"It's the sound of thunder." Liu Xiu said, "It's the sound of rolling thunder..."

"It's the store manager." Altair stared at the night sky, she saw a striking thunder light that tore apart the night sky in the cracks in the sky as if proclaiming the wrath of the gods: "He's back."


"Tsk, I've been fishing for so long, and I put on such a domineering posture as soon as I came back."

Ling Dao grinned, and sighed pretending to be annoyed: "Alas, it seems that we don't have a role to play. Since he has entered the stage, it is not our turn to clean up the mess. The rest is his personal It's the show."

"I just went to buy some melon seeds, do you want to eat? After all, there will be a good show to watch later." Drinking porridge came with a bag of melon seeds, and each of them distributed a handful. The two sat down in the street, Start eating melon seeds to watch the show.

Sister Fa also grabbed a handful of melon seeds and held them in her hands, knocking them slowly, showing an indifferent attitude, and looked at the faceless man with a half-smile: "Come on... Ka... just watch carefully... Ka ...You so-called dead fish and broken nets... ka... what kind of... ka... the result..."

"You don't talk until you finish eating the melon seeds!" The Faceless Man said angrily.

At this time, drinking porridge also came over, carrying a bag of melon seeds: "Do you want some too?"

"????" The faceless man couldn't understand at all: "What kind of crazy are you? I am your enemy, what do you mean by giving the enemy melon seeds! Even if I die here today, I will not eat a single melon seed from you!"

"If you don't eat it, you don't eat it. What's wrong with it?" Drinking porridge squinted: "If you don't eat it, you don't eat it. Do you want some, Your Majesty the Empress?"

"Yeah, give me some too." Elizabeth also held a small handful of melon seeds, and gracefully peeled away the shells of the melon seeds. On the other hand, Sister Fa, who was eating melon seeds, smashed her teeth open.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, but these people below were eating melon seeds.

Crazy crazy... Are they crazy or am I crazy?

The Faceless Man couldn't understand it at all, but seeing the group of people eating melon seeds so happily, he swallowed a mouthful of smear.

"Wait!" Faceless Man thought that it would be cold later, so he said to the porridge, "Give me some melon seeds."


The channel constructed by twelve black boxes is about to be completed.

The cracks in the sky are constantly spreading, and it is impossible to stop their formation with ordinary means.

Bai Jue, who was in Shenhai back then, used the holy sword, and it took half his life to barely seal the formation of the passage.

Now he is facing twelve cracks.

Although the scale is much smaller than the one over Shenhai City, the difficulty is not low.

How can he cope?

Even though he regained the power of the holy soul, Bai Jue can't interfere with time and space. His power is only suitable for fighting, and his functionality is too poor. It's not an exaggeration to say that he only relies on brute force. How to use power... He was powerless to close the twelve rifts.

However, even Bai Jue like this has never escaped from the savior's responsibility. He has saved several worlds with his own hands, saved tens of millions of people in Shenhai City, [-] million people in Kyushu Island, and More people have passed than his eyes can see.

The night wind blew his snow-white hair.

Bai Jue gently stroked the soft hair of the white tiger.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the rift to emerge, waiting for a powerful enemy worthy of his all-out efforts to appear.

Maybe it was an army of thousands, maybe it was a monster from another world, maybe it was an evil god that devoured life.

It doesn't matter what it is, just defeat them all.

The wind was blowing, Bai Jue squinted his eyes, enjoying this brief moment of tranquility.

Maybe one minute, maybe three minutes, not a long time passed quietly.

In the night sky, the cracks finally cracked to the limit, and the space was like stripped fragments. When the fragments fell off, a dark gap was revealed.

The gap seemed to lead to an abyss.

The endless, unknown abyss.

Bai Jue stared into the abyss.

The abyss gazed at him too.

One smiles.

One is ferocious.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

War is the keynote of the world and the cradle of civilization.

No matter how strong words are used to cover it up, this is an undeniable fact.

There is no motivation without pressure. Evolution is a long process. Only a strong competition for survival can promote the continuous evolution and growth of species on the only path.

Throughout the history of mankind, wars have never ended, and peace is always only temporary.

Even if there is internal peace, there will always be stronger enemies.

If you win the war, you will usher in a higher level of evolution; if you lose the war, you will be reduced to a speck of dust.

There is no absolute security, no absolute protection.

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