There was an indelible heaviness on their faces.

You can't do nothing, and you can't mess around without a plan.

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and there are obstacles everywhere in action, so there are too many scruples.

Position, country, trust, selfishness... These complicated elements are intertwined, making tonight's game more complicated than a four-color spider solitaire.

Even Gao Wen's mind was in a mess.

what should I do?

—leave here and return to Buckingham Palace?Or is Bai Jue's safety the most important thing?Or go to other embassies and inform them?

——What is the next target of the enemy?Where is Lancelot?Is he a traitor?

——What should I do...?

Distraught, she was completely at a loss.

The situation is critical, and she must make a judgment, but Gao Wen is not a talent with excellent judgment, she is a sword, a loyal and perfect knight on a white horse, but she needs a messenger to exert her full strength.

At this time, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Don't panic."

"Aren't I still here?"

"Use me as a pawn, I will make them regret..."

As Bai Jue said this, Gao Wen's restless heart suddenly calmed down.

It's incredible, why?

Just listening to him say so lightly, as if the sky is falling in front of my eyes, I don't need to change my face.

"I have to remind you." Li Xiuning said, "You are injured now... you are no different from ordinary people."

"I am the savior, and it has nothing to do with strength. As long as I am still alive, no one can take this title away from me even with my last breath." Bai Jue smiled confidently: "And I am the savior, so what? Will you let the other party slaughter you? To trigger a miracle and reach the other side of victory, for me, it is as simple as snapping your fingers."

What he said sounds like boasting, but some people believe it.

"I have a way to break the game."

Bai Jue said, "Tell them to come and go."

"What are you going to do?" Li Xiuning didn't stop her: "No matter what you plan to do, it can't be based on the premise of hurting yourself, do you understand?"

"No." Bai Jue shook his head: "What we have to do is very simple."


"We're going to Buckingham Palace now."

He said with a smile: "Then the coffin of the Lion King was lifted."


Buckingham Palace.

"Your Majesty, Sir Lancelot has arrived."

"Let him in." Elizabeth said worriedly.

Lancelot, dressed in bright silver armor, walked into the meeting hall.

"Your Majesty Elizabeth, I'm sorry I'm a step late." Lancelot said: "I have learned about the changes in England on the way, but the actual situation may be a bit troublesome. We have lost all means of communication..."

"I know." Elizabeth turned around, and she ordered: "I have asked Tristan to find the source of the fog first, and you should help him now, and the fog must clear before dawn."

"...Your Majesty, forgive me." Lancelot said, "Before I returned to Buckingham Palace, I received such a letter..."

"Letter? Who sent the letter and what was written on it?" Elizabeth frowned.

"It's the anti-heroic spirits...they want to negotiate with His Majesty." Lancelot said: "The location has been designated, and I hope you can go there as soon as you receive the envelope."

"It's ridiculous... a group of terrorists are still trying to negotiate with the emperor?" Elizabeth dismissed it.

"It's said in the letter that if His Majesty doesn't go..." Lancelot paused, "His safety is not guaranteed."

"What?" Elizabeth paused.

Lancelot sighed, he took out a violin case, opened it, and there was a severed arm inside...


The moment Elizabeth saw the severed arm, her pupils constricted violently, and she rushed up in a hurry, confirming the severed arm with trembling palms. There was still a little warmth in it, which proved that it had just been cut off not long ago.

"It's his arm..." Elizabeth murmured, "How could it be? How could it be possible? He...was clearly in the French embassy. How did he get this severed arm? Was he captured by the other side? Why did Gao Wen still not coming back……"

"I don't know, it might be a cover." Lancelot said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, the situation is urgent... Please make a decision."

Elizabeth gritted her teeth. After a while, she put her arms back into the box. She lifted the box with cold eyes.

"Take them to meet them!"


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