At the other end of the street lamp, two beautiful figures came.

After being disguised by the spirit of heroes, Liu Xiu and Li Xiuning walked the streets late at night. In the eyes of others, they were just ordinary residents.

"I didn't expect it to be delayed for so long." Liu Xiu said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Buckingham Palace is really big... It took a few hours to visit, and Her Royal Highness Mary is also a funny person, and she is willing to accompany us."

"It's just that Elizabeth still seems to be full of hostility towards us. She doesn't look happy." Li Xiuning recalled earlier, she said: "She is also someone who doesn't know how to give up and give up. She still refuses to return his mask and personal belongings. Have a little fantasy."

"Fantasy?" Liu Xiu nodded slightly: "Indeed... it's a fantasy."

She knew Bai Jue's true identity, even a heroic spirit was just a member of the crowd to him, only a little special.

Her eyes looked to the side slightly lonely, and with this glance, she saw her.

A woman who has never met, but is deeply familiar.

It's just the silver-haired gentle woman who appeared in Bai Jue's memory.

The fire prevention girl got up, she bowed slightly, and politely said: "Good evening, Your Highness Xiuning, we... meet again."


ps1: Excessive eye use, eye pain...


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Bai Jue was lying on the bed in the embassy. The bed had a special smell of incense, which was a very precious incense that could help people fall asleep quickly. The soft bed was as drowsy as Cthulhu's call.

However, he couldn't sleep, his eyes were like copper bells, and he lay on the bed looking at the strange ceiling.

"Woke up...can't sleep..."

Bai Jue seldom gets drunk, and the experience of being unable to fall asleep because of sobering up is quite rare for him. He usually has a strong mental power, and if he wants to sleep, he can fall asleep as long as he closes his eyes and sinks his consciousness into the lake of his heart. Rare experience of falling asleep naturally.

Now, he couldn't sleep at all.

Looking at the time, it was only half past one in the morning, but he felt as if half a day had passed.

"Hey..." Bai Jue put his hands on his forehead, sat up, got out of bed, and paced the room: "I can't sleep, do you want to go out for a walk? What should I do if I scare people when I go out at night?"

He was very troubled, physically weak, unable to cultivate, did not have a mobile phone, could not even chat with the cultivators in the group, could not catch up with fans, and did not bring a handheld when playing games. He was lying on the ground like a mummy. Here, it is like a big whale that has lost its dream.

"Go out and find someone to chat with."

Bai Jue was wearing pajamas, changed into a coat, opened the door, and started wandering around the embassy late at night.

There was no activity in the embassy’s high-rise dormitory late at night. The embassy’s high-rise accommodation was occupied by dignitaries, and the surroundings were tightly guarded. However, no one inside dared to approach them, for fear of disturbing the sleep of the dignitaries.

Because regardless of Liu Xiu, Li Xiuning, or Lan Er, they are all heroic spirits with noble status, and will not allow anyone to intrude into their private space unless they are willing to open the door of their room.

Whether you have the ability to knock on their doors depends on your own ability.

Now let's take a look at the situation facing Bai Jue.

He walked out the door, and there were six rooms in front of him. The embassy's highest-level suites are only open to specific guests during certain periods. There are seven highest-level suites in total, exactly the size of the entire first floor.

Except for the room that Bai Jue lived in, there was only one vacant room in the other six houses.

Bai Jue knew that Lan'er, who returned with him, lived in the first room closest to him, but he didn't know which room Li Xiuning and Liu Xiu lived in, nor did he know which room Altair and Fireproof Girl lived in.

Because he returned early, he felt a little tired and closed the door to sleep. He didn’t lock it, and others could open the door, but the fire-proof girl and Jun Ji didn’t disturb his sleep, maybe they thought he was tired up.

So Bai Jue didn't know which room the two lived in.

Bai Jue looked at the other five rooms, hesitating for a while, not knowing which room to knock on, this was simply minesweeping.

If it was the room of Altair and the fire-proof woman who knocked, I wouldn't feel any embarrassment, anyway, they have lived together under the same roof for a long time.

If it was Li Xiuning's room that was knocked open, it's hard to say what her reaction would be, but a little explanation would make sense.

What I am most afraid of is knocking on Liu Xiu's room. How can this be explained?You old man, knocking on the door of a young girl who has just grown up, it's still at half past one in the morning at night!

Bai Jue's eyes stopped in front of the doors of each room, hoping to see some subtle clues and differences from the identical doors. He fell into Schrödinger's choice for a while, not knowing whether to knock or not.

At the same time, separated by the thickness of a door, who is in each room and what they are doing, let us analyze them one by one.

Laner was in the first room.

She didn't sleep, but was silently cleaning her epee.

The fight with the werewolf tonight hurt her self-esteem a bit. As a Tier [-] Heroic Spirit, she rarely had the chance to actually fight. She couldn't fight stronger Heroic Spirits, nor could she fight weaker Heroic Spirits. The international situation was stable. The new generation of heroic spirits often don't have much actual combat experience.

But she doesn't want herself to be a drag, so she strives to increase her strength, but she still stands behind others in the end.

When she recalled the scene where Bai Jue stood in front of her, she couldn't help recalling her once weak and helpless self. She didn't like the feeling of being sheltered by others, which made her realize her own weakness, but she couldn't help it either. What to complain to Bai Jue, because he is protecting himself, even if he loses his strength, he still does not change his arrogance.

She couldn't hate and dislike such a hero, so she was wiping the edge of her sword, silently making up her mind that if there was a next time, she would kill that wolfhound and wash away today's shame with blood.

The second room is Liu Xiu's room.

Xiuxiu is a girl with certain dependence.

She belongs to the type who can travel without clothes, but must bring a pillow doll.

A suitcase is full of panda dolls of various sizes, and the three pajamas are panda pajamas of different shapes.

From here, we can see her overflowing girlish heart and nature of liking cute things. She also raised two pandas with her own hands and lived in Yanjing City.

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