"It seems that you are not good enough..." Li Xiuning lowered her head.

"Please stop, Princess Pingyang." Dion pressed her left shoulder: "You are in a state of rampage now."

"I agree with His Excellency Dion, you need to calm down, Your Highness." Gao Wen pressed her right shoulder.

I didn't realize it just now, so it's fine to let her succeed. If it happens again, don't say that Mary's hair has turned green, let's all get green together.

After pulling Li Xiuning away, Mary immediately rushed forward to wipe the blood on Bai Jue's face and lips with a wet tissue. Her big eyes were full of grievances, but also mixed with anger. She only hated herself for being too weak. If she had How could Bai Jue be taken advantage of with the fighting power of a peak heroic spirit?

In fact, from the perspective of a third party, Bai Jue is not at a loss. Princess Xiuning is undoubtedly her first kiss, but he is no longer.

But in the eyes of the heroes at the scene, Li Xiuning must have made the money. They all had appropriate sympathy for Mary's experience of being raped, and gloated that they didn't want to admit it.

—Yeah, he's your boyfriend, but so what?

——This is definitely not a good start, because there are heroic spirits who want to green you all over the world!

The minds of the two knight ladies are amazingly consistent, but they will never admit that they have such dark thoughts.


Gao Wen forcibly turned the topic back, she tried her best to maintain her serious expression, instead of laughing out loud: "Let's get back to the original question, I believe that Princess Pingyang, like me, doesn't know what happened before and who attacked French embassy?"

"The previous assassin?" Li Xiuning asked.

"No." Dion shook her head, she glanced at Gao Wen, and said with a complicated expression: "Yes..."

"Let me tell." Bai Jue said, "It's Lancelot."

"This is impossible!" Gao Wen immediately vetoed it, and she said in disbelief: "This is absolutely impossible, how could Sir Lancelot do such a thing!"

"How is it impossible?" Bai Jue asked back: "Are there still a few backstabs for these two or five boys? All Maoke readers, from FGO players to Bengsan players, everyone knows Lancelot He is a [-]-year-old boy, in every book, his appearance is probably a [-]-year-old boy, even in the sixth singularity, he is still a [-]-year-old boy, although he is a righteous [-]-year-old boy."

"I thought there was something wrong with this guy for a long time, and my brain was even more wrong after wearing women's clothes." Bai Jue said without any surprises: "So when I saw him coming, I was careful, he did not expect him to attack Mary , and thanks to my preparations in advance, I managed to lose only one arm. I still wonder why the Lion King refuses to eliminate this guy, and I was really dazzled by the old friendship."

"But, but..." Gao Wen hesitated: "Mr. Lancelot is the knight of the lake, so how could such a noble knight do such an outrageous behavior? He blatantly assassinated the French royal princess at the French embassy, ​​and even injured his mother." The benefactor of Britain... such behavior is simply..."

"Yes, yes, he is the Knight of the Lake, and he is also nicknamed the Knight of the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River is a blessing to all things, but it will also flood and cause floods." Bai Jue spread his hands: "A good man and Erwuzi are actually on the line. After all, this buddy's eyesight has always been bad, including people in the whole of Britain who are prone to blindness..."

Li Xiuning is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. Once this situation escalates, it will inevitably lead to a collapse of trust among the five major powers. This was during the summit meeting, and she asked: "Could it be that you have made a mistake, or are you pretending to be an anti-Heroic Spirit?" ?”

"There can be no mistake," said Mary. "We have seen his sword, and it is the light of the undestroyed lake."

Dieng shook his head: "I fought against him, and his Heroic Spirit... indeed belongs to Sir Lancelot. After all, I saw his Noble Phantasm and Heroic Spirit on the battlefield ten years ago."

Gao Wen pursed her lips, this incident hit her a bit hard.

Dion Marie and Bai Jue would not tell such unnecessary lies, this matter is absolutely true, at least it is true that Lancelot attacked the French embassy, ​​but why?Why did he do this?

Or, whose conspiracy is this?

Gao Wen is now anxious to prove the authenticity of this matter, but the city is locked in fog, where can she find Lancelot?

She couldn't stay any longer, couldn't calm down, a feeling of falling into the trap of the enemy's conspiracy made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

"I, I have to go back to Buckingham Palace to report to His Majesty..."

"You just go back like this, I'm afraid you may also encounter conspiracy." Bai Jue said: "Now that the city is locked in thick fog, everyone's communication methods are cut off, and the French embassy was attacked once, it doesn't mean Lancelot He will not come here for the second time, he attacked here, the target is Mary, but not me, if he finds the right opportunity, he can take the opportunity to kill me... But he didn't do it, do you know what it is called?"

"Wait for the rabbit?"

"In other words, gather around to fight for aid."

Bai Jue speculated: "As long as the other party hurts me, it will inevitably involve a part of the heroic spirits. For example, Xiu Ning and Dieng, you must stay in the French embassy to protect my safety, but you can't completely ignore this chaotic situation. , will naturally send other people out to inform more people, if someone wants to go out alone to deliver information, this person is very likely to be targeted."

Gao Wen frowned: "Then, what if we send multiple heroic spirits there?"

"Assuming that you and Xiu Ning are sent to leave the French embassy, ​​there is only one wounded person, a second-tier heroic spirit, and a peak heroic spirit. To be honest, if the other party makes a sneak attack, self-protection is enough... There is no way to ask for help."

If Bai Jue didn't only have one hand, he would even want to applaud: "This plan can be described as ingenious and unworkable. While perfectly dividing the layout, it also took advantage of the information gap to make tricks, forcing us not to move easily. Move your whole body..."

"Not only that..." Li Xiuning sighed, "There are four embassies in England."

"!" Gao Wen was surprised when she heard the words: "You mean..."

"Now the situation is muddy. The four embassies and Buckingham Palace are equivalent to five isolated islands. Now there is Lancelot. Even if we know it, the other three embassies don't know. If His continued attacks on the spirits of other embassies will inevitably lead to a further impasse in the whole situation, and once the relationship of trust breaks down, the summit talks will become a joke."

Li Xiuning is a diplomat, and the diplomacy between major powers has always been full of traps and various calculations. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are walking on thin ice.

The summit talks are an opportunity to show the world the friendly exchanges between major powers, but at the same time... it is also a big crisis.

If the trust between the Heroic Spirits breaks down in this summit meeting, the next five years will be spent without a peace treaty.

This is like a werewolf killing.

Lancelot attacked the French embassy, ​​successfully muddied the water, and attracted mutual suspicion from all countries. In the end, the spearhead was bound to be pointed at Britain, the host of the summit meeting. After all, it was the Knights of the Round Table who did it.

Bai Jue became a pawn used by the opponent to involve the heroic spirits of various countries.

Today, he is no longer the savior who summons wind and rain to drive away thunder and lightning, but has become a sweet pastry that heroes from all over the world want to compete for.

The other party hurt him and didn't kill him. It may not be that he is using this method to break down the trust between countries and force the heroic spirits to confront each other.

Perhaps from the very beginning, Bai Jue's injury established the formation of this poisonous scheme.

However, his importance prevented all heroic spirits from turning a blind eye to him, and in the end Bai Jue became the chestnut that caught the chestnut out of the fire.

Situation analysis ends here.

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