It was the first time that White Wolf experienced this, his spirit became unstable, and all his dignity was shattered head-on by a terrifyingly strong opponent... While her self-esteem was shattered, her persistence in the way of arrows was also shaken.

"Thank you." Bai Jue patted Bai Lang's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice, "You are very tired, take a rest."

The spell took effect, and White Wolf's mental state, which was already on the verge of collapse, reached its limit. Her body softened and she fell down.

Bai Jue sent her into the lounge, while Matthew and Phoenix Huo were silent on the other side.

"Without Kagura, even the Temple of the Reclining Buddha has been breached, and the onmyojis and monks in Heianjing can't last long." Fenghuanghuo said with a complicated mood: "It's only a matter of time before the seal is broken, but I didn't expect... the enemy It could be her."

"Who is that Yuzaqian?" Matthew asked in a low voice. She had never heard of this name, and she didn't have a sense of sight, because there was no heroic spirit named Yuzaqian in Chaldea, and Bai Jue had never drawn out this name. heroic spirit.

"She, or he, used to be a shikigami under Seimei's command. She was active in the court of Heianjing a long time ago. She was a peerless beauty who disguised herself as a woman. She clearly told lies to countless people, and she was hypocritical and submissive to human beings. , but he paid special attention to and cared for Qingming, he held an important position at a young age, and to a certain extent, he also had the credit of Tamamo, and I am not surprised that he later became Qingming's shikigami, but..." Fenghuanghuo paused.

"It's just that although Yu Zaoqian is beautiful, but... he is not that strong, or she has never shown her true strength." The ghost girl Hongye came to life.

Matthew put on a vigilant stance.

"Don't be on guard, I'm a little more awake now." Hongye put her hand on her forehead, her tone was kind, but her expression showed no reflection: "At least I'm not your enemy now, Master Qingming's loving whip woke me up. I accidentally became a bad woman."

"Idiots are really scary." Fenghuanghuo seemed to look down on Hongye: "Stay away from me, the nympho virus will be contagious."

"Hehe, little fire bird doesn't understand love." Hongye said with a disdainful attitude of arguing with her: "What? Do you envy me and Lord Qingming's love for each other?"

"I just saw a female ghost being unilaterally left alone." A mocking look appeared on Fenghuanghuo's expressionless cheeks: "But wildflowers and weeds always like to take themselves too seriously."

"It's better than a miscellaneous bird that can't even be a pet. It doesn't have the appearance of a phoenix but has a canary heart." Hongye smiled and retorted calmly.

The two banshees pinched each other at a disagreement.

Matthew was caught in the middle and didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, Bai Jue walked out of the room, and said lightly: "Tamazamo is the big monster among the big monsters. She usually doesn't use her real power at all. If her power goes berserk, destroying the entire Heian capital is just a matter of thought... she Her vengeance and revenge started a long time ago, and I am not surprised that she will stand on the opposite side of me."

Unlike Tamamo in fgo, Tamamo in Onmyoji is an uncontrollable monster.

Its gender is not fixed, it can be male or female, it was originally a female, but later changed to a male.

Its experience in this world can be described as miserable, just like the fate of a lone star from the sky.

As a monster but combined with humans, she fell in love with a witch who served the gods. The witch gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, but violated the rule of non-marriage, and died in order to protect her husband and children from thunder.

Afterwards, Tamamomae turned into a witch, and as a father, he pretended to be a mother to raise his children. During this time, he met the white fox Ge Ye, who was the mother of Abe Seimei. She gave two half-demon children A bracelet that can hide the evil spirit, and teaches them the magic of turning into a human form. Tamazamae also formed a deep friendship with Kuzuba, who is also a fox demon. They are probably both 'mothers'. Tamazamae also cares a little about the son of Kuzuha.

In this way, ten years have passed without contention with the world, but unfortunately, the good times don't last long. Because the bracelet was accidentally broken, the evil spirit was detected by the onmyoji, and the two half-evil children were wiped out by the onmyoji. They waited for Yuzao to return At that time, only the dead body of the child was seen.

His demon power directly destroyed a mountain peak, and on the occasion of New Year's visit, he showed his original shape and caused a fire in Kyoto, causing many people to die, and then he turned into a human and walked in the Kyoto palace.

"His purpose is revenge, even in the court, it is to seize power, use the power of the royal family to set off wars, revenge against humans, onmyojis, and the gods who are high above... As for later, she helped me many times, except In addition to the reason for my krypton gold, it is obvious that she still retains a trace of family affection and humanity. I thought that as long as I stayed in Ping'an Jing, I could suppress her vengeance, but I didn't expect that I rushed to the street halfway (retired). "

"At that time, Tamazamae probably had gradually lost her mind. After losing the suppression, she must have a stronger desire for revenge than before. However, the drastic changes came very quickly. Heianjing was occupied by the snake demon as a stronghold, and most of the human beings were transformed into Snake man, and her multi-year plan has come to nothing, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, at least there is no such conspiracy... And now she is attacking the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, as if she wants to kill the rest of the human race and pay for it with blood. "

Bai Jue raised his hand: "Probably that's the case, and... don't ask me if he is a man or a woman, I don't know."

"Senior, if Yu Zaoqian really has a certain affection for senior, maybe... it can be resolved by talking." Matthew said in a low voice.

"There is a possibility. I don't know if she really thinks of herself as my mother, but... I don't think so." Bai Jue thought to himself that I am an orphan who has no mother to love me since I was a child. Is it appropriate for you to parachute me suddenly? ?

"That is to say, the previous Yuzaoqian was just acting, she never took it seriously, she just let it go." Phoenix Fire pondered: "The real strength is unpredictable."

"But what's the matter with this distorted love? It's both mother and you treat Master Qingming as your son after the child dies?" Hongye said quietly: "This nine-tailed fox demon may have lost too much. , have you lost your mind?"

"You have no right to criticize others, idiot!" Fenghuanghuo glared coldly at the ghost girl Hongye: "Isn't your view of love distorted as well? You eat as many people as Yuzao killed before, and you are not a kind person." , I should have set you on fire in the first place."

"Master Qingming~" Hongye leaned closer, wrapping her arms around Bai Jue's, "Ignore this stupid bird, we..."

Bai Jue pressed her forehead and pushed the red leaves away. This female ghost is too enthusiastic, but I refused, no matter how sad I am, I wouldn't find a ghost to be my girlfriend, right?What's the difference between this and falling in love with the air!

"Let's talk business."

Bai Jue said with a serious expression: "Kagura was captured by Yuzao, and she can't ignore it anyway. Her goal should be me, so she won't hurt Kagura until she sees me, but her hatred of humans is profound. I There is no way to dissuade her."

"If you defeat her, can't you?" Matthew asked a stupid question.

"This is different from the past, but defeating is useless. She is not controlled by the snake demon, nor is she voluntarily becoming its subordinate, but a relationship of mutual use. As long as Tamazamae does not change her mind, she still insists on destroying Heianjing and eradicating the existence of human beings." Traces, no matter how many times you beat her, are meaningless, sooner or later they will come back, and we don't have time to waste on such uncertain factors as her."

Bai Jue pinched the bridge of his nose: "This is the trouble. I want to turn a blind eye, but I can't ignore it... You need to do your best to deal with her. If you fight with naive thoughts, you will either lose very simply or lose terribly. In the end The good result is that she broke her limbs and raised her as a disabled person, gradually lost her dream, and became a dead fat house who couldn't get out of bed and could only stay at home all day."

"This is absolutely impossible!" Ma Xiu said loudly, "Senior will accompany me to see the stars and the sea!"

As a senior house girl who has lived in Fenghuanglin Shrine for more than [-] years, Fenghuanghuo felt that she had been shot in the knee, she whispered: "I just like the breath of Fenghuanglin, it's too cold outside, what's better than waiting Would it be more comfortable to roll the sheets at home?"

"Break limbs... raise them... wouldn't that be great? Hehehe..."

Miss Hongye cupped her cheeks with both hands, her smile gradually became dangerous.

Bai Jue rolled his eyes, and he came to a conclusion.

"So... I decide."

"—to attack her (him)!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Look, how beautiful this fire is..."

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