of others. If you want to expose your identities offline, you should be more careful online. , although I don't think anyone dares to eavesdrop, but restrain yourself anyway.

Ling Dao: Come on, Master Li, everyone knows that you are from the Ninth Division of the Central Committee. Don't learn from the old pedantic people in Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to play intelligence control...give me some freedom, okay?

Le Luo: How can I bear to blame you, I made a mistake, I gave you freedom to go too far~~~

Li Jianan: Don't call me a bachelor!Call me the head of the adults!Draft papa!Why don't you two get married?

Ling Dao: Le Luo's gender is unknown.

Le Luo: Ling Dao's orientation is wrong.

Big Whale: Isn't that good!

Difficult to travel: Your circle is really chaotic... My eyes hurt from seeing it hot, the two of you are still as close as ever, and the topic has gone off track again, is Xiao Wu there?Regarding the next few exams, how about I give you a sneak peek?In fact, they are all mock exams, and it doesn't matter.

Xiao Wu: (The examiner found out that I was cheating in the exam, I have to catch up with the schedule...)

Difficult to travel: Wait, that seems to be my scope of supervision...

Little Five: Meow meow?

Difficulty on the road: ...Student, you should continue with the exam. I didn't see anything. Also, from this angle, I saw that you have gained weight. Please pay attention to your image.


Quincy: Wow, using power for personal gain, this is considered a scene, can you report it?Can it be hammered?

Big Whale: Reporting is possible. I have a phone number. Do you want it?

Bei Gao: You have a phone, you can get through, but others can't get through. The management method of Tiance Mansion is different from that of the military department. External reports are deaf ears, and it is difficult to be effective. They are troops for cultivating apostolic elites, which have been inherited from the Tang Dynasty. Since the first change of throne in the Shenzhou Empire, he has been active as a secret spy force and elite fighters outside the court and in the rivers and lakes. Later, with the reincarnation of the heroic spirit of His Majesty Tang Emperor, the Tiance Mansion obtained the apostolic technology, And it has grown rapidly, and is frequently active outside the territory.

Bei Gao: About ten years ago, due to the impact of the Battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey, the Tiance Mansion accompanied the Tang Emperor to guard the imperial capital, and more than half of them were killed or injured. Afterwards, the Central Thirteen Division, a spy organization, was split off and became an institution dedicated to cultivating apostles. Now that ten years have passed, Tiance's vitality has also recovered seven or eighty-eight. There is one chief commander, two deputy commanders, and one chief instructor. They are divided into three battalions of heaven, earth and human, each of which performs different tasks. It's very mysterious.

Everyone was silent for a while, and at the same time they were crazily complaining in their hearts, you are leaking state secrets!


Trembling, Bai Jue uttered a line of words: Yes, it's quite mysterious... You've let the Tiance Mansion out just like that.

Big Whale: I don't know such details. Speaking of which, the [-]th Division of the Central Committee is actually split by Tiance... Beigao, where did you learn about it?

Li Jianan: Comrade, I think you will come to my place for tea soon...

Ling Dao: That's right, Bei Gao, you will be imprisoned by Li Dao soon.

Le Luo: Yes, Beigao is about to be imprisoned in a small black room by Li Dashi, playing all kinds of shame games, thinking about it, I am a little excited.

Li Jianan: Shut up for me!Want to be surprised!Draft it!

Difficulty traveling: I now seriously doubt that this guy is working in the cabinet. This line of information is exactly the same as the group of nerds we used to deceive the cabinet. It has not been moved, and it is all written information, which is rarely meaningful. .

Beigao: Oh?It's actually fake, you guys even lied to your own people?

Difficult to travel: When did you have the illusion that our institution responsible only for the imperial power and the group of nerds in the cabinet are wearing the same pair of pants?Although this is not wrong, it does not involve core secrets. The influence of Tiance Mansion is far beyond your imagination. There are a total of thirteen departments in the central government, and nine of them are our cubs. Most of the talent output is also selected by us here. Afterwards, the ones that were eliminated were sent to the past.

Bei Gao: Ah, no wonder I said that the group of people in the central department are so stupid. They turned out to be the scum that was brushed down. Fortunately, they were not fooled in the past.

Big Whale: You just said it directly! Hey!

Difficult to travel: That's right... I'd better be a bit more secretive, everyone, please listen carefully, the above are all made up by me, and none of them are true! (stick read)

Beigao: I heard it, I won't take it seriously! (stick read)

Xiao Wu: I didn't see anything! (stick read)

Lingdao: I don’t know anything, but as long as I post this emoji (funny)

Le Luo: I didn’t see anything, but it’s all right as long as I’m talking (Limited Edition)

Li Jianan: This seat is going to try the case... If you continue to fish, it will be rough, and Yuan Fang is going to scold someone. (Dogs only touch fish)

Quincy: I, I, I, I am not from the Chinese Empire. I can't read Chinese, can't read, can't read. (Cute pass)


Sixteen: I came so late, I always feel like I missed a hundred million.

Bai Jue couldn't calm down for a long time... Am I the only ordinary person in this group?

By the way, what about the explosive photos that Beigao promised?


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's so lively."

While Bai Jue was chatting with the people in the shiruri group, a few guests came in the living room, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, familiar figures were already sitting beside him.

With two guns in a gorgeous dress and a gold watch as pupils, Tokisaki Kurumi smiled and said, "I'm not late, am I?"

"No." Bai Jue got up: "What do you want?"

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