"That..." A timid voice came, looking back, the pink-haired sub-servant stood aside, holding a hot tea with white mist in his hand: "Senior, would you like some hot cocoa?"

"Matthew, thank you." Bai Jue took the teacup in her hand, trying to maintain a gentle attitude.

Although there are more than ten singularities and more than [-] activities with this servant through the screen, there is always a sense of strangeness in actual meeting, but this strangeness is quickly erased, and the closeness from the heart It will not be fake.

"There's hot cocoa here, it's from ancient times." Bai Jue took a sip, which tasted sweet.

"Miss Gu Yue said that we can use it casually. Although this is an ancient mansion, the internal facilities are very modern." Matthew sat beside Bai Jue, and smiled shyly: "It caused her a lot of trouble. , I also caused trouble to senior... I'm sorry."

"What apologies, but I haven't been back to Chaldea, and my failure to come back on time caused this situation." Bai Jue shook his head: "It's me who should say I'm sorry."

"How come, it's definitely not the fault of seniors." Matthew clenched his fists and said seriously: "I don't need seniors to tell me, there must be more important things to do, so I don't return to Chaldea, I can understand As she spoke, she lowered her head and stared at her knees: "It's just...just, a little lonely, just a little...I'm a follower of senior, so I hope, I hope Anything can be your help."

Bai Jue raised his hand, paused for a moment, but still gently put it on her hair: "You have always been my help, and I owe you a lot."

"Senior, do you really think so?"

Mash raised his eyes cautiously, and his clear eyes reflected a face that was similar but different from before.

She noticed the difference between Bai Jue and the master she was familiar with in the past, the change in character, the change in temperament, even the strength... is not the same.

In Chaldea, Matthew wondered more than once whether the senior no longer needs followers?If you can't be the master's shield as a servant, what's the point of existence?Perhaps it was for this reason that he never came back.

Although Da Vinci denied this, because he really does not have the potential to become a first-class magician. Although he is the master of the crown, that's all. Could be the next Emiya Giants.

But in fact, Bai Jue is undoubtedly stronger than the followers, at least stronger than Matthew. The third Herrscher she couldn't defeat was defeated by Bai Jue, and he was defeated by single-handedly. This gap in strength gave the girl a great deal. Frustrated and upset.

Even though she has a strong personality, Matthew's little head can't help but start thinking—does he no longer need me?What if the senior doesn't want me anymore?What is the meaning of my existence at that time...

Just thinking of this possibility, there is a vague pain of suffocation in my heart.

She urgently needs a sense of security now and needs proof.


She approached slowly, the young girl's gaze was as pitiful as a small animal, like a deer before being frightened, as long as Bai Jue showed a little resistance, she would immediately run away, obviously having gone through countless hard battles, she was fighting against her respected seniors and imperial guards. In front of the master, he always maintained this kind of delicate and sensitive character.

"Huh?" Bai Jue didn't look into her eyes, it's dangerous to meet her eyes now, very dangerous...

"I want to be the strength of seniors, so...can you make a contract with me again?" Matthew stretched out her white palm to hold Bai Jue's right hand engraved with three command spells, and through the girl's fair skin, fingers touched Touching her wrist veins, I could feel the girl's heartbeat accelerating.

This is the proof she needs, as long as the contract continues, as long as she is still a follower, she will have a thousand reasons to fight for it.

Bai Jue's heart skipped a beat. This should have been a matter of course. A follower needs a supply of magic power to fully fight.

He was about to speak, but before he could, he stopped his voice.

If the previous self would definitely agree to Matthew's request immediately, but Gu Yueqingdeng's previous warning made him hesitate - as long as this connection is not severed for a day, they will just be your vassals, fighting for you , died for you, and will only pay attention to you alone.

To a certain extent, this sentence is correct.

Although the bond between the servant and the master is extremely deep and beyond the emotional connection, the master is higher than the follower, the servant is the weapon, the master is the person who serves the weapon, the servant is the horse, and The Master is the one who holds the reins.

Bai Jue didn't think there was anything wrong with this before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, it's really distorted.

Isn't this kind of thing often happening in notebooks?

Using Command Spells to force a Heroic Spirit to do this or that kind of thing, an order that can even distort the will of the Servant, is really not equivalent.

If the contract is signed and the singularity is fixed, will she stay in Chaldea?What will her future life look like?

Bai Jue suddenly became a little panicked...he realized that he was not that great and omnipotent, he didn't feel that he was capable of taking on the lives of too many people, or that he didn't have that awareness yet.

Yes, or no, it's a choice.

There is no difference between right and wrong, just accept or let go, the weight to be carried after promise is the whole life of a girl.

Outside the attic, Gu Yueqingdeng sat by the window, looking at the two people in the courtyard, with anticipation and scrutiny in his eyes.

——Bai Jue and Bai Di are similar but different, Bai Di is very good at deceiving, he can even deceive his own sincerity. Then you can't ignore it.

——Let me take a look. After listening to my words, you can no longer be confused. Will you choose to agree, or refuse, or escape, or pretend to be confused?

How would Bai Jue choose?

He is not mentally prepared now, nor does he have any countermeasures in advance. For this sudden situation, Bai Jue saw the situation clearly, analyzed it carefully, thought carefully, and then...his brain took the initiative to give up thinking.

——It’s cold!

——Whether you agree or refuse, the result is cool.

——If you want me to break the heart of a school girl, I can't do it, but if you agree to it, you will also suffer from a hatchet. I don't understand love!

As we all know, once human beings fall into complete chaos, the brain will start to think wildly, just like an efficient search engine combined in the brain to form a continuous chaotic revolving door, a series of chaotic thinking completely disorderly combination, a scene Scenes from the past flashed through the depths of my mind.

In that short second, Bai Jue seemed to have gone through the calculations of a person with superpowers, and his brain was about to explode.

And the moment his thinking stopped, a very familiar figure flashed in his mind.

— Big whale!

——He waved his fists and roared swearingly: "Even if I, Big Whale, resign and get killed by the Zhenyuan, there is absolutely no way I will lose such a small number of people!"

——The next moment he cast a loving and obscene look at the lolis in the fleet: "This destroyer is so cute."

The memories stopped abruptly.

"Senior?" Matthew's call brought Bai Jue back to reality: "Are you too tired? Do you want to take a rest?"

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