"I really can't do anything with you, do you want me to feed you?" Teresa's eyes were full of gentleness, Lolita's figure and the elder's kindness were inexplicably harmonious.

"Senior, please open your mouth, ah——" Matthew was closer, so she acted directly, and the chopsticks were already brought to her mouth.

"Captain..." Yae Sakura was sitting far away, she directly pulled out her sword, holding a bun with her sword, her eyes flashed with Ling Ran's will: "Please use it!"

Bai Jue's expression was one of despair, how much he misses the harmonious dining table scene in the coffee shop at this moment, how much he misses the gentle and virtuous fireproof woman and the unfamiliar white cat mop spirit.

"Okay, okay, let him go." Gu Yue Qingdeng timely raised Bai Jue's siege and said: "Although I don't know what happened between you, this method will only backfire, and the more you show your existence, The stronger the desire, the more it will arouse a person's evasive psychology. Looking at his expression just now, I am afraid that he is missing a woman who will not be so persuasive to him. Don't worry, the so-called shooting one's own foot with a stone will cause all harm but no benefit is this kind of meaningless jealousy."

Teresa, Matthew, and Yae Sakura heard the words, all of them changed their complexions, fell silent, and sat back in their seats, their eyes slightly resentful.

Bai Jue wiped the sweat from his brow, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, senior... But why do you think there is something in what you said just now?"

"How come? I'm kind enough to help." Gu Yueqing Dengshi didn't show her teeth, and the classical beauty said generously: "This soup dumpling tastes good."

"...You seem to be familiar with this situation. Knowing so well, could it be that what you said just now is based on experience that you have actually experienced?" Bai Jue couldn't help but wonder what such a mysterious big sister had experienced. What, what's wrong with the clerk surnamed Bai.

"Well, it's not surprising to see so much. How many defeats in love are the advantages that I have ruined for nothing. On the contrary, those who don't do anything are just cheaper. The so-called life is actually like this. Don't seek merit but seek no fault. In this way For one thing, the person you want to grow old with is often the one who will accompany you the longest." Gu Yue Qingdeng's words were thought-provoking.

But Bai Jue heard a different meaning: "Senior... Are you from the childhood sweetheart family?"

"No, I'm from the Heavenly Department, but it's also because of this that I envy those who come first." Gu Yue sighed softly: "Everything in the world is in the order of first come, first served, as long as the former refuses to let go, the latter come first." Those who can't grab it, the so-called victory or defeat has already been doomed."

"Emmm..." Bai Jue squinted: "I don't really understand."

"You will understand later."

After saying this, Gu Yue Qingdeng raised his voice and ended the communication between the two. A pair of deep and beautiful eyes glanced at the four of them, and he said loudly: "You have already gone to the underworld and found the two of you, but this is not enough. Not enough, there are other people you know are in the hands of the snake demon, and you need to rescue them next, I will tell you the specific location, and how to deal with it depends on your own decision."

She raised her slender index finger: "I will give you another warning for free - time is running out, if you continue to wait, it will break the seal, once it gets those powers, no one in the whole world will be able to stop her, to save her People have to hurry."

Bai Jue nodded, he was eager to continue the main task, it was better than the Shura field.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Life, it doesn't matter, it's just a chain of green hats one after another. Whoever can buckle more green hats will become a peerless powerhouse who is unique in a million, and finally reach the level of forgiving the whole world." Bai Jue's tone Vicissitudes, as if seeing through the truth of the world, stared lovingly at the front and said: "Therefore, only by learning to be calm, understanding compassion and tolerance, and only by understanding the true meaning of forgiveness can the world be filled with love."

"So..." he said, "you should learn to forgive me."

"That's why you went out and brought three girls back?" Fenghuanghuo looked at the three women with different temperaments, their gaze gradually became subtle, a loli, a witch, and a soft girl.

"Are they visitors from another world?" Phoenix Fire held his cheeks: "They seem to be human beings, but they are very different from weak human beings."

"It's good not to be human. Valkyries and servants are human-shaped combat weapons. In theory, shikigami are also the same." Bai Jue spread his hands: "Don't care about these details. Anyway, I found that young man." Miss Xingdeng, I went to the underworld and brought back several powerful living combat forces."

"But I don't think they can deal with that snake demon." Yao Dao Ji didn't know how to detour, and said bluntly: "With all due respect, before Master Qingming left, the Hundred Ghosts Yaxing gathered around you was far better than this." The ladies are much better."

Teresa retorted: "The Valkyrie team of our Far East branch is not just the two of us, there are several people who were not present."

Mash also retorted: "Senior once commanded more than [-] heroic spirits, and he will never lose to any ghosts at night."

"But they are not here now." Yao Dao Ji remained expressionless and unmoved: "This is the world of Onmyoji, instead of gathering those incomplete combat forces, it is better to ask Master Qingming to gather the former hundred ghosts, as long as they can reach In the past, the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, Heian capital can be captured overnight."

"This, it's a bit difficult..." The corners of Bai Jue's eyes twitched, and he pressed his liver: "It took me more than half a year to build the Yinyang Liao and Hundred Ghosts in the past, but now I don't have enough time, and most of the Shikigami are scattered all over the world."

"Please don't worry about this." The white wolf is very confident in his appeal: "As long as Lord Qingming continues the contract with us in the past, with your prestige in the Yin and Yang realms, as long as you spread it a little bit, and the threat of the snake demon, you will definitely be able to get rid of it." There will be a large number of monsters from the Yin world who are willing to take refuge, after all...you have now retrieved your complete memory, no longer distinguishing between black and white, and monsters from both Yin and Yang realms will follow your orders."

"Am I so strong?" Bai Jue thought for a while, but still shook his head: "No... Even if there are a large number of monsters willing to follow me, they are still not as good as the former Hundred Ghosts. For example, Is the white wolf in the past and you today, the same level of combat power?"

White Wolf was taken aback, and she shook her head: "I have awakened the demon soul, and my strength is several times stronger than before."

"Only a shikigami who has been trained and strengthened by an onmyoji can have the strength of a big monster. Even if the contract is cut off, the strength will not regress, but the newborn monster is not good, it is too weak, and it will only mean death if it goes." Bai Bai I just hate that this damn world actually said that the contract would be terminated if it said that the contract would be terminated. I used to have so many shikigami and if I kept half of them, I could easily beat the high-strength book.

"But we are different." Yae Sakura took Bai Jue's words, and the Valkyrie stood upright and said bravely: "Our Valkyrie's combat power is quite complete, as long as we find our companions and find a way to contact the Hyperion, A mere snake demon is nothing to be afraid of."

For a time, the road diverged.

Gu Yueqingdeng gave Bai Jue a lot of news, including the movement of the last Valkyrie Qiyana, the current status of the remaining heroic spirits, and the location where several big monsters were detained.

But these news are actually somewhat ambiguous and unclear. In order not to make it too difficult for Bai Jue, Gu Yue Qingdeng didn't want to say too clearly, and let him check it out by himself, so Bai Jue returned to Fenghuang Forest and planned to discuss it. What to do next, but after some discussion, there is still disagreement.

The Valkyries, Heroic Spirits, and Shikigami all come from their own worlds, and their strengths are not the same. There are differences between high and low, and there is no scale for comparison. They naturally believe in their own strength, and they have psychological resistance to the so-called outsiders. .

At least Yao Dao Ji, Bai Lang, and Phoenix Fire are very hostile to the Valkyrie who can stay by Bai Jue's side without a contract, but Ma Xiu is not taken seriously because of her soft personality. Secretly re-signed the servant contract with Bai Jue, she is the most worthy of hostility.

This discussion lasted for half an hour, and in the end nothing was discussed, but it added a bit of gunpowder.

In the end, they handed over the decision-making power to Bai Jue. His words are the most convincing. No matter what opinions he puts forward, he will definitely be accepted, but once he favors one, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the other.

At this time, a young girl came not far away. She was holding a red paper umbrella, wearing an exquisite kimono, and a goldfish headdress. There is a similar difference between Sha and Sha, and her actual age is younger than her, but she gives off a dignified demeanor of a big lady.

"Master Kagura." The white wolf got up hastily: "Why are you up, you haven't rested yet."

"I heard that Seimei is back." Kagura said softly, "I'm fine, my spiritual power has mostly recovered."

Although she was talking to the white wolf, her gaze was still on Bai Jue, looking at this strange but familiar onmyoji. What was strange was his attire, but what was familiar was his temperament and inside.

"Come and sit down." Bai Jue said to Kagura, "Thank you for your hard work while I'm not around."

"It's okay, I believe you will come back sooner or later." Kagura spoke softly, but entrusted the trust of life and death: "Seimei will definitely come to save us."

Matthew thought with deep sympathy—yes, that’s the kind of person senior is... I was saved by him when Chaldea’s spiritual son was transferred.

"These are guests from another world, I'm sorry that we can't entertain you well now. If Seimei's courtyard is still there, I will definitely show you the style of Heianjing, but...now that the snake demon is raging, I hope you all Forgive us for the inconvenience." Kagura bowed slightly and saluted: "Also, I hope everyone can help Seimei and me, please help us regain the stability of this world."

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