"Here is the Butter Player"

【哥布林伯爵】怨念法师 2018/9/16 19:14:01

Please note that the enemies you are facing are butter players with instant hypnotism, time stop, staring at who is pregnant, growing countless tentacles on the surface of the body, and playing with all humanoid creatures!


... In general, this is a true and honest fat house who has been unhappy in the real world, but has obtained the ability of the protagonist of Lifan by accident, and is determined to become a superhero in the world of Lifan and 18 Ban Butter. , smashed all the tragedies, and by the way, harvested a little fan girl's story in the process.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Leng Leng Leng Leng Leng..."

The shaman's gums were shaking non-stop on the river bank. He couldn't figure out why he saw a figure standing on the bank, but he couldn't see anyone after swimming past. He obviously felt a touch, but the next Seconds are gone.

The early morning fog and cold wind blew over, making him shiver from the cold.

I can only do push-ups and squats on the ground beside me to keep my body temperature from losing.

After exercising for a while, he felt that his body temperature had recovered. The shaman looked at the blurred figure in the middle of the river, felt strange and inexplicable, so he turned and left, and then sent a message to the jiuriji group by the way.

Shaman: I just ran into a ghost.

Quincy: Ghost?What the hell?Is it scary?

Li Jianan: There is no such thing as ghosts in this world. The rotation of heroic spirits proves the existence of the principles of civilization. Theories about ghosts and gods are all false. Shaman, I am afraid that you have watched a certain movie too much on weekdays, which caused your eyes to blur. evil.

Difficulty traveling: Li Shouzuo seems to be very afraid of ghosts... he is so grown up that he dare not watch ghost movies.

Xiao Wu: Shame rua, Xiao Wu dares to watch Elm Street alone!

Bei Gao: If ghosts really existed, they should be kept in captivity in a zoo.

Big Whale: It’s okay to be afraid of ghosts, take a photo to see.

Shaman: I forgot to take a picture. I thought someone was drowning, but I didn’t see anyone when I swam there. It’s really weird... I’m still looking for Drinking Congee and Leluo. There was no signal in the city before , It’s only when you come to the outskirts of the city that you have a little signal, and the signal is so bad, it’s just one block.

Quincy: Speaking of which, it seems that something happened, Ling Dao Leluo didn't respond... So did Sister Fa... Did something happen?

Shaman: Who knows.

Sister Fa: Something happened, not a trivial matter.

Xiao Wu: Sister Fa has thick lines!

Li Jianan: Ma'am, I like you!

Sister Fa: Shh... now is not the time to talk about this. I am now in the sky above England, and the whole of England is covered by thick fog. This thick fog is suspected to be some kind of anti-heroic treasure, which can make electronic equipment invalid While isolating the five senses of the heroic spirit, I raised the altitude all the way beyond the coverage of the fog before barely connecting to the satellite signal.

Beigao: ...and then you used it to log into the jirijiri group?

Difficulty on the road: Wow, Miss Fa is so serious today, she is not used to it.

Big Whale: Surprised!Is the wife so hardcore?How did you get to heaven?

Sister Fa: Of course my sister has her own method, the problem is... the shaman passed your location to me.

Shaman: Huh?Is Sister Fa also coming to catch ghosts?

Sister Fa: Be obedient, next time my sister will treat you to candy.

Shaman: ...Okay!

The shaman sends his geolocation.

At the same time, Fasalia, who is located thousands of feet above England, is walking in the void, like a strong man who walks on the void. Every step of her leaves a wave of cleansing. The pair of dark blue double rings releases bits and pieces of shimmering light, as if the stars are scattered, and every bit of light dissolves into the void.

If you look closely, Sister Fa is not walking, but swimming.

Her heroic spirit armament is also a very special type among the sword bearers who look at the scythe of judgment.

The Heroic Spirit Armed Forces is called Atlantis.

It is an armed spirit that manipulates the concept of 'flow'.

This kind of Heroic Spirit Armament is very difficult to control. It has changed its master several times since the establishment of the Judgment Scythe. Fasalia is its third master and the strongest holder. The first two holders can only control The flow of water and the flow of atmosphere, and she masters the flow of space on top of this.

The concept of space is different from water and air. It is an invisible concept. How she mastered it in just half a month is still an unsolved mystery, but it is also dependent on the use of space power , Sister Fa can truly fight against the heroic spirits with a mortal body.

She glanced at the location sent by the shaman.

His eyes locked on a corner of the British city-state.

Slightly raised the corners of his lips.

"I thought I was going to search the entire city, but now I've narrowed down the scope. This shaman...couldn't have really absorbed other people's luck."

Fasalia glides in the night sky like a fish and flies towards her destination.

The flow of mist converged at her fingertips, she closed her eyes, and the faint blue light spots enveloped her slender body, making her like a fish diving into a turbulent river, without any effort, she can swim downstream Alright, galloping towards the source of the dense fog and eddy current.


Chinese Imperial Embassy.

"Yanjing can't see such a thick fog..."

Liu Xiu rested her cheeks, she couldn't calm down, the city was locked in thick fog, the fog was too abnormal.

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