Although this is an unattainable requirement for ordinary people, it is not difficult for those present.

The emperor and the saint... aren't they around?

As long as they say a word, anyone can participate in the snatching session this time!

Gao Wen's heart rate became chaotic in an instant, and her thoughts began to wander wildly, and she was a little out of control.

She told herself to calm down, to be calm, and not to lose her senses.

——This is the Empire of China, how can you, the majestic British Knight of the Round Table, mess around here?Participating in the snatching process may not be successful. If it fails, wouldn't it be embarrassing and thrown out of the country and thrown to the world?Be sure to maintain elegance and maintain a ladylike posture... Seriously analyze, think carefully, and see through the pros and cons!Don't let the love cells in your brain occupy your thinking!

——But... what if the robbery succeeds?

——What if he really chooses me!

—what if he would follow me back to Britain!

This idea quickly spread in the brain like fermentation. Miss Knight, who has not been close to masculinity for many years, has completely fallen into the pink thinking mode. The whole person is like a little girl, falling into endless delusions on her own...

The more taciturn people are, the more coquettish they are. This sentence is absolutely true for Gao Wen. She hides thousands of words in her heart. Although she maintains a consistent style of acting, it does not mean that she is not thinking, so once her thinking is out of control , the whole person seemed to have lifted some kind of limiter and entered a state of crazy brain supplementation, so that she even thought of what her daughter's name would be.

Sir Gao Wen's expression changed several times, sometimes passionate, sometimes contemplative, sometimes steady as Mount Tai, and sometimes filled with happiness.

She bit her lower lip, her tall figure trembling uncontrollably due to the rapid heartbeat.

Not just her.

Liu Xiu's state today is also very strange, she fell into an unprecedented quietness, even the flexible hair didn't turn around, like a radar detector that stopped working, Xiuxiu entered the energy-saving mode, as quiet as a The doll's eyes are bright, and the pupils of the eyes are crystal clear, which is the proof that the principle of purity is working...

Uesugi Kenshin is the only heroic spirit who maintains normal thinking, because she does not have such a strong urge to marry, but it is not necessarily the case for Himiko.

Uesugi Kenshin always felt that Meng Ke said these words in person must have some deep meaning, but after seeing Meng Ke's exquisite smile, she didn't dare to ask more.

If you talk too much, you will lose, it's none of my business... I, Miss Uesugi, go to the theater!


Bai Jue suddenly shuddered: "I suddenly have a sense of déjà vu that has been arranged by someone..." He stared at Bai Di in front of him: "It couldn't be you, could it?"

"It's not me, I didn't do anything." Bai Di said innocently, "But sometimes, you can't live without doing your own crimes."

"I'll just pretend that you didn't do anything." Bai Jue said coldly, "Anyway, after I win, you, the clerk, will recruit you for whatever black-hearted schemes you have!"

Bai Di raised his eyebrows: "Are you so confident?"

"Sorry, I'm bloated!" Bai Jue squeezed his fingers.

"Young man, if you talk too much, you will be slapped in the face." Bai Di snapped his fingers, and with them as the center, the space with a radius of ten meters was filled with light, and their figures completely disappeared from the sight of others.

"The venue is ready, come on." Bai Di hooked his fingers: "Let's have a duel between men."

"A duel between men... good!"

Bai Jue made a difficult decision, he took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "This world is too chaotic, it needs philosophy to purify, ah ♂ Gensokyo!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Di looked at Bai Jue who was already in a wrestling position and was about to give him a ground throw, and he almost shouted fa♂q.

He hurriedly stopped and said: "Wait! Wait! I said that a duel between men is not a wrestling!"

Bai Jue was taken aback with a solemn expression: "Isn't it wrestling?"

"Of course not." Bai Di rolled his eyes: "Why do I have to wrestle with you? I haven't even wrestled with my best brother. When we fight, we always greet each other with a dog stick." went up."

"Tsk..." Bai Jue gasped, and thankfully said, "I said it earlier, I was mentally prepared just now, and I almost didn't put on Van's deep dark fantasy suit."

After hearing the Deep dark fantasy suit, the corners of Bai Di's eyes twitched, and he exclaimed, "Is your desire to win so strong?"

"I'm a paranoid perfectionist, so I don't like to lose to others. If necessary, philosophy is also one of the means." Bai Jue folded his hands in his pockets: "Besides, philosophy is not a bad thing. Only weak people with little knowledge will misunderstand it, and the real philosophy is used to guide people to gain friendship and understand justice through sweat and hard work."

"Then let's attack a bunch of brothers by the way..." Bai Di covered his face: "I finally realize that we are different now. Although I often play with philosophical stalks, I still can't wrestle with others. Yes, on this point, I lost."

Bai Jue narrowed his eyes, and asked, "You don't need to wrestle, so you can't compete in force?"

"Contesting force is bullying you, and civilized people shouldn't use force to decide victory or defeat." Bai Di shrugged his shoulders. Lao Bai's combat power had already reached a star-studded level. It's been a long time since I tried to go all out.

"All right, all right, I know you can fight, so how do you compare?" Bai Jue didn't want to get entangled in the issue of combat effectiveness.

Bai Di smiled proudly: "The competition between men... naturally the competition lasts forever!"


Bai Jue almost bit his tongue.

Bai Di continued to add: "Not only must it last, but it must also be as hard as iron!"

"Is it even harder?"

Bai Jue's voice raised an octave.

Lao Baiyu said earnestly and earnestly: "Yes, I, Lao Bai, have walked the rivers and lakes, ah, bah, I have walked in the multiverse for many years, and experienced many ups and downs, fights, killings and killings, and the richness of life experience is definitely not for bragging. ...During this life-and-death life experience, I realized an important truth, that is, as a man, a pure man, he must be durable and hard as iron."

"If a man, a pure man, is not durable enough and hard enough, he will not be able to withstand so many women together, and he will be played to death sooner or later... In fact, I have been played to death many times, and I finally realized this. Profound truth, this is all the life experience I have accumulated over the years... Eh? Why are you looking at me like Brother Cheng?"

Bai Jue looked sideways: "I suddenly felt that you were hunted down for no reason."

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