"Yeah, sure enough, I feel comfortable after having a physical body. Although this body is a bit weak, it has great potential after a little exercise."

Holo's smile was not as spiritual and cute as before, but instead had a strange strangeness.

Bai Jue's body stiffened, he turned around and asked, "Holo?"

The wolf girl didn't answer her question, but sat down carelessly.

Bai Jue felt more and more wrong.

Even if she was angry with herself, it was impossible for her to behave like this.

Holo cherishes her tail very much, but now after she swims, she leaves her tail wet and exposed to the sun, which will not only make her very uncomfortable, but also seriously damage the fur.

You can tell from the dry hair on the tail that she hasn't taken care of it seriously for a long, long time.

Holo would never cherish her tail so little, but... her appearance was clearly Holo.

Bai Jue put on his coat, walked up to her slowly, and spoke with a tense expression.

"who are you?"

This questioning finally caught the wolf girl's attention, she raised her eyes, and her eyes were full of strange wildness.

"Ask me?" The wolf girl said carelessly, "Why should I answer you? It's you, who are you?"

She supported her head with one hand, crossed her legs, and didn't care about her exposed skin, without any sense of shame, just like a wild beast.

Seeing this, Bai Jue was even more convinced. He said, "You should have known me."

The wolf girl heard this, thought for a while, and then grinned: "Ah, so that's the case, I understand, you are her friend."

Bai Jue's heart tightened: "Her?"

"Of course it is the original owner of this body." The wolf girl smiled wickedly: "But now it belongs to me."

"It's...your body, it's my friend's body..." Bai Jue focused his gaze, and kept his words as calm as possible: "I have a very good friend's body, why are you using this body now, and she is in it now?" where?"

He is still considering other possibilities, maybe... it's just the coexistence of one body and two souls, not the worst kind...

The wolf girl looked at Bai Jue with great interest: "Why me? Do you still have to ask this kind of question? Of course I snatched it."

The moment the voice fell, the sword chant sounded.

Cang Xuejian stabbed into the counter, and the blade of the sword was sandwiched between the wolf girl's fingers, and it was only a hair's breadth away from piercing her palm.

Bai Jue's gaze was icy cold, and a blood-colored thunder was brewing in the depths of his pupils.

The worst predictions came true.

This is not the coexistence of souls, but the seizing of homes!

"Why, don't you dare to do it?" The wolf girl smiled sarcastically: "I think so, this is her body after all, the harder you hurt her, the deeper her pain will be."

Bai Jue slowly pulled out the Cangxue sword, and without a word of nonsense, he warned lightly: "I'll give you a chance to leave this body, she is not someone you can get your hands on... otherwise, you will regret it. "

The wolf girl laughed, and she laughed wildly.

"I'm in a good mood today, and I've filled my stomach before, so I don't want to hunt for the time being... That's why I'm willing to say a few more words with you, but don't get me wrong... You don't have the right to threaten me, because you are not enough .”

"I hope to meet you in the Paradise Contest. I don't know what your blood tastes like, and what it feels like to be swallowed alive by your friends. Such despair must be delicious."

It's like a madman.

Looking at her, Bai Jue suddenly suppressed all his emotions to zero.

He calmly put the Cangxue sword back into the scabbard.

"you are wrong."

"I mean you will regret it, not what you understand."

"This fight will end sooner or later, but my pursuit will not end. How should I put it... You'd better hide a little deeper, and don't let me see who you are, what your name is, where you come from, what do you do? What have you been..."

"Otherwise, you will regret it."

Bai Jue said quietly: "I swear to my holy soul, after I know all your origins, there will be no trace of your existence in the huge fifth heaven universe... In terms of time, cause and effect , completely eradicate your existence...so, go ahead and hide yourself."

The wolf girl is a beast, a beast that only knows how to fight, but it doesn't know how to fear, but at this moment it feels a chill from the bottom of its heart.

This is a promise from the Savior.

There is no place for it in the huge multiverse.

Even the lawless Bai Di never made such an oath.

And Bai Jue, who has always had a strong self-control, actually uttered such a vow to kill. It can be seen that the more determined and rational a person is... the easier it is for him to go to the extreme.

Not far away, Bai Di, who watched the whole process silently, couldn't help frowning.

I swear by the holy soul, this murderous intent... is too strong, there is a risk of blackening.


ps1: I’m going to dove for a day tomorrow, so I’ll ask for a leave of absence in advance, go to the hospital to visit relatives, and relax and change my mind. After this chapter, this singularity will enter a tense stage. I want to think about the next few How to recycle the foreshadowing.

ps2: The new book will not be updated continuously, please rest assured, because I coded two chapters of the new book today, so I have written nearly [-] words today.


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