"how is this possible!"

The [-]-year-old bhikkhuni can't do it, so he mobilizes the spiritual power in his body, flicks his fingers, gathers the power of the stars, and generates a charm out of thin air with the bright brilliance. The glow of fireflies in the atmosphere can be seen quickly condensing on his fingertips, and the starlight turns into the red light of a meteor. Breaking through the spell formation: "Stars..."

"too slow!"

Before the eight hundred bhikkhuni could make a move, Mash had already broken through the entanglement of demons and monsters, and waved the black dining table. The slender body burst out with a huge force enough to shatter rocks, and the heavy force caused the atmosphere to be oppressed and collapsed into a sunken illusory hole. , this force smashed the star spell that had not yet been completed, and then slammed into the old nun's chest.

The heavy strength made Bai Jue worried that her career line would be abruptly photographed as an airport.

By the way, Matthew's attack is very familiar, especially like an EX attack, it seems to be three busters plus ex, no wonder the attack is so violent.


The [-]-year-old bhikkhuni flew all the way and fell directly under the mountain wall, but Mash didn't chase after him, and immediately turned back to look at Bai Jue: "Senior, are you okay? Didn't you get hurt?"

"What can I do?" Bai Jue thought to himself that he was just being taken advantage of, although I didn't suffer.

Ma Xiu stared at the hickey on Bai Jue's neck and said nothing, she could see that she was not happy.

Bai Jue didn't notice something was wrong, he hugged Hongye horizontally, and said: "There is another heroic spirit who should be here. She hasn't responded to such a big movement of our fight. It shouldn't be. Generally speaking...as long as there is a spirit base to respond, I will can be noticed.”

"Senior..." Matthew suddenly raised his hand, pointing at the bamboo curtain not far away: "That's..."

Bai Jue looked for the sound, opened the bamboo curtain, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and said in shock: "I see, so why don't you say that I can't undo this spell? Whether you don't return it or not It doesn't matter to us...but it's cruel enough."

Behind the bamboo curtain is indeed the heroic spirit that Bai Jue has been looking for for a long time, but there is no vitality. Ki was forcibly immobilized by a spell.

She is now a statue, a statue without consciousness, completely petrified and frozen.

"This is magic, or magic. If it is magic, it should be the highest level of petrified magic eyes..." Bai Jue stretched out his hand, trying to introduce magic power, but the petrified skin resisted the invasion of foreign powers: "It's not just It's just petrification, and it's wrapped in a strong curse... that's true, otherwise, the petrification demon eye wouldn't be able to seal her."

Even though this heroic spirit was petrified, she was still beautiful and elegant. She maintained the posture of holding a knife and was frozen by petrification, her eyes were unafraid.

Her name is Two Rituals, or Root Style.

In the set of followers, it is basically an invincible existence. Faced with almost all opponents, it can be killed with a single blow. There is no such thing as probability. The magic eye can kill even gods. The personality linked to the root is undoubtedly the strength of gods and demons. level.

But even she, after coming to another world, lost the master's magic power supply, and was still petrified into a statue and sealed here.

"Maybe it's because we left the original world and couldn't connect to the root cause." Bai Jue regretted that although he found the heroic spirit, the current two ceremonies of the sword rank have become hand-made figures that are as high as others, and cannot be used as combat power , he said: "I will study the curse of petrification later, and take her back to the Phoenix Forest first."

Matthew nodded in agreement, and carefully carried the stone statues of the two ceremonies on her back.

When they left the castle tower, they saw that the sky became extremely gloomy, and a snake shadow was wriggling on the gray clouds.

"It's not letting me leave easily." Bai Jue looked into the eyes of the snake shadow in the sky.

"Senior, please allow me to use the treasure." Mash has absolute confidence in defense.

"Don't worry..." Bai Jue looked at the sky: "Look, it's going to make a bigger move. After it makes a move, I can find out its bottom line."

Facing the night sky, with his hands clasped behind his back, Bai uttered a vulgar and disdainful voice: "Gou beep, drafting father! You're going to kill me!"


Chapter 17 Chapter [-] Gorgon

Bai Jue's sarcasm successfully took effect, and the [-]% sarcasm of vulgar language can be said to be used repeatedly.

The snake shadow above the gray cloud was irritated, the heavy oppressive feeling was like a mountain, the dark mist surged, the black wind billowed like a tide, and a dark vortex formed in the sky, firmly guided by those deep pupils It locks on where Bai Jue is, like a satellite rail gun.

Immediately, the power-storage time of less than five breaths passed by, indigo brilliance fell from the sky, heavy destructive energy radiated, a path of light connected the sky and the earth, and spiral black air wrapped around the beam of light , the staggered shape looks like...

"Roasted gluten?" Bai Jue's expression was subtle: "It's exciting."

"Senior!" Matthew held the big shield: "I will unfold the treasure, please stand behind me..."

Mash raised the big shield and shook the ground forcefully. The heavy force caused the ground to crack, and a distant city with white tiles and bricks emerged in the void. The dual defenses of the Snowflake Wall and the sometimes hazy White Asia Wall are superimposed.

Moreover, as a sub-servant, Mash has inherited Galahad's special skills. The skill he acquired as a shield guard is magic defense, which is the opposite skill of magic power release. Servants with enough magic power can even form a defensive wall to protect a city and a country.

As long as he hadn't encountered a powerful Noble Phantasm like the Demon God King Getia, Mash's defense had never failed so far.

This time, it is natural to defend.

The dark beam of shattered light and the white ideal city, the former dispersed after exhaustion, while the latter stood still.

It can be seen that Ma Xiu's expression is not tired, and Bai Jue is supplying the magic power. Her fighting power is incomparable. Not only does she not care, she even wants to shoot the treasure.

Mash put down the shield, and moved closer like a cute little animal, as if wanting to claim credit and pat his head: "Senior, what are you thinking?"

"Something." Bai Jue murmured, "This trick of roasting gluten... No, this trick of bombardment from the sky, doesn't it look familiar to you?"

"Huh? Indeed, it's very similar to the blackened Miss Artoria's Humble King's Hammer." Matthew tilted her head: "Isn't it the light cannon skill?"

But Bai Jue shook his head: "...This trick is not just a light cannon at all."

"Isn't it?"

"Doesn't this move look familiar to you?" Bai Jue said in a low voice, "Even Captain Yantou couldn't completely block the north wall of Uruk. Although it has a huge amount of heat, it is still a knot that dissolves life in essence. boundary."

Matthew seemed to recall some extremely bad memories, and shuddered: "Senior, you mean this blow?"

"What else can it be? I didn't expect to test out the main body after just a casual test." Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "I said why Da Vinci refused to tell me the names of all the servants left behind, and I also wondered why this The snake demon knows my identity and even hates me, and it is even more strange why the snake demon has the ability to petrify... In this way, everything can be explained."

"Compulsory seal? The Temple of Demons." Matthew didn't believe it: "But...but Miss Gorgon is not that kind of person, Anna has regained her good side, how could she appear on the opposite side of us again. "

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