"It's not my fault, I never taught him the self-destruct bow."

A lazy voice replied, and the young man in a moon white robe looked down helplessly: "This is just a truth he realized on his own. Even if it were replaced by me, I couldn't find a more suitable way to solve it. It's just a few more knives."

"You deserve it, but he doesn't." Gu Yue Qingdeng rolled his eyes: "Since you don't intend to help, what are you doing here on purpose? Seeing the scene where your younger generation was pierced by Wan Jian made you very sad Are you happy?"

"Hilde chased and killed me in more than a dozen worlds. I managed to get away a little distance to catch my breath. I planned to avoid her blind spot and return here deliberately. I used the disordered cause and effect and time and space to cover my eyes, but I didn't expect it. It's just a coincidence that I bumped into you." Bai Di put his hands behind his back: "By the way, let's see if the mess I haven't cleaned up is still there."

Gu Yue Qingdeng squinted his eyes: "Sure enough...you are really wicked, since you knew it from the beginning, you should have told him from the beginning."

"Then you misunderstood me. I didn't know that there would be such a troublesome thing here. I would not dare to touch this kind of curse easily. What I packed up were other things." Bai Di raised three fingers : "Originally there were nine space-time nodes connected to this world. I successfully shielded and wiped out seven of them, but there were two more that I didn't have time to shield. The difficulty has been reduced to a considerable extent, otherwise Bai Jue would have to face It will be an unprecedented Shura Field."

"Mobile games, stand-alone games, online games, and even his own characters will come here to make cameo appearances. Even if there is no such curse, he may be burned alive by the jealousy among women."

"You have such good intentions?" Miss Gu Yue was dubious.

"I've always been very generous to my juniors, but now..." Bai Di took out a bag of snacks marked 'moral conduct' from his bosom, took out a shiny thing, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it: "I choose to watch a play." .”

"Wow, don't your clerks have a conscience?" Gu Yue Qingdeng was almost blind.

"Sorry, our clerk can really do whatever he wants." Bai Di hummed a ditty while eating his morals: "Conscience and everything have been replaced with materials."

"I can't refute what I said, because I don't really want to care about it, and I have to wait until I get tired of seeing anything about destroying the world." Miss Gu Yue smiled slightly, and stretched out her little hand: "Give me some morals too. "

Two unscrupulous clerks sat in the sky watching the play.

Bai Jue below was pierced in turn.

"Speaking of which, don't you plan to go back to Senluo? Now that the problem of the fifth heavenly universe has been solved, the future multiverse doesn't have to worry about shrinking. You have successfully saved the world's crisis. Now you must go back to Senluo. There is a reward, I will send you a pennant and a bonus of [-] yuan."

After Gu Yueqingdeng finished speaking, he snapped his fingers: "Wow, this knife is powerful. I like this girl who is dressed like Nadeshiko the most. I didn't expect that she is not only beautiful, but also gorgeously dressed. The knife skills are so proficient, this knife directly cut to Bai Jue's death line... Well, it's a pity that the cut was missed in the end, did you still notice the strangeness? Even if the person who continues the root is far away from the original world, he will be suppressed by the world Favor."

"I don't want the pennant bonus or anything. There is a high probability that I will be locked up by the rotation master for ten or eight years when I go back. Besides, how do I face Zi Yan now? At the beginning, I thought I was doomed, and I still had a relationship with Joan of Arc." I made a marriage contract. I thought it would be the last meeting, but instead, everyone's favorability has been maximized. Now going back is no longer a matter of death or death... Sigh, speaking of it, how did you know about the multiverse unification phenomenon? ?”

As Bai Di was talking, his eyes lit up and he clapped his hands: "Hey, this knife is beautiful. This lady witch with donkey ears has the demeanor of Hilde back then. This knife pierces directly to the heart, obviously After the emotional reversal, I have hated to the extreme, but my mind has become calmer. The movement of the knife-wielding hand swings without hesitation and redundancy, which is stable and deadly. On the other hand, the young ladies who did it in front of them are still inexperienced, and their rationality has been obliterated because of anger. , causing the attack to deviate from the trajectory, seeing how exaggerated Bai Jue's mouthful of old blood is, he must be suffering from internal injuries."

"That's what Senior Cang said. After he knew that the fifth heavenly universe was formed, he probably thought you were completely cold. He took the initiative to go to Senluo to ask for your sins, and was hung on the top floor of the library by the angry teacher Lunzhuan for a full month. The victim suffered such humiliation, it seems that he is also feeling guilty and uneasy... However, you, the chief culprit, are still alive and kicking, and he must have complicated feelings after knowing it."

Miss Gu Yue talked eloquently, took a small bite of the integrity snack, and then commented: "This one looks very ordinary, the attack is too flashy and looks very beautiful, but it's not as fun as killing off children and grandchildren."

"Speaking of which, when did you come to the Fifth Heaven Universe?"

Bai Di asked casually, and then commented: "This Miss Bailang is very good, this arrow is not aimed at the heart but at the eyes, this naked revenge is really never tired of watching, even soft girls will become The Raksha girl who kills without batting an eye... Hiss! Oh my god, she was shot, so cruel, what the hell, the sight of blood and tears is so tragic, am I watching a horror movie?"

"Me, I came with Zi Yan from the fifth-day universe, and Brunhilde was just a step behind. By the way, other women are also preparing to leave one after another, but the fifth-day universe is so big. , as long as they don't find the central world, you are still safe for the time being, and I believe that Brunhilde will not share your whereabouts with others."

Gu Yue Qingdeng pondered and said: "The left eye is gone. It's not difficult to regenerate the eye, but the appearance is much more miserable... The next wave is coming again, and he is not given a chance to recover. It's really hard for this group of girls to attack. Ruthless... ah, the kneecap is broken."

"This is good news, but I'm not afraid of Brunhilde. If I add Ziyan, then I can only leave the keyboard with both hands. After all, I have been stagnant for a hundred years, and her strength has grown a lot. Facing a woman I can't beat at all, the only thing I can do is lie down and enjoy the humiliation."

Bai Di smiled wryly, and looked down again: "It's normal for a girl to be ruthless. Hitting means kissing and scolding, but love. There is a girl who loves you so much that she is willing to cut you into pieces. What else are you dissatisfied with? Well, I just said that the left kidney is gone.”

"It's the first time I've heard someone say 'Bei Ri' so refreshingly... Hey, Bai Di, let me ask you the truth, don't you really plan to solve their problems? Being a turtle, can you hide for a while, or for a lifetime?"

Gu Yue Qingdeng said softly: "The right hand bone is broken."

"I really want to solve it... But, it's easier said than done? It's been delayed for too long. After a long time, it's not just a matter of love, but a kind of obsession. What belongs to me must never be let go. Uncompromising—their ideas are so simple and clear that even if they cut me into dozens of pieces, each of them would not satisfy them."

Bai Di sighed, "The shoulder blades are crushed."

"Then have you considered getting married? Maybe as long as you get married, you can let them accept it?"

Gu Yue Qingdeng asked anxiously, and glanced down: "Blood loss of [-]%, body temperature dropped sharply, hypoxia began, and vital signs decreased."

"If marriage can solve everything...then I don't have to worry about it. According to my experience of reading books for many years, the biggest extension may be...if I marry someone, other women will rush forward in front of my wife. A face-to-face NTR...if pregnant, it will be even more serious, and after a fight, whoever cuts the other's stomach open and sneers and says, 'There is no such thing'."

Baidi has so much B number in his heart that he is ashamed and doesn't have any expectations.

Baidi paused for a moment, and added: "There is still a breath hanging, the fire of Nirvana is still there, barely holding on."

"Sure enough... It's meaningless to say these things now, but I still want to make it clear that it's much better to take the initiative to face Komatsu than to have the creditors come to your door later." Gu Yue Qingdeng stood up suddenly and said: "Otherwise your end will be worse than The one below is even more tragic."

"This is different from the nature of surrender. It doesn't matter. It's just the difference between the death penalty and the death penalty. But thank you senior for your concern. Sooner or later, the kindness and resentment will be understood. It's just not now. I still have things to do." Bai Di said solemnly: " If this problem cannot be solved, then there is no future to speak of, and it might be a kind of happiness to be stabbed to death by sick girls."

"Bai Jue will cry for you when he hears your words, right?"

"Crying? I think he is full of killing intent now, and he is about to turn into a beast." Bai Di looked down: "After suffering so many injuries, the curse has been transferred to him. This curse can distort human beings." In his heart, he is about to go berserk, and it's my turn to appear next."

Gu Yue Qingdeng slightly raised her eyebrows: "I thought you wouldn't care, now instead of picking up the favorability of women, change to the favorability of men?"

"No, I'm going to save the field. You know I'm a professional." Bai Di spread his hands, "It's better than killing everyone here with his own hands. Then my appointed savior will be destroyed. Who will help me?" share your worries?"

"Then you don't have to worry, he is much stronger than you imagined." Gu Yueqingdeng held his right elbow with his left hand, and a book floated on his right palm: "Even spiritually, it surpasses the original you."

Hearing this, Bai Di cast his gaze to look carefully, and immediately scolded with a smile: "I can think of this way... Are people surnamed Bai monsters?"


"Get out—!"

Bai Jue covered his head, and the fire of Nirvana was also burned into pitch black. He let out an indistinct roar, mixed with strange tones, like the sharpness of metal friction, and overlapping electronic sounds.

He was repelling, repelling the curse soaked in his body, repelling all the negative emotions dyed pitch black.

Originally, Bai Jue's control over mental power was strong enough, and he also had a strong self-regulation ability for negative emotions. After all, he could control even a violent beast like the white tiger.

It is only slightly more difficult to grasp the completely negative pitch-black emotions... but more than ten times.

——Yes... No, it's very simple?

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