-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[The fourth round of competition officially begins]

With an announcement, it fell.

Bai Jue entered the fourth round.

He stretched his neck slightly, stayed on the beach and blew the night breeze, his body was still a little cold.

After looking around, Bai Jue made sure that he was standing on a big bridge, with a cool wind blowing in his face. Looking at the bright moon slowly rising in the sky, he always felt that this scene was a bit familiar.

"This bridge... has a sense of déjà vu."

Bai Jue touched his chin, but suddenly he couldn't figure out where he had seen it before.

At this time, a car passed by him, and a wife with long white hair fluttering in the driver's seat attracted his attention. Her appearance like a snow country elf is beyond the reach of normal people. The driver was a blond-haired, black-clothed beauty.

The moment Bai Jue turned his head, she noticed his eyes looking over, and the eyes of the two met for a moment, but the car had already passed by in a hurry, and there was no intersection between the two of them.

"What a strong intuition." Bai Jue said with emotion.

"Familiar breath..." Duanqiang said abruptly, "Do you know that person?"

"Yes, the world-famous King Arthur, the fake kanban girl who ranks the lowest in the long-term rhythm list, after pulling out the sword in the stone, he felt that the sword was not durable enough, so he went to the fairy in the lake to exchange for a steel sword. It can't be a girl, but she really doesn't wear handles." Bai Jue spread his hands: "Is it suddenly boring?"

Broke the gun and paused: "When did King Arthur bring the handle?"

"Ahahaha, if Jiu Jian heard this, he must have exploded." Bai Jue joked happily: "Anyway, I don't have it in my corner."

"King Arthur shouldn't be King Arthur long ago..." Broken Gun said in a low voice.


"It's nothing...you seem to be very familiar with this world."

"Indeed, it's not just me who is familiar with it. Many viewers are not too familiar with this world. Seven or eight of the ten books in Maoke are time-traveling. The first dungeon to play is this one. Fuyuki City's daily check level." Bai Jue leaned against the bridge and said with emotion: "Oh, I didn't expect my savior level to be so high, and I still have to make a trip here."

"Is it dangerous here?"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter how dangerous it is, at least..." Bai Jue thought for a while: "I can penetrate it in one night, except for Jin Glitter, who is a little threatening, the other heroic spirits are not enough to see, and the average combat power is lowered." What was crushed in the five battles was that our opponent didn't know where to hide, which is more troublesome, so if possible, I don't want to appear on the bright side to avoid being shady."

"What I'm more worried about now is that some other variables will appear, such as heroic spirits that I have never seen before, such as the eighth job agent, etc. The contestants from the world may not follow the rules. If they figure out the general law of the Holy Grail War , that would be troublesome."

As Bai Jue said, he stood on the bridge and looked down.

By the riverside, Alice Viel walked barefoot in the icy lake, smiling like a child, and Artoria was serving her side like a loyal knight. She maintained the minimum level of vigilance, and then silently He raised his head and looked in the direction of Bai Jue.

Bai Jue, who was stabbed by her gaze, smiled indifferently: "This King Arthur is driving me away..."

"Why are you afraid of her?"

"Afraid of her? Are you afraid that she will press me in the face?" Bai Jue shook his head and said, "It's not the king, but the king's chef. Those people who call themselves mad dogs may grab the keyboard and jump in from the three-dimensional world at any time. Let's rub against the keyboard."

Broken Gun didn't answer this sentence.

Bai Jue also turned around and walked on the bridge, looking at a certain mountaintop thoughtfully.

"So what should we do?" Broken Gun asked, "Delayed war, or blitzkrieg?"

"The Holy Grail War will last seven nights, but it's unnecessary if it lasts too long. It's just a waste of the world. I don't have any special demands on this world. It's too dangerous as a tourist destination. As a theater party, I'm afraid I won't recognize it and intervene..." Bai Jue put his hands in his pockets: "The goal now is to eliminate the contestants. If the other party takes the initiative to jump on my face, then I will thank him."

"Face jumping?"

"When I also know that this is unlikely...unless I take the initiative to act first to cause commotion, but this is not suitable and does not suit my personality." Bai Jue sighed helplessly: "I am the savior who protects the world, how can I What about ruining the plot, unless..."


"Unless the other party muddies the water first, then I can make troubles openly. Anyway, even if I don't make troubles, they will. You're right, it's not my fault that the plot is messed up and collapsed. "

As soon as Bai Jue said this, he heard the announcement from the paradise system.

[The opponent requested to add a game rule]

[Allow both parties to summon an additional Heroic Spirit in addition to the Holy Grail War]

[This rule requires the consent of both parties before it can be implemented...]

When Bai Jue heard the announcement, he smiled with satisfaction: "I agree."

[Both parties agree to the rule]

【Please perform the Heroic Spirit Summoning】

Three bright red command spells quietly appeared on the back of Bai Jue's hand. He walked into the corner of an alley, and in the corner where no one was around, a circular summoning circle naturally appeared on the ground.

The summoning array released a warm luster, and the surging magic power filled the alley with the appearance of the heroic spirit.

"Servant lancer, come here according to the call." The heroic spirit holding the red-tasseled spear is heroic, he stands proudly, his eyes are full of absolute confidence in his own strength, he raised the corner of his lips: "My real name..."

"Okay, you don't need to say it."

Bai Jue raised his hand, and the Command Seals on the back of his hand glowed one after another: "I order you in the name of Command Seals, Lancer, shut up, silence, and commit suicide."

Lancer's eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word. He picked up the gun and stabbed himself in the heart, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The broken gun was stunned, and the whole body of the gun was shaking non-stop.

"you you you you you……"

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