"About this..."

Li Xiuning silently made up her mind, thinking to herself, it finally came.

She lay on one knee and said in a deep voice: "I have a request to make, and I hope His Majesty will fulfill it... This is Xiu Ning, a lifetime request."

"Is it so serious?" Liu Xiu couldn't react for a while: "If you have something to say, you should get up first."

"No, Your Majesty, please listen to me." Li Xiuning paused every word: "This, to me, is very, very important."

"... Tell me, as long as I can do it." Liu Xiu wondered if sister Xiuning was planning to start a war with someone...

"I want to resign."

She said: "I quit! I want to go home and get married!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Quit your job... go home... get married.

Liu Xiu was dizzy and dizzy after being hit for three consecutive times. It took her a while to recover, wondering if she was hallucinating, and asked, "Sister Xiuning, when did you have a date?"

"Not yet..." Li Xiuning said firmly, "There will be in the future! There will be soon!"

"But, but it's not appropriate for you to make this request at this time? Without you, who can I turn to to host the diplomacy..." Liu Xiu was in trouble.

"Your Majesty, to be honest, I learned all my diplomatic skills from Guiguzi. He was teaching in Jixia, and there are many students under him who are more talented than me. Now that Lan'er has grown up, let her grow up." This opportunity is also my duty, and with the support of enough talented people, she will surely succeed me soon." Li Xiuning made up her mind: "The Chinese Empire does not lack me alone, nor does it lack me. Can't work."

——Oops, she looks serious, not kidding at all.

——What exactly happened that made sister Xiuning resign in such a hurry to get married!

How could the majestic majesty know that she was not going to get married, but to force a marriage, the kind that would have to wait in line if it was too late.

"But, but why is it at this juncture." Liu Xiu said anxiously: "Look at the current situation, there are internal and external troubles, and there are dangerous species such as reverse heroic spirits, and the international situation is becoming more and more turbulent..."

Li Xiuning shook her head resolutely: "I don't think these trivial matters will bother Your Majesty! After all, Your Majesty is the chosen one."

She stared at the dull hair on Liu Xiu's head, and said with absolute certainty: "Even if there is any crisis, it cannot match His Majesty's keen sixth sense."

Liu Xiu touched the dull hair on the top of his head, and said weakly: "It's actually not that useful..."

Li Xiuning said in a deep voice: "I believe in Your Majesty, please believe in me too... After I get married, I will return to Yanjing as soon as possible!"

Liu Xiu blinked: "Why does this sentence sound like stealing a man?"

Li Xiuning shook her head: "How can it be regarded as robbery when it comes to fair competition?"

As soon as the words were finished, I heard a light and sarcastic voice saying: "Then you must at least give others a chance to compete fairly... Isn't it too much to sell other people's things without authorization?"

The voice and tone were too familiar, and Li Xiuning's gaze became indifferent for a while: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to send flowers and incense." Li Shiming held the flower basket in her arms. Seeing it, I dare not stop her.

After Li Shiming abdicated to Liu Xiu, he grew flowers in his palace with peace of mind. The incense and flower wine he developed were the first-class treasures of the empire.

Incense is mostly used for burning, and burning incense is an elegant cultural activity, which is enjoyed by literati and inkmen.

The colorful incense stick developed by Li Shiming is a treasure that is hard to find. It has the effects of carefully refreshing, restoring mental strength, and eliminating fatigue. It is also effective for heroic warriors. If it is used by ordinary people, the efficiency of learning and work can be improved by several digits. times.

But because the production techniques and craftsmanship are very complicated, the annual production of incense is limited. She will send the demolition people to Ziwei Palace every once in a while. Of course, it is provided free of charge. How much stock does she have and is she willing to sell it.

Although Liu Xiu also knew that the incense was made by Li Shiming, it was the first time for her to deliver it in person. Rather, since Li Shiming abdicated ten years ago, almost no one would have seen the person who once dominated a The Emperor Tang himself of the era.

It was precisely because of her hasty abdication that she became a mystery of the Chinese Empire. The people were more willing to believe that she returned to civilization because of her serious injuries, rather than believing that the Tang emperor chose to abandon the empire.

Seeing her now, Liu Xiu found that Li Shiming was softer and more lonely than she had imagined.

Her temperament is very cold, and the light-toned robes can't dilute her inherent chill and loneliness.

Perhaps being the same emperor, Liu Xiu has no ill feeling towards Li Shiming, on the contrary, she is very envious of how gracefully she can leave behind the sword of the Son of Heaven under the finger of Wan Fu. This throne carries too many burdens.

——However, this is not the point... The point is, was there anything between the two sisters?Is this to fight against the wall in front of the sisters?This, it's not suitable... But I suddenly got a little excited.

However, it was not as Liu Xiu imagined, and the two started to stage a Baixue plot when they disagreed.

After Li Shiming filled the incense, he turned and left, as if she really just had a whim.

When she was about to leave Ziwei Palace, Her Royal Highness Qin stopped: "If you want to resign, then I advise you to give up this plan for the time being. Once you lose your current position, you will completely lose the initiative."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not the only one who saw him. With the return of the holy sword, France has already known about it, and Britain will soon know about it. The two saints of Jixia Academy have also passed through the Heavenly Listening and Earth Watching Observatory. Knowing the ins and outs, soon, the news about his return will spread all over the world, it is only a matter of time."

"Elizabeth of Britain, Cleopatra VII of Egypt, Catherine of France, Catherine of Tsarist Russia, and even the Juggernaut of Kyushu Island." Li Shiming's tone was light: "If you choose to dismiss, you will definitely Lead their eyes to Shen Hai, then...hehe..."

Self-evident result.

No one wants to eat alone.

Li Xiuning remained silent, only then did she realize that the Shenhai Rebellion was no longer a private matter of the Shenzhou Empire. With the expansion of the matter of reversing the heroic spirits, the cause of this incident will soon be known all over the world, and In the end, the true identity of the person who sealed the fragments of the Six Paths with one hand must not be concealed.

After all, that look is too familiar.

"Haste makes waste, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Li Shiming said lightly: "Do you think that if you get there first, you can have the last laugh?"

"You're taking your time..." Li Xiuning said coldly, "This time, you're right, but... I'm ahead of you now."

"Then just go for it, although you don't even have a [-]% chance of winning, remember not to let too many cats get close, I'll leave it to you." Li Shiming's back disappeared outside the door, not in a hurry The slow attitude seems to really win the game.

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