Only on that summer evening, I accidentally caught a glimpse of her standing in the courtyard, the wind blowing her tied hair, the young girl dancing with the peony petals flying in the sky... At that moment The beautiful scenery of the beautiful day blurs the traces of the past and the present.

She was clumsy and cute at that moment.

Bai Jue subconsciously stretched out his hand, and gently adjusted the long hair on top of her head.

"I hope time will remember your appearance..."

"You look so blushing, so pretty..."

Memories come to an abrupt end.

The focus in Bai Jue's eyes froze again, and at some point his hands were already on her hair.

This scene is very similar to back then, the only difference is... Back then, the girl at the cardamom age was blushing and feigning anger, but now the woman in her prime is trembling her shoulders without any shyness, only joy and emotion.

When Bai Jue saw her eyes, he secretly thought that he was acting too much.

But he has to keep on playing.

"You've changed." Bai Jue's words were subtly strange: "It's not the same as before."

The sentence is different, which makes Li Xiuning feel mixed feelings. She has been waiting for this sentence for a long, long time.

How many times have I wanted to be honest, to talk to him, to talk about the past, to talk about the past... But she couldn't, because he had no memory, because he hadn't thought of herself, so she had to be patient and hide this feeling well, Pretending to be a stranger and approaching quietly, carefully concealing his identity, keeping a distance, putting away his bitter mood, secretly praying in his heart that one day he will remember who he is.

It's just that she didn't expect that the prayer came true, everything came so quickly, and the surprise came too suddenly.

Although Li Xiuning was smiling, she had the urge to cry, her nose was congested, and the corners of her eyes were sore.

She endured the flood of emotions, and whispered: "Well, it's different..."

She has grown from an ignorant and ignorant girl back then to a prestigious iron lady. Her mind and soul have matured. This appearance is also a proof that she has grown up completely, and she is already more perfect.

She is no longer what she used to be.

Li Xiujing looked at Bai Jue quietly, she opened her mouth, and she was preparing to speak. The sudden beauty made all her psychological preparations invalid, only a heart full of joy was surging, but how to express this feeling, she had no idea at all. I know, caught off guard.

She was silent, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Bai Jue said again: "Don't worry, I still remember you."

His face was pale, and he smiled weakly: "This time, I won't forget it again."


Li Xiuning's heart froze for a moment, that smile seemed to penetrate the last line of defense in her heart.

She is very much like a girl who has found her beloved doll again. After a long time, she finally reunites. Is there any reason to stop her from embracing him?

No, and there won't be.

At this moment, Princess Pingyang just wanted to hug him tightly, and then leaned on his shoulder and cried loudly.

However, just before she was about to get up, another hand stopped her, and a familiar person pressed her shoulder.

Li Xiuning suddenly woke up, she was not the only one here.

Who else could stop her?

But at this moment Li Xiuning was surprisingly calm, she was not angry at all, instead she looked at her sister.

I saw that Li Shiming's hard-to-see deep eyes also showed a humanized complex expression, like an iceberg melting, she no longer blocked all emotions with arrogance, and there was a hint of jealousy and unwillingness in those eyes.

How could she have thought that a single word of hers would revive Bai Jue's memory.

How could she not be jealous of Li Xiuning, because the first person he thought of was her instead of himself.

Li Shiming stared at Bai Jue with an extremely complicated expression.

She slowly bent down and stared into his eyes from a very close distance. She opened her mouth and asked softly: "You still remember Li Xiuning, you still remember Chang'an City, then you remember me?"

Her voice was as calm and indifferent as possible, without adding too much emotion.

Her eyes betrayed her true heart, and that strong desire was about to overflow.

She stared into his eyes so closely, hoping to see the familiar expression in his eyes.

Being watched at such a close distance, anyone would be flustered and exposed, but Bai Jue's mental willpower is absolutely extraordinary, and he knows that he must not be exposed at this moment, otherwise the previous performance will fall short.

"I'm sorry..." Bai Jue shook his head politely: "If I have ever met someone as beautiful as you, I will never forget it."

At that moment, the humanity contained in Li Shiming's eyes once again condensed into ice, and the pupils of those eyes reflected the light and shadow of the sky, like a burning iceberg, cold and magnificent...

She was silent, got up and left without saying a word, her back was as awe-inspiring as if she had made a decision.

At this moment, Bai Jue realized that he might have made a mistake, a fatal mistake with unpredictable consequences.


ps1: It's really exciting to ride a horse. The plot is like a roller coaster. I can't predict what will happen in the next moment.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Li Shiming left, leaving behind a messy scene.

Li Xiuning watched her leave, she knew that this time she might have to thank Li Shiming for pointing out her identity, it was a blessing in disguise, what was originally a bad thing has now become a good thing, on the contrary, she herself was heartbroken for no reason.

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