"It can only be said... her nature is more prone to bugs. She was once used as a substitute for the Goddess of Warcraft. Even if she is possessed again, it is not surprising." Bai Jue narrowed his eyes: "But if this is the case, Ge Urgon should split again into two sides, good and evil, and so far we haven't seen Medusa representing the good side, so I'm afraid she didn't actually split."

"What's more, even Gorgon doesn't have the power to create snake people. Without the power of the monster mother's womb of the goddess of monsters, she is even less likely to create monsters. Without the master, where does her magic power come from... All these questions , as long as you see Gorgon's body, everything will be clear."

"Senior, are you going to confront Gorgon?" Matthew asked softly.

"Well, I have to see it with my own eyes and ask it clearly, otherwise I will be betrayed by my servants again and again, and even I will be somewhat internally hurt." Bai Jue thought of Elizabeth, and the dragon lady seemed to have returned to her nature and let herself go. ...But the situation of Gorgon is more complicated. She is not only a terrifying monster, but also has a divinity. Both Sanpo and Manpo Lihua have proved the existence of her divinity.

"I won't!" Matthew affirmed, "I will never leave Senior!"

"I believe." Bai Jue touched Matthew's head, and added when Dunniang was shy: "Basically, few heroic spirits in the orderly and good camp would betray."

The junior girl froze for a moment, puffed up her cheeks, she didn't mean that.

"Let's go back to the Phoenix Forest first..." Bai Jue carried the red leaves on his shoulders, like carrying a sandbag, without the slightest sense of pity and pity, maybe in another situation he would be able to hug the charming princess, but in front of Ma Xiu Forget about flirting with a girl, she will stare at her resentfully all the way.


"Huh! Sure enough, the power is not strong enough." In the dark hall, the entrenched snake demon crushed the armrest of the base, and she opened her eyes unhappily: "Let him escape again."

Qing Ji, whose half body has been petrified, smiled and said nothing: "You are starting to get anxious."

"Shut up!" the snake demon roared, the snake roared, and a pitch-black giant snake wrapped around the stone pillar, roaring at Qing Ji.

But Qing Ji herself is a dragon species, so how could she be afraid of such a small threat.

"The master will come soon, he must have noticed your true identity, you can't hide it for long... Gorgon." Qing Ji's face was pale, and her voice was steady: "You have no way out, so... ..."

"You talk too much." In the shadowed hall, a beautiful and flawless woman's face protruded. The monster Gorgon's body is not huge, but her inhuman snake hair is huge.

Her gaze was cold and dangerous: "If it wasn't for worrying about hurting the holy grail in your body, I could kill you right now, as long as I hold you as a hostage, I believe he will also make a move, you know... this kind of hypocrite I care about the so-called life the most, and what I like the most is watching life screaming in pain, just like you are now enduring the pain of half-body dissolution."

"The nine holy grails have raised your limit of power and strengthened your spirit foundation extremely, but you have no possibility of further growth... The so-called heroic spirit is a dead thing, you can't transform into a dragon, no matter how much you give The Holy Grail is just a waste..."

Qing Ji replied calmly: "Are you jealous of me? Why can I easily get nine Holy Grails, Abigail got five Holy Grails, and you get nothing..."

"I will be jealous?" Gorgon chuckled disdainfully: "Why should I be jealous of a mad woman with a sick head and a young girl? Just because you are loyal to the so-called master? But even this That kind of loyalty disgusts me, too."

"Of course you don't. The so-called human beings... are just humble ants in your eyes." Qing Ji said softly: "Then... if I give you the Holy Grail, are you willing to let me take the Master and fly far away?"

Gorgon's sarcastic smile froze: "What are you talking about?"

"The Holy Grail can be peeled off by independent will, and I can give it to you, but as a price... I beg you to let me and the Master leave." Qing Ji repeated: "This is a fair deal, you Get the power you want, and I get the man I want."

"...Qing Ji, I seem to have misjudged you a bit." Gorgon opened his lips and said, "You are more stupid than I imagined... you actually think that it is still possible for me to let you go? And , do you think that stupid Master will abandon this world?"

"I can convince him." Qing Ji ignored her banter, and continued: "You can't, but I can... nothing is more important to me than the master, this world is not our world, even if it is Destruction, we just need to return to Chaldea, we can even bring back the monsters in this world, find a place to open up a new home, you want this world... then leave it to you, as long as You promise, I can give you five Holy Grails right now to help you break the seal."

Gorgon is silent... is this crazy woman serious?

She bit her teeth, and the beast-like sharp canines clanged. The snake demon turned around and said coldly: "I refuse! I don't need to play this kind of trust game with you. In two days, your flesh and blood will completely melt , After I get the Holy Grail, people and things in the world can stop me again, and there is no need to take any risks."

"My concubine hates lies very much. You are lying now, and you will refuse even such a request..." Qing Ji smiled: "You still... want to kill me."

Gorgon's voice was cold, noncommittal: "It's really nice to say, even if I promise, will you do it?"

"Of course not." Qing Ji calmly denied the previous proposal.

"Then isn't what you said earlier also a lie? Qing Ji...It's ironic, people who claim to hate lies will also lie." Gorgon mocked.

"No, I'm not lying." Qing Ji denied: "I do have a chance of cooperating with you, but it's only a trace. Even if I help you break the seal, the moment you unshackle me, I I will definitely do everything possible...to kill you!"

"It's not for the comfort of the so-called world, nor is it the responsibility of being a heroic spirit. We chaotic and evil heroic spirits don't have such a sense of justice. I just can't allow you to touch my reverse scale." She opened her eyes, her snow-white hair was windless Automatically, an angry dragon fire burned in a pair of golden eyes: "As long as you still exist, if you are even a threat to my master, my lover, even if I risk my life, I will burn you to pieces !"

"But now you, I can pinch you to death just by moving my fingers." Gorgon was unmoved: "Your strength is not worth mentioning at all, you are too weak...Qing Ji, even if the dragon is in front of me It's just the hunted party."

Qing Ji was silent for a long time before she slowly opened her mouth: "Why did you betray the Master?"

Gorgon sat in the dark hall without saying a word. After a long time, she whispered: "I... have never been loyal or betrayed."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Bai Jue returned to Fenghuang Forest, the atmosphere was inexplicably solemn.

Yae Sakura and Teresa have not yet returned, and are still searching for the whereabouts of the last Valkyrie. White Wolf has returned early, but she is the only one. The heroic female archer is in a very unstable mental state at this time.

After several conversations, he learned from the white wolf that Kagura...has been taken away.

It was not someone else who kidnapped her, but another powerful thug under Bai Jue, one of the European certificates, SSR Shikigami Tamamomae.

After hearing the news, Bai Jue's heart was calm, and he accepted it very logically. In fact, he was already mentally prepared to be familiar with the first time.

Gorgon in Heroic Spirit went to play the final boss as a cameo, Elizabeth also jumped back and became a second-five boy, and the third Herrscher was even more black, so he is not surprised that there are such a boss-level enemy in Shikigami. nor……

——It’s no wonder, I have a saying about MMP and I’m going to say it right now!

"What exactly happened?" Bai Jue asked the white wolf.

White Wolf's spirit was not stable, her voice was trembling when she spoke, maybe her teeth were colliding, her jaw was trembling: "We went all the way with Lord Kagura to recruit Lord Seimei's former shikigami, found the digits, and sent them to inform the other monsters. On the way, I saw the Temple of the Reclining Buddha burning with fire..."

She took a deep breath: "Then we saw the big monster commanding the army of snake men to attack the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. In front of Yuzao, her foxfire burned many humans to death and burned half of the ancient temple. Lord Kagura and we hurried forward I tried to dissuade her, but she couldn't listen to a word... We were forced to fight her, and after one move, I lost consciousness... When I woke up, she let me come back and send an oral order to Master Qingming, she I hope you don't mind her business..."

"She's too strong..." The white wolf grabbed her skirt hard, her knuckles were pale, she bit her lip, trembling all over her body: "It's completely different from what I've seen in the past, that terrifying demon Qi, the fox fire that burned the city... I really can't do anything, even if it wasn't for me to come back and bring a message to Master Qingming, I must have been killed by her, killed without any resistance..."

White Wolf once firmly believed that as long as he kept practicing archery, he would one day be able to become a monster in his own right, and she has indeed become stronger... But this is not enough, her aptitude is not bad, but it is basically as strong as a god There is an essential difference between the big demons.

Just like the difference between Gorgon and Qing Ji, the former is a mythical monster, while the latter is just an incompletely demonized human being.

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