So, even if you talk about it in your mouth - everyone, I like sickness.

But this kind of liking is undoubtedly Ye Gong's love of dragons. When the real sickness appears, he is even faster than ordinary people, because he understands... so he is in awe.

Yaeying didn't know Baijue's little Jiujiu in her heart, but said seriously: "If you lie here and sleep, you will catch a cold."

"It doesn't exist. I can bring down the Lawrence of Thunder and Lightning. What is a small cold virus?" Bai Jue cupped his hands: "Don't worry about me. If you are tired, go back and rest. I still have something to think about." clear."

Yae Sakura caressed the stone table with her fingernails, looked at Bai Jue's profile, and seemed to recall something: "'s always been like this."

"Ah?" Bai Jue was taken aback, why did he feel that his favorability had inexplicably increased a little!

"On the Huberian, I often see the captain staying on the bridge in a daze, looking out the window, his eyes empty, seemingly doing nothing, but his expression is worried. In fact... he is also thinking about the future, commanding a warship, It is indeed not an easy task to master a Valkyrie team." Yae Sakura lowered her gaze, and the family left a shallow dent on the stone table: "I am an ancient person, and things other than fighting... can hardly help Do anything."

——It’s just that I feel a little empty after the liver is finished, and I just want to relax.

——I have nothing to do because my physical strength is exhausted, and I feel that I have nothing to do!

——The worry is because the game experience without the Chongyue card is extremely poor!

Bai Jue's words were blocked in his throat, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only laugh dryly: "You think too much, it's definitely because you think too much."

"How could it be? I don't think as much as the captain." Yae Sakura said inwardly: "This time I can hardly help anything, instead of suppressing the soul of the Third Herrscher, she controlled her body Right, I almost killed the captain and Teresa, I cannot shirk my responsibility for this matter, so... in order to make up for my fault, I will carry out whatever the captain orders."

There is Ling Ran's will in her crimson eyes, as long as Bai Jue gives an order, if she wants her to kill the Herrscher, she will go to the Herrscher, if she wants her to kill the Titan, she will go to the Titan.

"It's enough for you to have this kind of heart." Bai Jue used the old-fashioned rhetoric: "Don't force yourself too much, it's not your fault at all, no one thought that such a change would happen on the Hyperion, Sudden transfer to another world or something... It's similar to the plot of the comics, but this is not the stigmata space."

Yae Sakura clenched her fingers even more tightly, leaving conspicuous nail dents on the stone table: "I..."

"Stubborn." Bai Jue said helplessly: "If you really want to punish, I can give it to you, but before that, there are some things to ask clearly."

"Please tell me, Captain." Yae Sakura sat upright.

"Although the Third Herrscher has mastered the body, you should be able to see the outside world through her senses. You should be aware of everything she knows."

"Yes, this feeling is not good. It's like being cut off from all ties with the body and can only simply watch a first-person movie." Yae Sakura explained in relatively modern terms: "She knows I basically know that although the Third Herrscher has learned my Blade Return, I have also obtained some information from her, and the influence and communication of souls are mutual."

"Tell me, what happened after you came to this world. A total of several Valkyries were involved." Bai Jue cut to the chase and stopped talking about emotional exchanges. This change of topic was quite quintessentially seamless. switch.

"Bronya was not there when the Hyperion was involved in the singularity of time and space, and Himeko was also located relatively far away. They may not have been involved, but Kiana, Teresa and the three of us Everyone is involved in the singularity of time and space, but Teresa was involved by another force on the way and disappeared suddenly, and then the singularity of time and space became unstable. Mei directly used her sword to break the crystal wall of time and space, but it caused great chaos , Qiyana is also missing, the souls of Mei and me are unable to control the body due to weakness, and the third herrscher succeeded... and the place where the third herrscher landed is a corner of that ancient city."

"That is to say, the Third Herrscher... have you seen the Snake Demon with your own eyes?" Bai Jue suddenly got up: "This is a very important breakthrough. What does it look like? Does it have eight heads? How strong is it?"

Yae Sakura paused: "It fought against the Third Herrscher at the beginning, and it fought twice in total. In the first fight, the Third Herrscher had the upper hand, but it still curled up in the palace and did not come out. The second fight was supposed to be a draw, but the third Herrscher was a little powerless, and she was suppressed for a while... The time difference between the two fights was only a few days, and the power of the snake demon must be intensified."

"On par with the Third Herrscher? No, if it still hasn't revealed its true body, it means it still has spare power." Bai Jue pondered, "It's not easy."

"Captain, there is no need to worry. Although the Third Herrscher is strong, she and I are brothers. Now I have the control. No matter how strong the enemy is, this Sakura Fubuki can be killed with one sword." Yae Sakura The words clanged and said: "Please believe in my strength."

One knife hurts [-] yuan, I understand, I understand... But this is not the era of fighting for damage, no matter how hard you slash an invincible monster, it will not be injured.

"I believe that you can send countless Honkai beasts to the sky with one move of blade return, but the first thing to do now is to find Qiyana. Although she is only a paramecium, she is also a rare powerhouse as a combat power... In order to ensure that you can deal with The snake demon is safe, and we need to find as much combat power as possible." Bai Jue said, lay down on the ground, turned over, and closed his eyes: "Forget it, don't think about it so much... let's start working hard tomorrow... "

He was actually very exhausted, but he had been working hard all the time. The fire of Nirvana repaired his injuries, but he couldn't restore his mental strength.

"Captain, you will catch a cold if you sleep here." Yae Sakura tried to call out.

However, Bai Jue has already fallen asleep breathing evenly, he should not have fallen asleep so easily, even if there is no enemy, he will not just fall asleep.

"It seems that the drug that was secretly put in the cocoa has finally taken effect." Yae Sakura stood up quietly: "When did the captain become so strong? It is a drug that can make even beasts fall asleep within a few minutes. half an hour..."

She approached Bai Jue quietly, tiptoeing, her steps were light and soundless, and when she reached Bai Jue's side, she knelt on the grass, looked down at the boy's face, and stretched out her hand to caress his side face: "Finally , I can see you sleeping again... still defenseless as always."

Why is Yae Sakura so familiar with Bai Jue's sleeping face?

This is because Bai Jue used to stay up late when playing games, but he couldn't hold on halfway and fell asleep suddenly. This caused the phone to be on all night, and the Valkyrie on the screen would just stare at him motionless.

For Yae Sakura, Hakukaku can only sleep peacefully when she is watching.

He wouldn't be able to sleep without her.

This time, I secretly put down the potion in the hot cocoa prepared by Matthew, and it was not for playing with the sleeping girl, but simply because I wanted to take a closer look at him and see if he was still the same when he fell asleep.

Yae Sakura held his head and put it on her lap, and his restless sleeping position was still the same as before, which made her smile knowingly: "It seems to be the same as before, nothing has changed."

Of course Bai Jue didn't know, as long as Yae Sakura didn't tell, no one would know, and neither would the other Valkyries.

It turned out that in her eyes, the bond between the two had gone deep into every night when she watched him fall asleep.

Only Gu Yue Qingdeng saw this scene, she took a long time to look away, and wrote down a note on the page.

——What Bai Jue said is undoubtedly very reasonable, but Yae Sakura has already preemptively struck.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Beiyang Navy Naval Base.

The door of the dull meeting room opened, and a young man walked out. He stretched himself, completely ignoring the cold gazes in the meeting room.

The tall and gentle woman in military uniform waited for a long time, and she asked, "Commander... what is the result of the review?"

"Suspension for investigation." Zheng Wenqian spread his hands: "After all, what I did was too much. I almost bombarded the gate of the country's border. I directly crossed the third island chain and did what I said. I must be in charge. It’s also a headache for the people, maybe they’ll have to go to a military court, but I didn’t expect that it’s just a suspension for probation...why don’t you just fire me?”

Big Whale curled his lips and said with a displeased face: "Although it is suspended for inspection, it seems that the salary is still paid and there are all the benefits that it should have. How is this different from paid vacation? It is hard to imagine that this is the old man of Sun Tianzhu. Wu Fu's idea, he should not be so smart."

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