Li Xiuning walks in the solemn palace. There are few people here, and it can be called deserted. It is not as strict as the three-step, one-post, five-step, one-post, but at least eighteen defensive lines have been arranged from the inside to the outside. Even if the lord strikes, it may not be able to break through.

If you want to enter this Arctic Ziwei Palace, it will take half an hour just for the review. This is because Li Xiuning, as a heroic spirit, has the authority second only to the emperor, so he can pass quickly. The purpose is to prevent someone from impersonating. It is not uncommon for there to be assassins of Heroic Spirit.

——On the surface, there is such a reason.

In fact, Li Xiuning knew very well that the one hour of waiting was not spent on checking his identity at all, but a time for His Majesty to beg for cuteness.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for her to deal with so many documents and reports with her usual speed of fishing and paddling. For her, the time for alone meetings is a relatively relaxing leisure time, which can be said to be a half-day of leisure in her life.

Accompanied by the sound of the announcement, Li Xiuning stepped into the Zulong Pavilion of Ziwei Palace.

Naturally, this attic is not the one in Luoyang City, but it is indeed modeled after Zulong Pavilion, basically a perfect copy of the architectural structure, and the former Zulong Pavilion has now become a famous tourist attraction.

She stood in front of the main hall, looking at the shining dragon throne at the end of the bright main hall, narrowing her eyes slightly... For a moment, she felt as if a world away, as if that His Majesty who swept the world with his sword as a thousand armies was there. in front of you.

But it's just an illusion.

Now sitting on the dragon chair is a woman, or a young girl.

There is a touch of bright red in her long black hair, and a dull hair on the top of her head is swaying flexibly without wind, but her face is a little immature and green, which does not hinder her beauty, but adds a bit of irresistible cuteness state.

She was lying on the table right now, like a cute cat in a daze.

Emperor Guangwu, Liu Xiu.

Not one of the least majestic emperors in the history of the Shenzhou Empire... But the approval rate of the people is an unprecedented [-]%.

Some people say that girls are an awkward age group between Lolita and Yujie, but this is not the case. The youthful vitality of girls is incomparable to the innocence of Lolita and the maturity of Yujie... especially with this kind of Luoli A creature of Li's cuteness and girlish youthful vigor, it's simply foul.

As a woman, Li Xiuning couldn't help being a little jealous. Besides, she also had the idea that only an uncle would want to lift her up.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty."

Li Xiuning bowed slightly and saluted.

Nowadays, the practice of kneeling and worshiping is no longer popular in the Shenzhou Empire. Courtiers do not need to kowtow when they see the king, but just salute. Respect does not need to be superficial.

"Yeah." Liu Xiu coughed lightly: "Thanks for your hard work, Princess Pingyang. With you as my right-hand man, I can save a lot of effort. This time, you did a good job in suppressing the chaos in Shenhai and captured the perpetrators. You have made great contributions, and all the subjects of Shenzhou should thank you."

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with what this says.

But the problem is that Liu Xiu's voice, Mrs., Mrs., is soft and has no momentum at all, but she just wants to praise others with a high-ranking attitude. This is a bit hypocritical and artificial. Delicate.

Li Xiuning couldn't stop laughing: "There are no outsiders here, so you don't have to."

"Ahhh..." Liu Xiu covered her head, her hair shaking non-stop: "My majesty!"

"Now all the people in Shenzhou know that, Your Majesty, there is no majesty." Li Xiuning said with a smile: "There are three things in the world that can disappear at any time, Schrödinger's cat, Newton's coffin board, and Liu Xiu's majesty. "

——This famous quote comes from the summit meeting five years ago, Catherine the Great of Tsarist Russia.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth Seeing how others dare to say that I am not majestic!" She slapped the table and said, "The next time the international leaders hold a summit meeting, see if I don't slap the leaders of other countries severely in the face!"

"Yes, yes, please do better next time." Li Xiuning stretched out her hand to straighten her messy hair, with gentle eyes: "I am here to report anyway, although you know the conclusion, let's make a brief summary , After finishing this matter, we are talking about other things.”

Liu Xiu sat upright: "Let's talk."

"The reason and development of the Shenhai turmoil is roughly as follows..." Li Xiuning briefly explained what she knew in hundreds of words. Of course, she deliberately kept the information about Bai Jue, and she didn't have time to verify it herself. For a moment, is that figure Bai Jue? If it is him, does it mean that he has awakened his power... Apart from these, the main problem is Wallace's purpose and origin.

Abandoning the principles of civilization, but still returning to the present world from the outside of the world, this is undoubtedly shocking news. Their research on the outside of the world has far surpassed any country today, and they can even open up passages connecting six fragments... This is undoubtedly It is extremely dangerous, exceeding the bottom line that several major countries can tolerate. The wounds from the great war ten years ago are still aching, and the heroic spirits will never forget the painful memories of that time.

But now, only France and the Chinese Empire are aware of this existence.

"Indeed, we need to inform the leaders of other countries about this information as soon as possible, and I will contact you myself..."

Liu Xiu said, the dumb hair on the top of his head swaying slowly: "It's just that the two masters of the seat are sleeping. Although Britain and France have had a friendship with China, their situation is not good. The Egyptian Ottoman Pharaoh is arrogant. Nine out of ten people will not listen to my advice, Tsarist Russia and Shenzhou are currently dependent on each other, and they have not recovered from the damage ten years ago, so it is difficult to take precautions."

"As for South Africa, it has been reduced to the domain of the Beastmaster and has been protected by the laws of the other world. The Nordic Hall of Valor has united many small countries to form a whole, and regards all trespassers as enemies. North America... has blocked the border for more than ten years. .”

"No matter who it is, I always feel that it is useless... Sigh, the main reason is that the information about the other party is too ambiguous. Although it is worth guarding against, I can't catch the traces at all. I think this is like playing a game. If you don’t turn on the screen at all times, you will be blind.”

Liu Xiu's mood is understandable. After all, the leaders of any country are basically disobedient. This is the truth after countless verifications. If there is no actual progress, it will definitely be ignored. .

The fact that they were able to gather under the banner of one person ten years ago was incredible.

"If I have the prestige of that lord, maybe they will all be willing to cooperate." Liu Xiu said casually.

The speaker had no intention of listening, but Li Xiuning inadvertently stiffened her back a little, thinking, Your Majesty is testing me, right?

Fortunately, Liu Xiu didn't mean that.

She turned to ask: "Then Wallace, did you really not say anything?"

"I didn't say anything, I used all available methods, but he still kept his mouth shut, torture and other things were meaningless, and mental pressure and hypnosis were even more useless. It was too much for a peak heroic spirit to keep his mind. It's easy, and he doesn't have the consciousness of being an abandoned son, and he doesn't care about his end at all." Li Xiuning said lightly: "It's a hard bone."

Liu Xiu rested her cheeks: "How to deal with him? Behead him directly at the Meridian Gate?"

"According to the International Heroic Spirit Convention Management Law, heroic spirits from other countries are not allowed to enter the country. In case of violation, arrest and detention is within the allowable range, but killing is not allowed. Killing a heroic spirit is a felony at any time..."

Although Li Xiuning felt that this treaty was like farting and no one would pay attention to it at all, but to take care of Britain's face problem, he had to go the other way.

"Leaving aside the time of war, but now is a time of peace, and it is more appropriate to deal with it through diplomatic means. Alfred Russell Wallace is a Briton. Let the spirits of Britain come over as a jury to judge him The Tribunal is the best option."

"Then contact Britain. Anyway, their Knights of the Round Table have always been fair, and they would not favor a heroic spirit who has abandoned the principles of civilization on this kind of issue." Liu Xiu paused, she curled her lips and looked Disgusted and said: "Don't let that girl in disguise..."

"If he can't come out, he will be ashamed internationally." Li Xiuning said lightly, "Unless the Lion King sits up in shock in his dying dream and decides to dispose of him as waste, otherwise he won't be able to leave the country."

"That's good, leave this matter to sister Xiuning, you are the top leader of international diplomats." Liu Xiu said, suddenly distressed: "You have made another great contribution, and rewards for meritorious deeds have always been the top priority." The tradition of the empire, but your current authority and status are already extremely high, and if you continue to improve, I always feel that there is nothing I can give...but I have to express it."

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