Just like the Tower Bridge in London, Bai Jue looked at it, his eyes blurred for a moment.

"I want to go back." He muttered to himself in a low voice: "I really want to go home... I don't know if they ate well during the few days I was away, they must have ordered those junk foods that are not nutritious... ..."

"Who?" Le Luo heard it with sharp ears.

"You also know Altair and the Fireproof Girl. Last time I went to Kyushu Island, they were also..." Bai Jue said, "They are my important family members. I didn't even say hello to them when I came out this time."

"Family?" Drinking Porridge looked surprised to discover the New World: "Do you still have older sisters and younger sisters?"

"...not sisters."

"Then, are your niece and aunt?" Drinking porridge thought of The Condor Heroes.

"No blood relationship."

"No blood relationship, but family? Do you live together?" Le Luo also asked.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Bai Jue tilted his head: "There is no rule in this world that people who are not related by blood cannot live together? I raised them both, and they are both in my coffee shop." Employees, to be reasonable, isn't it romantic for a man to raise two girls at home?"

"I reserve my opinion." The porridge twitched the corner of his mouth: "I always feel like I heard some incredible speech..."

"Yeah, I also find it very strange..." Le Luo said with a strange expression: "You live under the same roof as them, why do you still say that you don't have a girlfriend? Can't they be your girlfriend?"


Bai Jue clapped his hands: "Why didn't I think there is such a method."

He was immediately taken aback: "Oh, no, the porridge said that people outside of England cannot be involved, otherwise the situation will become more complicated."

"I'm just inferring, just inferring." Drinking porridge coughed dryly: "Don't take my words as a standard."

"Tsk..." Le Luo rolled his eyes: "After a long time, you are also a man with a wife. What is the difference between you and Da Jing, Bei Gao, and Quincy? The result is still the same, after all It’s just that I didn’t realize my true thoughts, so if you’re a man, just go and get out of the order, I’m thinking too much expecting you to be torn into beef jerky by a group of female heroic spirits.”

"No, you didn't think too much."

Bai Jue put his hands on Le Luo's shoulders: "Actually, I have always had a bold idea, and that is..."


"Yes... hiccup... sorry for the hiccup."

The corners of Le Luo's eyes twitched, and he began to doubt whether what this guy said could be believed.

Bai Jue hiccupped and continued, "My bold idea is..."

He raised his hand and clenched his fingers.




"How about it? Is it bold and unrestrained enough?" Bai Jue laughed wildly with his hips on his hips: "Children only do multiple-choice questions, adults all want it! My Bai is now fearless! Hahahahahaha!"

When he was laughing wildly, the cruise ship on the Thames released bright fireworks, and while the fireworks were blooming, Le Luo thought at the same time as he was drinking porridge—this person is going to be cold.

It's still a long night, and the drunken madman will continue to wander.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A dark alleyway, a dark place where no one passes by.

Cloaked in shadows, the Faceless Man walked through the narrow terrain. After a long journey, he finally reached his destination.

There were several sarcastic voices hidden between the conversation and laughter.

"you are late."

The Faceless Man followed the sound, and there was a vague figure standing there in the alley. It was playing with a coin in its hand, and the coin was flipped between its nimble fingers.

The Faceless Man looked at him and frowned, "You alone?"

"Isn't it enough?" A deep laugh came, and the figure said contemptuously: "I'm not the same as you. Be careful that the plan that has been in operation for so long will go bankrupt. The original organization asked me to help you, but I didn't like it." willing."

"Watch your tone!" The Faceless Man said coldly, "You are not qualified to interrogate me for my fault! My failure was not due to the bankruptcy of my plan, but..."

"It's ugly to find a reason or something."

The blurry figure approached a few steps, revealing a sneering face. This face was expressionless. It was a zombie mask. The eyes under the mask were dark green like wolves: "Failure is failure, there are not so many reasons I really can't understand why the higher-ups entrusted you with such an important task... And even after you failed, you didn't ask for responsibility, but instead sent three important combat forces to help, tsk tsk tsk... It’s really appreciated.”

There was a playful look in its eyes, it patted the faceless man's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Did you sell your asshole?"

The Faceless Man was silent, and violent murderous intent came out of his body.

However, sharp claws rested on his shoulders, and the man in the zombie mask showed a wild smile.

"Calm down, calm down, it's just a joke, just a joker, don't get angry... You are an expert in espionage warfare, but you are far inferior to me in terms of strength." It looked up at the night sky, and a full moon sprinkled silver light The light made him exhale freely, and his voice gradually became lower and lower: "Tonight is a full moon, if you fight with me, you will be instantly killed."


The Faceless Man snorted coldly, and pushed away the zombie mask.

The person who came came over with a very familiar attitude: "Don't be so angry, your mission failed, and I'm here to help, as long as I catch who... is it?"

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