"I have something to do." Bai Jue glanced at the one hundred charisma points above his head, and said bluntly, "Give me sixty charisma points."

"Oh?" Bai Di clapped his hands as a sign of encouragement: "You have good eyes, you have found your blind spot, and you actually want to ask me, the host, for your charm points. The young man is a bit smart, but my charm points are not something anyone can get if they want them. For whom."

"Of course I won't ask for it in vain. Everything has to be done according to the rules." Bai Jue looked sideways: "I know you must have set up some mechanism to trap me. Instead of waiting for trouble to come to you, it is better to take the initiative to find you."

"So?" The corners of Baidi's lips continued to rise.

"So... let's decide the outcome." Bai Jue folded his hands on his chest: "You can decide the rules, but I ask for an additional condition. If I win after the end, you must answer me a question. If I lose , I will not disclose your information to Brunhilde again."

The corner of Bai Di's mouth twitched and said, "Your word 'zai' is very spiritual...why do I feel that you are threatening me?"

"Yes, I'm coercing you." Bai Jue rolled up his sleeves: "In a word, do you agree or not?"

Bai Di smiled proudly: "Yes, why not!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes! Why don't you agree! I really want to agree!"

After Wu Zhuanzhu finished speaking, he showed a distressed expression: "But my adopted son, that is, Bai Jue, has been very independent since he was a child. What I say is not mandatory, and it will have little effect on him. Very small."

He coughed softly: "Ahem, and he also went to that blind date meeting, and it seems that there is a girl he likes, and he brought it back for me to meet...Even if Princess Qin wants to marry him, he most likely will I won't agree."

He rubbed his hands again: "It's not a good thing for me to force him, right? Princess Qin doesn't know much about my family, so there's nothing I can do about it. Besides, if there is something worthy of your attention in this kid, I will definitely let him He made a good change..."

Li Shiming said lightly: "Change? No, he can't."

"Okay, even if it can't be changed, the...well, I mean...the age gap between the two of you is a bit big." Wu Zhuanzhu carefully considered his words: "It's not that you are too old, but It is said that Bai Jue is still too young, seventeen years old has not yet reached the legal age of marriage, even if he becomes an adult, he will have to wait for several years, so this matter should be taken slowly..."

"It doesn't matter." Li Shiming's mind has been made up: "The engagement is agreed, there is no need to worry about the future, just cultivate the relationship first."

She talked eloquently: "I have always thought that it is a very good custom to raise a daughter-in-law and a husband. For Yingling, it is the best way to get out of the singles by cultivating a partner you like by yourself. Compared with searching in the vast crowd, Wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to grow it by yourself?”

"God? A sense of accomplishment, is this the upright control loli and Zhengtai? And why do these words look so familiar?" Wu Zhuanzhu couldn't help complaining: "Aren't you afraid of raising a Guangyuan family?"

Li Shiming said indifferently: "If he is really a man who is so easy to indulge in the wine pool and meat forest, then it doesn't matter if he grows into a Guangyuan family? The more superficial a man is, the easier it is to catch..."

——How did this Li Shiming become a love brain?Princess Qin, your character design has collapsed!

Wu Zhuanzhu put his hands on his forehead and said incoherently: "It's useless for you to tell me these things, elder sister, you are a circle older than me, and now I am very confused by your sudden attitude, what can I do?" What to do? I am also desperate! Now I am more and more suspicious that there is something tricky between you and the brat... Could it be that he traveled through a thousand years and spoiled you?"

Li Shiming nodded slightly: "I knew him a thousand years ago, but now he only remembers Li Xiuning, but not me."

"I came first," she said emphatically.

Wu Zhuanzhu paused and said, "But you are now behind."

Li Shiming said coldly: "But I came first."

Wu Zhuanzhu felt that it was better not to get entangled in this issue, and his strong desire to survive made him choose to change the topic.

He asked cautiously: "So what do you mean now? Are you going to use a marriage contract to snatch him back from Princess Xiuning? So I need to sign something to prove it or something... But now he is here At the blind date meeting, if the order of the scene is disturbed, the three saints of Jixia Academy will lose face, and even the Shenzhou Empire will lose face."

"do not worry."

Li Shiming's expression is calm, she is clearly prepared: "Historical blind date conferences have never been smooth sailing, because there is no courtesy in love, almost every year there are emotional disputes in triangular relationships and quadrilateral functions, in order to resolve this dispute, So we specially arranged a link in the last round of the blind date meeting, this link..."

"It's called snatching a kiss."


"Snatching the bride?" Liu Xiu's eyes lit up slightly: "Is there still this link?"

"Not only is there, but it has a long history..."

Meng Ke nodded lightly, and said eloquently: "Snatching a marriage is a sudden link, it may not happen. When to start snatching a marriage, it all depends on how the men and women who participate in the blind date conference decide. There are two situations in which snatching a marriage will happen. There are two kinds, one is to snatch the marriage before the two parties make a choice, and the other is to snatch the marriage after the two parties make the choice."

"What's the difference?" Gao Wen seemed interested.

"There's a big difference." Meng Ke smiled and said, "The former, taking the initiative to snatch a marriage before the two parties make a choice, is a strong expression of one's own will, which is essentially the same as actively expressing affection. This is snatching a marriage...successful snatching It means that you have successfully continued a marriage and actively fought for your own happiness."

"As for the latter, when the two parties choose to intervene in the snatching of the marriage, this is a move that hurts others and does not benefit oneself, and is completely out of revenge...It hinders the happiness of the other party, and you will get nothing. There is no success in snatching the marriage at this stage, only Fail, either the snatcher fails, or both parties fail together."

When Uesugi Kenshin heard the words, she rested her cheeks: "From this point of view, the former is indeed better... The latter obstructed out of revenge, and in the end it couldn't stop the two of them from being together, so why is it allowed to snatch the marriage?" ?”

"Because...love is free, at least robbing a marriage here can be regarded as a disaster, and couples who survive the disaster will live happily ever after." Meng Ke said with long eyes: "This is also a kind of blessing."

Gao Wen stared at Quexian Terrace, enviously said: "It's a pity, snatching a marriage has nothing to do with outsiders."

Meng Ke shook his head and laughed: "Not necessarily."

The stupid hair on Liu Xiu's head stood up: "What? Can the audience still snatch the kiss?"

"This is naturally impossible, but the academic style of Jixia Academy is free, and the concept of love is also very unrestrained, and there are almost no constraints." Meng Ke tapped the handrail lightly with her fingers, and she pointed out: "So in the process of snatching a kiss, as long as Those who can prove that they are not outsiders can participate.”

"Proof? How to prove this?" Uesugi Kenshin asked.

"Parents to enrich people."

"The saint testifies, the emperor bestows a marriage."

Meng Ke paused.

As her voice fell, there was silence on the viewing platform.

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