"Then..." Bai Jue had absolute trust in the Fireproof Girl, so he thought for a while before nodding in agreement.

Li Xiuning showed a joyful smile, as long as Bai Jue agrees, then she can take the initiative further and get closer.

This is exactly the 'fairness' she proposed to Fireproof Girl.

It's a pity that this is not a good place to talk. At the moment when Bai Jue was about to agree, a slightly cold word inserted forcefully.

"Why do a lot of old women pretend to be virgins? Li Xiuning, have you forgotten who you are?" Li Shiming stepped out of the door, with an indelible coldness in her eyes, she said directly His identity: "Princess Pingyang Zhao, how about a little self-consciousness as a heroic spirit?

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere at the scene was completely frozen as if it had been baptized by the cold Siberian wind.

The identity of the heroic spirit was revealed after all.

Bai Jue, who had been tacitly pretending to be stupid, couldn't continue to pretend to be stupid.

Liu Xiu, who was peeping from the corner, also opened her mouth wide.

The big whale behind the door covered his face and sighed.

All of Li Xiuning's plans were completely disrupted, and her smile disappeared, replaced by anger.

"Li Shiming..." She suppressed anger in her words: "You!"

"I just don't like the smiling face you showed when you cheated." Li Shiming walked by, she didn't look at Bai Jue, but just looked at Li Xiujing quietly: "So I really want to know when you carefully choreographed What kind of expression will he show when the drama is disrupted and the mask he wears is exposed..."

"You... have crossed the border." Li Xiuning was burning with anger in her chest. She stood there, the power of the heroic spirit was swept away, and the crimson lines slowly spread under her feet like blood. She didn't have to hide her identity after being exposed. The extraordinary power hidden under the body, her temperament became more and more chilling and heroic under the condensed momentum, and the true face of a woman hidden by the reason of the heroic spirit was finally fully revealed.

"Heh...you were the one who crossed the boundary first." The chill in Li Shiming's eyes became more and more intense, and the principle of the heroic spirit played, drawing a clear boundary.

The confrontation between the two peak heroic spirits shocked half of Yanjing City in an instant.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It has been a long time since the conflict of the peak fourth-order heroic spirits happened.

The strength of the heroic spirits is too strong, and the peak heroic spirits represent the top combat power on this planet. If two peak heroic spirits fight with all their strength, no matter what the result is, this city of Yanjing will be in ruins.

Even if Li Shiming and Li Xiuning only had a brief confrontation, it was enough to scare passers-by.

Zheng Chenggong immediately rushed out of the gate to try to stop him, but he soon realized that he was not qualified to intervene in the confrontation between these two heroic spirits. If he intervened forcefully, he would be crushed by the courage of the two... Pull the second treasure to understand .

After thinking about it, Zheng Chenggong was helpless, he could only try to deal with the root problem, but he had no idea what caused the two strong women to have such a confrontation, but they were sisters.

The two royal princesses are usually restrained people, but the more rational people are, the more reckless they are when they get angry. I'm afraid they won't really fight, but the aggressive confrontation is real. As long as the two sides refuse to take a step back, then this kind of The confrontation may last for a long, long time.

Li Shiming was arrogant and arrogant, it was too difficult for her to step back.

Li Xiuning understood the general situation, and giving her a step up might end this unnecessary dispute.

So Zheng Chenggong bit the bullet and said: "Please put away the principles of heroic spirits, Princess Pingyang! Princess Qin! This is Yanjing!"

"Shut up! What does it have to do with you!" Li Shiming scolded.

"Shut up! This matter will never end!" Li Xiuning refused to back down.

When things got to this point, Liu Xiu couldn't continue to observe in secret. She quickly stepped out and stopped, "Don't fight, don't fight! I, I order you to stop!"

Poor Xiuxiu couldn't even speak fluently. This was the first time she saw the confrontation between two peak heroic spirits, and she was inevitably afraid... What she was afraid of was not their aura, but the attitude of these two people.

"What's the matter with you! Go back to the palace and stay!"

Li Shiming's prestige was still there, as soon as his cold eyes swept over Xiuxiu, he shivered.

"Xiuxiu is obedient...stay away."

Li Xiuning's words were a little gentle, but the next sentence immediately became sharp, and Xiuxiu shrank her head in fright.

"But, but..." Liu Xiu said tremblingly: "You guys, it's no good for you to go on like this... Then, the expression of the store manager over there is not quite right."

When Bai Jue was mentioned, the momentum of the two people's rising momentum eased a little.

Bai Jue, who noticed the sight of the two, covered his forehead, frowned, and his expression was pained. The power in his body began to overflow uncontrollably, and the surface of his body was floating with azure thunder and lightning.

The white tiger's low roar echoed in the long street.

He covered his forehead, gritted his teeth, and breathed more and more heavily, as if the depths of his head were about to burst.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiuning and Li Shiming withdrew the principle of the heroic spirit almost at the same time, and asked the fireproof girl, "What's wrong with him?"

The fireproof girl shook her head lightly, showing just the right amount of distress: "Maybe... remembering something, the former Bai would occasionally have a headache, once he sees something familiar, he may recall something."

"Familiar things..." Li Xiuning murmured, "Is it my name? My name made him..."

"It's impossible..." Li Shiming denied, "Is there something worth remembering for him!"

"No." Bai Jue said one sentence at a time, "I remember you...I remember Chang'an City..."

He started to perform.

He raised his eyes and stared at Li Xiuning's face through the gap between his fingers. His eyes showed infinite nostalgia... His pupils slowly emptied, and his focus was no longer frozen, completely immersed in the remembrance of yesterday and the past.

He stared at her for a long time.

In order to achieve the greatest performance effect at this moment, Bai Jue also immersed himself in the memories of yesterday.

He has seen with his own eyes, in the palace of Chang'an City, in that courtyard, when Li Xiuning was young, she was dancing with a gun in the courtyard, and her sweat seeped into the ground. Day after day, year after year, she buried all her hard work and sweat , always smiling nonchalantly to make herself appear reliable, growing from a clumsy girl in her prime to a generation of famous players.

Who knows all this.

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