"Sorry, I was distracted." Bai Jue shook his head: "It's just that I miss the past a little bit."

"Yeah." Seeing that Bai Jue didn't answer, Ma Xiu thought he was prevaricating. As a smart girl, she naturally wouldn't ask, but her eyes dimmed a little bit——as expected... Senior doesn't need me anymore Yes.

"Matthew." Bai Jue called her name softly: "It's about re-concluding the contract."

"What!" She raised her head abruptly, her eyes sparkling with brilliance, she looked downcast like a cat that had lost a fight at the last moment, but now she was full of vigor, like a Shiba Inu ready to go.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, and the contract was naturally broken due to the problem of different time and space. The servant needs the master's magic power to maintain the battle. I know very well that I also need your power to help me repair this singularity, so... ..." Bai Jue gave a straightforward conclusion: "I very much hope that you can sign a contract with me and fight together."

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" Mash nodded vigorously, and she stood up happily: "Mash? Kyrielight! Fight for the Master anytime!"

The girl is full of joy—the master still needs me!Senior still wants me!Want mine!

"I'm glad you have this fighting spirit."

Looking at the happy Matthew, Bai Jue suddenly crossed his fingers and assumed a pensive posture. He changed the subject and said in a deep voice, "But, before we conclude the contract, I have something to tell you. This is my A secret that has been hidden for many years... I think there is no need to continue to hide it with our current bond. The servant and the master should be honest with each other. If you can't accept it, or even despise me because of it, I can understand !"

After hearing such heavy and serious words, Matthew sat back on the chair quietly. Not only was she not angry, but she was very happy.

The senior took the initiative to reveal the secret. Does this mean that the bond between the two has deepened and gone further?

"Please tell me, no matter what it is, I will..." Matthew was about to say that she was willing to tolerate everything, but she heard Bai Jue open her mouth, and said a sentence that made her completely stiff and petrified.

"—Actually, I'm Lolicon."

I'm Lolicon... I'm Lolicon... Lolicon... Lycon... Con...

The sound is resounding, it lasts for a long time, and it returns to the courtyard...

There was a thunder in Matthew's heart, and her expression immediately became at a loss. She was full of joy and only a sad sentence was left--I can't get silver!

ps1: In fact, I was really stuck on the multiple-choice questions, and then I glanced at the group, and saw the big whale made a speech, emmm... I feel blessed in an instant, this wave of operations can be done.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Everyone, I like Miss Yu."

"Everyone, I like Miss Yu very much."

"Everyone, I like Miss Yu the most!"

"Mature! Wisdom! No mouth! Strong! Proud! Poisonous tongue! Elegant! Glasses! Huge! Beast ears! Gentle and considerate! Natural and simple! Dark-bellied and delicate! I like all the sister attributes in this world the most!"

Bai Jue clenched his fist and shouted loudly: "Long live Yujie!"

After calming down a bit, he looked at Teresa who had been completely petrified: "This is the true secret of my heart that I want to talk about."

"Ship..." Theresa lowered her head and squeezed out a word from her teeth.

"Huh?" Bai Jue listened closely, and immediately saw De Lisa raised her eyes with tears in her eyes, and the ferocious loli, who was born with great strength, waved her little white fist and beat it with her little fist The posture of your chest hit Bai Jue's chin, and a frantic Dragon Rising Fist knocked him out instantly.

"The captain is simply an idiot—!" The Valkyrie Teresa ran away in tears.

Bai Jue lay on the grass, looked up at the starry sky, and closed his eyes: "This way, the last one will be solved too... Lying is really tiring."

"It's really thanks to you for thinking of this method." Gu Yue Qingdeng's voice came, she held the green lamp in one hand and rested her forehead with the other, with a complicated expression, I don't know whether it's admiration or amused: "The words to every girl are very important. It's different, this kind of words that others can tell is a lie at a glance, but the effect of pulling the flag is outstanding."

"Almost...they are all good girls. Since I said that, they also realized that I was rejecting me invisible, so they used this method to avoid it. If they simply accepted it, it would prove that they were actually I don't care." Bai Jue put his hands behind his head: "The future is very difficult."

"But lies are just lies." Gu Yueqingdeng turned around and said, "This kind of talking is just a way of procrastination, and it may soon be useless."

"At that time, just keep lying." Bai Jue said casually, "At worst, I'll call myself gay."

"..." Gu Yue Qingdeng's expression froze, she sighed, "Are all of you Bai so unscrupulous? There must be a limit to self-defeating."

"Are you black?" Bai Jue narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand to the sky, and spread his five fingers: "I don't even know what I will look like in the future, what I will experience, who I will fall in love with, it's too early to say ...all I can do now is get them to accept it."

"Accept what?" The clerk turned her back to Bai Jue, standing in the light of a green light: "Is it true that you are gay?"

"It's not...it's pulling the flag." Bai Jue moved the corner of his mouth: "I have raised my favorability to the highest level, and it's not easy to fall, and I really don't want to damage my image, so I can only pull the flag at a critical moment .”

Gu Yue Qingdeng stared slightly, and she said clearly: "So, even though it is a lie, it is also a warning. If you use lies to persuade them to leave, if they don't want to accept this kind of result, they will naturally choose to avoid it, just like Germany. Lisa, like Matthew, does not criticize and correct your preferences... This kind of persuasion is actually a kind of invisible rejection, it just divides the straightforward rejection into parts and divides it into multiple times."

"There is a saying that silence is also an answer. There is not much difference between my lie and silence. It's just a matter of time." Bai Jue sat up and patted the grass clippings on his shoulder: "Even once or twice, it's still a matter of time." I don't want to give up, but it will fade away naturally over time..."

"You're consuming the girl's emotions. This is simply a scumbag's behavior." Gu Yueqingdeng rolled her eyes: "What's more, it's not that easy to fade emotions. You drove them into a hurry, which girl suddenly did her best and asked straightforward questions?"

"How could it be?" Bai Jue said bluntly in a very confident tone: "Both Matthew and Theresa are not girls with this kind of personality. Soft inside but tough on the outside.”

"A girl's heart is not such a simple thing..." Gu Yue Qingdeng said quietly: "You will overturn."

"What you said..." Bai Jue just wanted to refute, but when he looked back, she disappeared as if she had never appeared in the first place.

"Captain, who are you talking to?" A gentle voice came, and not far away, the cherry-haired witch tilted her head, holding a lantern in her hand.

"It's okay, I'm just talking to myself." Bai Jue didn't want others to hear the previous conversation, and changed the subject with a light cough: "Aren't you going to bed so late?"

"I have slept for more than five hundred years, but I prefer to be awake." Yae Sakura put the lantern on the table and sat down dignifiedly: "Isn't the captain still asleep? The previous battle should consume A lot of energy?"

She seemed to recall the scene of being hugged by the princess when she woke up, her voice was slightly out of tune, her cheeks were slightly red, but fortunately she was not conspicuous under the firelight.

"Sleep later." Bai Jue sat on the grass and didn't get up: "Use the sky as a quilt and the earth as a bed, and sleep with the heaven and the earth."

He said chic, but actually he just didn't want to get closer to this fox witch... Of course, it's not that he hates her, but Bai Jue loves the role of the god-defying witch, and there is only one reason why he doesn't dare to get too close— This Miss Yae Sakura...is a sick girl.

Bai Jue hasn't really met anyone who is sick so far. It is said that he once thought that sickness basically does not exist in reality. Tokisaki Kurumi is not so much sickness as madness, madness and sickness Most of it is the result of her performance.

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