Her attitude was lowered, her etiquette and words were impeccable, but Yae Sakura frowned slightly when she heard this sentence.

Although this girl has carefully considered her words and sentences and treated us as honored guests in every sentence, the so-called guests are actually a kind of alienated relationship, showing the intimate relationship between herself and the captain. Attitude Shows a Stand...

Yae Sakura is not such a scheming woman, but the advantage of living for a long time is that you can easily see through the smallness in many people's hearts, whether it is good intentions, malicious hostility, or deep meaning... At this time, Miss Miko's eyesight, Kagura belongs to the kind of superficial human and animal Harmless, but dangerous opponent.

Theresa and Matthew didn't seem to have this kind of self-awareness. The other party was so polite, but they didn't want to be tough.

"No, as long as I can help senior, I will be very happy." Matthew's attitude was a little flustered.

"Defending the world is the mission of the Valkyrie. The snake demon is also our common enemy. Maybe we came to this world because of it." Teresa also said that she would guard the world, but did not understand that she had been pushed to 'guest' position.

"That's really great." Kagura's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, and she was not overly happy to see the two agree. Even if they refused to believe that she could still maintain this calmness, her heart was indeed far beyond the maturity of her peers.

When Kagura's eyes fell on Yae Sakura's shoulder, the fox maiden slightly opened her red lips: "I am a Valkyrie, the sword in the captain's hand, and it is my duty to obey the command, so you don't need to ask my opinion, When the captain needs it, I will get out of the scabbard, and when I don’t need it, I will obediently hide in the scabbard, that’s all.”

Kagura was slightly taken aback, but her expression remained unchanged: "Really? It's surprising that Seimei-sama has such loyal subordinates in another world."

"I'm his, it's a matter of course." Yae Sakura smiled quietly.

"Master Seimei." Ignoring Yae Sakura's provocation, Kagura said gently, "Can you tell me again what you are discussing?"

Bai Jue was keenly aware of the undercurrent, so he chose Mingzhe to keep himself safe and kept silent. When Kagura asked a question, he opened his mouth to explain the ins and outs.

"So that's it, then the answer is actually very simple." Kagura held up three fingers: "The troops are divided into three groups. Since there is not much time left, we should not waste the priority time on answers that do not know the result, and we We need as much vitality as possible, it is better to separate and find familiar people."

"The Valkyrie go find the lost Valkyrie."

"Heroic spirits go to find the missing heroic spirits."

"The monsters mobilize to rescue the imprisoned big monsters."

"Master Kagura, isn't this a waste of our strength?" White Wolf winked secretly.

"We are divided into three groups. Although we have dispersed our strength, it is actually not a bad thing." Kagura shook his head lightly, pretending not to see the anxiety and hints in White Wolf's eyes, and explained instead: "Because we don't Knowing each other, random combination will lead to accidents, and splitting into three groups at the same time will also divert the Snake Demon's sight, making it difficult to determine our real target, which can confuse its sight."

Yaodao Ji pondered for a moment, and no longer had any objections: "I agree with Master Kagura's proposal."

Fenghuanghuo didn't think much about it, she narrowed her eyes and smiled: "I can't get out of Fenghuang Forest anyway, it's up to you to decide."

"Master Kagura..." Bai Lang glanced at Bai Jue secretly, and raised his hand reluctantly: "I agree too."

Bai Jue doesn't do what he thinks, it's better for him not to pretend to be stupid at this time: "In this case, let's follow Kagura's suggestion, but the team needs to be carefully discussed. I am an onmyoji and I am also the captain. She is also a Master, so she can match with anyone, but..."

"I hope Seimei-sama can be with this girl." Kagura was referring to Mash.


White Wolf and Teresa's eyes widened at the same time.

White Wolf doesn't understand why Kagura wants to push Bai Jue out, but Teresa is just very unhappy and can't continue to get tired of being with the captain.

"I have my own considerations, because Master Seimei is the strongest, so naturally he has to complement the weakest. This Ms. Matthew is extremely strong in defense, but lacks offensive means. She can protect Master Seimei well, and... Servants If you are not by the Master's side, you will not be able to exert your strength, which is also a helpless choice." Kagura smiled and said: "I will rescue the big monster, and the remaining tasks will be handed over to the two Valkyries."

Yae Sakura and Kagura looked at each other, and the two priestesses saw each other's thoughts.

"I agree." Yae Sakura withdrew her meaningful gaze, and she nodded slightly: "Leave Kiana to us, so that the captain can relax."

Teresa shook her head: "I don't agree! Sakura can go to find Qiyana if she wants, I want to stay with the captain, he can't do without me!"

"That's your niece, what your aunt did is too incompetent." Bai Jue complained.

"Of course, it's not free." Yae Sakura made a corresponding request: "I hope...after everything is over, the captain can spend a day alone with Theresa and me."

"One day..." Bai Jue couldn't help thinking of some unsuitable scenes for children, I'm afraid it wasn't...

"I can't sleep." Yae Sakura smiled slyly like a fox: "I won't be so active, this is also a girl's reserve."

"Then, then I reluctantly agree." Theresa reluctantly smiled gradually.

"Will senior act with me?" Matthew inexplicably took advantage of it, and is still a little dizzy now.

"I always feel like I've been betrayed." Bai Jue glanced at the expressionless Kagura, and resigned himself to his fate.

After the meeting ended, in front of the shrine.

White Wolf protested: "Master Kagura, I still can't accept it, why did you let Master Seimei out."

Yao Dao Ji said: "Because this is the best solution."

White Wolf bit his lip: "Where is it?"

"What Qingming needs is help, not burden... The more you fight, the less you can get. You still don't understand this simple truth? Qingming is back now, but there is no guarantee that he will stay here. Maybe he will stay here after everything is resolved. He will leave again, we can't keep his people." Kagura's words were lonely.

"Since that's the case, why not..." Bai Lang pressed his fingers hard.

"Don't say stupid things like tying him down, we are not his opponents, not to mention that Seimei will hate us even if he stays in such a coercive way."

Kagura sat where Bai Jue had just sat, with his hands folded and his delicate chin resting: "If you can't keep him, you can only keep his heart. He is a very soft-hearted person, but he just pretends Pity is not enough, I need him to always owe us something, only in this way, he will remember us, even if he leaves, he will come back one day..."

"But what does this have to do with those outsiders." The white wolf said angrily, "If it wasn't for them... Lord Qingming wouldn't have left in the first place."

"I understand your feelings, but for them, we are the same..."

Folding her arms, Kagura whispered, "But I won't let it."

She has a mature and rational thinking beyond her age: "...the most dangerous is the cherry-haired witch, she is very smart, and the least threatening is the pink-haired girl, she has no scheming and is pure, so Seimei was handed over to She, she didn't dare to cross the Thunder Pond, without that courage, but it might not be the case with that witch, only if the witch is dismissed will she have a chance, I... will never give her any chance."

Outside the Phoenix Forest.

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