Even if it is as strong as a clerk, it is always facing unknown threats. The universe of the fifth heaven is so vast and vast that the more you know, the more you feel that you know very little about it.

Staring at the abyss, Bai Jue felt a thousand emotions in his heart, but he didn't say a word.

Because some words are too hypocritical.

In today's England, the spirits of the five kingdoms are gathered together, the sky is wide open, the abyss is close to the dust, it is a scene of doomsday.

It is impossible not to be concerned about it. The eyes of the whole world are gathered here. People all over the UK have turned on their mobile phones and started recording screens. Some boldly walked out of their homes and started live broadcasting on the spot.

He knows what it means to stand here.

This means a commitment, a responsibility.

If he went into the night sky, he would block the countless monsters gushing out of the twelve cracks, if he could, he would block them if he couldn't.

Bai Jue's mood suddenly became a little complicated. He really didn't want to be famous.

As the savior, he should have been a world-renowned hero, but he rarely walked in the sun and exposed himself to the public. Even the deeds of ten years ago are only remembered by the heroic spirit and a few people. Almost nothing is known.

He is like a watchman, who only appears when he should appear, and disappears naturally when he is not needed.

This is the position Bai Jue gave himself at the beginning, very ordinary, very low-key, and very compelling.

He likes to live a life like a salted fish in such a quiet way. Occasionally, when he is idle and bored, he comes out to save the world, how pleasant it is.

However, God seems to always make trouble for him intentionally or unintentionally, always dragging him into the vortex of trouble, ignoring him at all, thinking he just wants to live a peaceful life.

It was so in the past and it is so now.

Maybe I really need to change my mentality, this kind of stage fright is really embarrassing, even more embarrassing than a big whale...

Thinking of this, Bai Jue sighed slowly, dispelled the laziness in his bones, and slowly moved his muscles and bones that were about to rust.

The sword intent boiled in the blood, and the thunder and lightning danced at the fingertips.


Bai Jue whispered, as for the pity, he couldn't say it himself.

He didn't notice that all the heroic spirits present were staring at his back, taking his every move into their eyes. It was a strange scene.

The sky was dark and the moon was closed, and there were many cracks. The abyss opened its eyes and stared at the earth.

Standing alone on the ground, he looked back silently, facing the scene of doomsday, and let out a slight sigh of relief.

A pity, a sigh of arrogance.

Sighed the courage of the world's number one.

He sighed out his strength of character.

Sigh out the arrogance of my invincibility.

Just like ten years ago.

This scene made Li Xiuning grit her teeth, made Gao Wen unable to hold herself back, made the Lion King's eyes move slightly, and made Dion hang his head down.

They are very grateful and honored to be here to witness.

Witness him taking back his own crown.


Bai Jue said that his calm words seemed to be speaking to himself, and he seemed to be listening to the heroic spirits behind him.

The voice passed through the night, like a prophecy, and it took only a few seconds after it spread.

From the end of the abyss came an extremely violent roar, resounding through the British Isles, making countless children cry, and making everyone who heard it tremble subconsciously. It was a trembling from the deepest part of the soul.

Then, a sharp claw came out of the abyss, and it tore open the night sky...

What a huge claw that was, the twelve cracks were torn open by it, just like an ordinary person tearing a plastic bag.

With the claws tore open the crack.

Bai Jue snapped his fingers, and a pale streak of thunder streaked across the sky.

The thunder light illuminated Yinglun like daylight, and at that moment, he saw a huge pupil with hungry and violent eyes.

The black animal head poked out a crack, and the body slowly squeezed into this world. The suffocating huge body and sense of existence hovered in the night sky, overlooking this new world.

"That's..." Li Xiuning whispered, "Dragon?"

Its appearance is undoubtedly that of an oriental dragon. It has two horns on its head, its body is like a long snake, its whole body is covered with scales, and its belly has four legs. No matter what kind of characteristics it has, it is exactly the same as the oriental dragon. So violent, with such greedy eyes, like a high-ranking predator, it is daunting.

Bai Jue was equally surprised, he didn't expect a dragon to arrive.

The black dragon's whiskers fluttered non-stop, tearing apart the air and bringing out countless electric lights.

The whole city is reflected in the indifferent dragon eyes, the atmosphere of cruelty and tyranny is getting stronger,

The heaven and the earth reacted, and the dark clouds rolled in wildly. The sky began to gather a large amount of cloud and rain, and the heavy rain poured down in just a few breaths.

Calling the wind and calling the rain, and moving the clouds to spread the rain are things that dragons can do.

But it doesn't seem to want rain.

"It's recovering..." Bai Jue revealed its true purpose: "Water is the source of life. It calls rain clouds to moisten itself. This black dragon must have wandered outside the world for a long time. It didn't Drips of water, nothing to eat... Now that it has had a drink, it's time to eat."

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