On the cliff, a magnificent and magnificent monster overlooks the burning fields and Buddhist temples. He wears a mask, and his male and female voice is flat and full of murderous intent: "From here, people are just one Ants, it seems that just a fire can burn them clean."

"Then... why don't you kill me, Tamamo, I am also a human being, the one you hate."

The girl in the kimono sat dignifiedly under the shade of the trees, and the grass was covered with luxurious cloth. She was dressed up beautifully, as clean as a doll, but she was also unable to move, and the powerful demon power locked her spiritual power, making her She could only sit here quietly, unable to do anything other than speak and blink.

"Because you are very similar to me, it would be better to say that you are more pathetic than me." The gaze under the mask in front of Yuzao contained a touch of pity and the pathos of fellow-sickness, she said: "The sacrificial witch, the girl who was sacrificed, as a sacrifice The pathetic person who sacrificed to the sealed calamity in exchange for strength was killed by his own race... You have the qualifications to hate the world, just like me."

"Even if you returned to the Yang Realm, the aura of your soul still remains... I am curious, how did you sleep peacefully when you were once tainted with that aura, since you can see that hell as long as you close your eyes Darkness like darkness, days of pain like years."

Kagura's neck was stiff, she clenched her fingers subconsciously, but her body could not move.


She does often have dreams, in which endless darkness is calling her, calling for the cursed taboo child, hating this world, this peace capital, this false prosperity... how many times she can't sleep at night.

"Why don't you hate?"

Yuzao asked puzzledly that under the mask, she might be overwhelmed by the country, but the pupils reflecting the raging fire were not at all kind. Although she was smiling, her smile was extremely cruel: "If you hate, you can make yourself It's lightened...that's the way we outcasts are supposed to be, if they reject us, if they fear us, if they hurt us, let them disappear."

She was just speaking calm words, but the suffocating huge monster power had already turned into a red fox tail and swayed in the air, waving lightly, invisible but tangible, as if even the sky had been torn apart.

Faced with this question, Kagura, who should have been powerless to refute, suppressed the trembling feeling, and said slowly: "I do have nightmares, but...the one who saved me from the nightmares was none other than Seimei-sama. "

Kagura felt relieved just by saying this name, the cold darkness melted away, and a little bit of warmth gushed out like a spring, nourishing the heart that was about to be exhausted due to fear, and she seemed to regain her courage to face up to the demon flame The monstrous monster.

The girl spoke softly from the bottom of her heart: "When I woke up from the deep darkness, the first thing I saw was Master Seimei... He embraced me who knew nothing but trembling, and told me how warm and cold the world is." , gave me a reason to live, as long as I am beside him, I can sleep peacefully... so I am willing to use my strength for him, and I am not afraid of anything for him."

Yu Zaoqian was startled when she heard the words, the huge monster power wrapped around her dissipated, and the fiery breath also receded.

She turned around slowly, looking at the sky.

"That's right... If he was here, even the hatred would be reduced... Son of God, God left him all the blessings that God could give, and gave him countless arduous trials, but he is still the same. Once you overcome it, even if you face the test of self-examination, even if you once made a wrong choice, you still overcome the dark side of yourself."

"Even if the hatred that makes us unrecognizable, if we continue to stay by his side, maybe one day it will turn into a sigh and dissipate like green smoke... just mentioning the child's name, I will There will be warmth in my heart, and the heart and soul that should be filled with hatred and killing intent are beating alive again, which reminds me of the years when I fell in love with people and became parents."

Her smile is warm, warm and sad, sincere and desolate.

"Although it's just a dream-like time in one night, I'm really... very happy. I witnessed his growth step by step. In the end, even I couldn't help being immersed in it. If it wasn't for his disappearance, maybe—"

Tamamo closed her eyes and stopped talking.

"Why don't you trust Seimei-sama? Since he can dispel the hatred, why not stay? Just like me." Kagura couldn't help asking: "If you are willing to forget the past, isn't it also a kind of happiness?"

"Forgetting the past is tantamount to betrayal." Yuzao pressed her fingers on the mask to cover her expression: "After losing everything, I have long stopped asking for so-called happiness, let alone... what if I become happy alone? What kind of punishment, what kind of revenge? My children, my wife...they won’t even leave traces of their lives, isn’t it ridiculous? The only way I remember them is revenge. "

"But Kyoto has already been destroyed." Kagura whispered, "Isn't that enough?"

"Not enough." Yu Zaoqian replied simply and neatly: "I think it's not enough, because even watching them destroy, I'm not happy at all, without any joy, but a kind of sadness and absurdity."

"In this case, why continue?" Kagura was even more confused.

"Maybe it's because I have no choice but to take revenge." Yuzao lowered her palm in front of her, with a powerful demon power and an alluring appearance, but she seemed empty: "I can't go back to the carefree days of the past." It's been too long, I've experienced too much, I know too much, and finally all my emotions turn into hatred. If even this hatred is resolved, will I be able to be happy? Will I be free? Or will I become empty?"

"There is no answer to this question..."

Tamamo turned around, she walked behind Kagura, took out a comb, and combed the girl's hair quietly, her movements were gentle and skillful: "I live too much like a human, but I will always be a monster. As long as I am still here, after all To be tolerated by the world... It is really difficult for a person, a monster, to live alone, and sometimes I envy the pure and consistent creatures."

Kagura sat quietly, and she asked after a long time: "How do you plan to treat Master Seimei, he... will definitely come."

"Yeah, he will definitely come." Yuzao's hands froze, and she smiled slightly: "So I will give him a difficult problem. Now I am the enemy of Heianjing, the natural enemy of human beings, and I want to stop it." I have to kill me, he must be hesitant, there may not be a choice for this problem, but he will definitely give me a satisfactory answer... Qingming has always been a pure and consistent child."

She stopped what she was doing, straightened the girl's hair, supported her shoulders, and turned Kagura away.

"Look, here he is."

Not far away, a figure wearing a yin and yang Taoist uniform is approaching, walking step by step, constantly approaching, without any hiding and avoiding, and there are no other figures around, not a single shikigami, heroine, and Valkyrie.

He came alone.

"Master Seimei."

Kagura knew that he would definitely come, but he didn't expect him to come so fast and in such a hurry, and when he saw him come to save her, she couldn't help feeling turbulent in her heart, the girl's eyes sparkled, but she lowered her head again , biting his lip, holding back the ever-rising corners of his lips and the overflowing happiness.

Kagura knew that the situation was serious, and felt that she deserved to die for being happy at this moment, but she couldn't control it, she was very happy now.

It wasn't just Kagura who was happy about this, but Tamamomae was also smiling, and couldn't stop admiring after seeing the imposing onmyoji.

"I unleashed [-]% of my body's monster power, which frightened birds and beasts. Even ordinary monsters would lose their legs just by approaching them, and ordinary shikigami would lose their combat power due to instinctive fear when they approached a thousand meters at most... Monsters originally relied on A creature that fights instinctively, that white wolf has learned some of the essence of the way of arrows to barely hold his mind and keep his spirit from collapsing, but he also lost his strength in the first battle."

"Without a shikigami, an onmyoji is no different from a live target, but even if there is no shikigami's protection, even if the demon power is all-powerful, even if he may never return, he will come right away."

"I didn't make any preparations, didn't make any backhands, didn't have the slightest hesitation, and came straight and straight with no distractions... It's still the same as before, obviously the way of behavior is so reckless, and the posture is always elegant and calm."

Tamamo took off the mask and threw the mask away, revealing a feminine and feminine face, which is enough to turn all living beings upside down without makeup.

"It's really... This kid's choices are always so pleasing."

She sighed, caressing her cheek with one hand, her demon power erupted like a mountain torrent, and she smiled cruelly: "How I wish he would make a mistake once in a while to make me angry, if he procrastinates for a long time, I can take that Buddhist temple to death without any scruples." Burnt to ashes."

Substantial flames were born under the feet of Yuzao, and nine snow-white fox tails protruded from under her skirt. She smiled and released a deadly aura, but her expression was as gentle as an elder: "Come on, come closer, Let me take a good look at you..."

Bai Jue took a step forward, facing the suffocating pressure.

He couldn't express it in words, but Yuzaoqian... the strength of this Yuzaoqian might have surpassed the Third Herrscher.

This is not a difference in destructive power, but a difference in the level of life. She is probably the strongest monster in this era, and she is also the pioneer who is at the forefront of the evolution tree of the monster race. Even the level of life is different. All of them have undergone qualitative changes, vaguely surpassing the level of big monsters.

This Yu Zaoqian is the strongest among the different species that Bai Jue has encountered, and he is at the forefront of biological evolution.

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