But suddenly, his complexion changed, and he turned around abruptly.

I saw that the black mist of the snake demon that was supposed to be scattered had re-condensed. It seemed that it had been deliberately broken into pieces by Bai Jue from the beginning, in order to drain his strength and deceive him. Fortunately, he gave a fatal blow when he re-condensed his body.

The dark shadow condensed and formed behind Bai Jue, all he had time to do was one thing, push away Theresa and Yae Sakura, and then spit out a word.


The moment the words fell, the snake shadow rushed out, and the snake's kiss with sharp fangs tore apart the weak flesh and blood.

In an instant, three quarters of Bai Jue's body was missing, leaving only an arm, half of a knee, and a head.

Tsk—the flesh and blood were crushed.

The moment Teresa was pushed back, she clearly saw the scene of Bai Jue being dismembered. The crushed corpse gushed out a lot of blood, and the blood splashed on her cheeks and clothes... It dyed her blue eyes, which were praised by the captain, red.

Blood slid down her cheeks and flowed into her mouth, and her taste buds on the tip of her tongue tasted a strong sweet smell.

——It's the captain's blood...

The dull brain draws conclusions with hindsight.

She was as stiff as if she had lost consciousness, but she just lowered her gaze, a solitary head was reflected in her eyes, and that head also fell on the ground, stained with blood, the familiar face became dirty, blood stained, smiling Peiran's eyes no longer had the luster of the past.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

There was a scream... but it wasn't Teresa's, but Yae Sakura's shrill cry.

Would the graceful maiden of the past also utter such a mournful cry?

She drew the knife, and then... she died too, eaten in one bite.

Of course, I won't run away even if I let you... Idiot Priestess...

Teresa hugged the head weakly, and wanted to cry, but the tears couldn't flow. She smiled, looked at the blurred silhouette of the snake in front of her, gritted her teeth, stood up, with hatred in her eyes, the dark Emotion filled her entire eye socket.

"Captain, Sakura, wait for me, I'll be here soon..."

Holding the Spear of Thunder in her hand, she hurled a meaningless shot.

This shot symbolizes her meaningless revenge, so powerless, so weak...it should not be able to touch anything.

This should have been the case, but it still pierced through something, and with a puff, it sank into someone's back.

Teresa seemed to rise to the surface from the deep water, and the surrounding scene suddenly shattered, like a broken light and shadow screen, and her desperate mood, which was born with a will to die, was once again filled with doubts and astonishment.

Blood gushed out, staining her little hands red along the spear.

Teresa looked at the phantom of the snake demon who was supposed to have a deep hatred, but in fact it was an extremely familiar figure from the back.

Bai Jue stood stiffly on the spot, looking at the spear piercing his chest, he turned around in a daze, and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The four eyes met, and the two faces were dumbfounded.

Theresa's eyes were once again filled with despair, she let go of her hand timidly, and took a few steps back in a panic: "I, what the hell did I do?"


ps1: Aha, I didn't expect it, I can still play this hand!Teresa, I order you in the name of the author, blacken it!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue had already won. Although Gorgon is very strong, he is not the opponent of Baihu and Phoenix. The strength of Summoner is that he can sit down and drink a cup of apple-flavored coffee and eat melon seeds during the fight. , After eating and drinking enough, almost all the fights should be finished.

But the weakness of the summoner is that the body is too weak. Once he is killed, it doesn't matter how strong the summoned beast is, but it is easy to drag the summoned beast back.

Bai Jue thinks he has made up for his shortcomings. After all, in this era, everyone pays attention to a different style of painting. If you play cards according to common sense, you will lose. If the master can't beat the summoned beast, then what is the meaning of the existence of the summoner?

As a master, he can't tear apart heroic spirits, as an onmyoji, he can't single out a big monster, and as a captain, he can't be strong, so what's the use of keeping him.

Yes, he did that.

But he still didn't expect the backstab from Er Wu Zai.

With a poof, he was stabbed in the heart.

"Theresa?" Bai Jue swallowed his old blood, and when he looked back, his expression was brilliant.

"I, what the hell did I do?"

Theresa's expression was even more exciting, her big beautiful eyes were full of despair and depression, she looked at the bright red blood on her hands, and stepped back in fear, like a fawn trembling with fear: "No, it's not I... I don't want to, I don't want to..."

Bai Jue was even more confused, his expression at this time was matched with "Meow Meow Meow?" ' is like a classic emoji.

"Cough cough..."

Bai Jue coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood. He pulled out the spear of holy thunder on his chest with all his strength. The white tiger also retreated to his side. The phoenix returned to his body, and the wound on his chest ignited the fire of nirvana. He began to recover slowly, and the pain eased a little. Fortunately, the ability to awaken this time is biased towards auxiliary recovery ability, otherwise this shot would have killed him half of his life.

"This is really... hiss... it hurts enough, but what's going on?" Bai Jue looked at Teresa, who looked like a frightened baby bird, and frowned deeply. He wanted to go to comfort him, but he was afraid of this Lori gave him another spear.

After a moment of contemplation, Bai Jue's eyes fell on Gorgon's shoulder: "It's not your fault, is it?"

Gorgon was silent, she frowned, seemed to be more puzzled than Bai Jue, just whispered: "Impossible, it shouldn't be... This is obviously unreasonable, I have suppressed it... Could it be that those Isn't that all?"

Gorgon gritted his teeth: "Could it be... what I see is just the tip of the iceberg?"

"What all?" Bai Jue asked, "What are you hiding from me?"

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