His voice suddenly became more violent, and uncontrollable anger gushed out.

But this anger was quickly suppressed, and he took a deep breath: "No...how can it be difficult for me to maintain my calm, even if I get angry, I won't have killing intent...My self-control shouldn't change It's so bad, something's affecting my spirit."

Bai Jue lowered his head slowly, only to see some strange aura in the center of the fire of Nirvana in the wound on his chest, like tarsal maggots...

"... Sure enough," Bai Jue took a deep breath, and he looked at Gorgon not far away: "You are not the source of the changes in this world, no wonder you can't feel the power fluctuations of bookmarks from your body, no... it would be better Say, it’s the same as the last singularity.”

The second singularity is that Zhao Zheng'er has contained the deterioration of the situation for a hundred years by herself. Even if Bai Jue can't come, she can solve the mutation by herself.

This time, although Gorgon is not as good as Zhao Zheng'er, she also delayed the deterioration of the situation and made everything worse, but this is also something that Bai Jue doesn't understand. Her killing intent and malice are genuine. But why help yourself?

Gorgon opened her mouth, and her heart was also filled with a vortex of contradictions.

Wordless silence filled the hall.

After a long time, she said, "Run away, I can't restrain it anymore... Rather, it has been waiting for your arrival, and all I can see are the scraps and claws, just like the God of Tiamat When she wakes up, the sea of ​​chaos is just her false body."

"The singularity has not been repaired, where can I escape?" Bai Jue gritted his teeth: "Explain to me clearly, what is going on?"

The fire of Nirvana burned wildly, and the wound healed, but the colorful flames burning on his body surface were stained with a tiny ray of blackness.

Gorgon shook her head speechlessly, her body was filled with surging magic power, she raised her fighting spirit again, and without any explanation, she shouted in a deep voice: "Get out of here! I will bury everything here in the Temple of Blood! You If you don't leave, I don't mind dragging you to be buried with me!"

"The more you say that, the more I can't leave." Bai Jue squeezed his right fist, and the white tiger roared, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

Seeing... Another battle is about to restart.

But at this time, a gap in space appeared above the temple, and a beautiful figure holding a green lantern broke into the battle.

Gu Yue Qingdeng held a restless dragon lady in her hand, looked around, and smiled slightly: "It seems that I haven't arrived too late, it's great, this proves that I can still make it in time."

"Senior Gu Yue...Elizabeth?" Bai Jue looked slightly relaxed: "Why are you here?"

Gu Yueqingdeng was walking in the temple with a green lantern. Her intervention seemed to bring a halo of peace to the people present. Even Gorgon did not make any further rash moves after entering the commentary time.

"Let me give you a hint. Didn't you ask me to study what has happened to this girl? It was not long ago that I found out the crux of the problem, so I rushed here in a hurry. If I was late, the consequences would be unpredictable." gone."

Bai Jue recalled Teresa's sudden backstab just now, coupled with Elizabeth's hostile eyes at this time, he had a bad association.

"It seems that you have already noticed it, yes, it is not the reason of 'remembering the past' that makes this girl sour, but...she has been blackened, which is actually not uncommon, right? Heroic spirit blackened You just need to pour a layer of black mud on it." Gu Yueqingdeng explained slowly: "But the power that caused her transformation is deeper, it is a force that is almost regular, and what it changes is not the way of thinking, preferences, etc. , but emotion itself.”

"Emotions can also be reversed?" The first thing Bai Jue thought of was the evil in this world of the man who was behind the pot for thousands of years: "But the black mud obviously doesn't have that kind of function."

"Yes, so this is not black mud, nor is it any evil in this world. It is a concept, or a curse, right? This curse can turn a positive concept into a negative concept, and make love Turning into hatred, turning friendship into hatred, turning family affection into killing intent... It is such a strong curse, how much a person likes you originally, she will hate you after being influenced."

Gu Yueqingdeng pointed at Long Niang and Gorgon: "Her killing intent towards you is genuine... This Gorgon's hatred for you is also real, but she still retains a considerable degree of self , I am afraid that the emotion towards you was not pure kindness at the beginning, so I can retain a certain amount of thinking ability."

Gorgon remained silent, her acquiescence represented the authenticity of what Gu Yueqing Deng said.

Bai Jue frowned and thought: "It is true that the spread of this curse will lead to the balance of the world, but the essential influence does not seem to be enough to destroy the world, at most it is..."

Suddenly, there was a buzzing in his head, and a cold shiver came from his back, and his voice was dry.

"Could it be... all of this is a game set up for me?"

"The other party arranged this curse to attract Valkyries and Heroic Spirits to this world and make them change...Forcing me to face them after they have changed."

"Using them who are full of hatred and killing intent to drag me into chaos, even if they can't really kill me, it will give me a huge spiritual blow..."

Thinking about it this way, everything seems to be right.

Everything was just a round, a round to kill him.

Summoning Valkyries and Heroic Spirits to gather in this world is not a coincidence at all, but to make them change, and turn into killing weapons full of hatred. Once they had a deep affection for themselves, the hatred and killing intent were as strong.

Faced with this situation, Bai Jue has almost no way to deal with it. He can neither find the reason nor the way to deal with it... The most important thing is that he can't do anything, and he will suffer great setbacks and pain in his heart.

——It's so fucking vicious!

Bai Jue was covered in cold sweat. He looked at Gorgon again, so Gorgon destroyed the world for the same reason. The world spreads destruction, but at the same time she retains some sanity, bent on suppressing the ever-spreading curse, for which she needs the power of the Holy Grail.

It is undeniable that she also wanted to kill Bai Jue.

Because the level of favorability is high, the killing intent is strong, and her hatred is genuine.

Because of this, she is so self-contradictory, this behind-the-scenes boss is neither fish nor fowl.

"It's a pity that the curse she suppressed is only part of it. The source of this thing is still directed at you." Gu Yueqingdeng looked at the distraught Teresa in the corner of the temple, and said softly: "They have already overflowed, and they are now Looking for a host, your girls have already been affected, they are constantly losing their minds, and after a while, you will face the thing you least want to face..."

As soon as the words fell, the blood barrier suddenly shattered.

The blindfold and tricks are only temporary, and Gorgon can't delay for too long. At this moment, the girls who escaped from the enchantment are in a trance, with a faint scarlet light shining in their eyes. Their expressions are numb, as if pulling a thread Like a puppet, his walking posture was stiff, but his pupils all converged on Bai Jue's shoulders by coincidence, and then... a biting cold murderous intent rose from those eyes, just like Teresa before.

The girls who were blinded by the curse have already regarded Bai Jue as killing their beloved enemy... Matthew has opened the treasure, and is about to smash down the entire city wall as a weapon... Yae Sakura's body is burning with dazzling fire, Sakura The Huoyan soul awakened... Kagura looked like a broken doll, her spiritual power burned crazily regardless of the consequences, and there was a burning and tingling feeling in the atmosphere.

"Senior, senior, please me!" Bai Jue could only turn to Gu Yue Qingdeng for help: "What should I do!"

"Their current curse is not deep yet. If you want to save them, just do what you did to wake up that girl before." Gu Yue Qingdeng blinked: "I dare not approach such a dangerous curse." , it will be troublesome if it is contaminated a little, I have finished what I have to say, come on, junior."

After she finished speaking, she slipped away, walking very fast...

"This... this shit!" Bai Jue couldn't help but swear, feeling like he was in an infinite hatchet system, and shouted in despair: "This is killing me!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This young man has the same temperament as you used to. The more crisis you encounter, the more relaxed you are." Gu Yueqingdeng stood at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, put his hand on his forehead, and sighed softly: "This kind of crisis It is not an exaggeration to say that he is absolutely dead, but he is smiling like a child."

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