"You can't drink if you're not an adult? This is between me and the captain. Why do you care?"

"Are you planning to get him drunk and trick him into taking away his ancestral chromosomes! I've seen through this trick!"

"Wooooow!" Bai Jue whimpered in pain.

But apparently the girls around him didn't intend to let him go.

They oppressed them, everyone holding a piece of moon cake in their hands, and their eyes were shining with inexplicable desire for struggle and red light.

Said a word in unison.

"—Come on, Bai Jue, open your mouth and eat the cake."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In life, there will always be some unimaginable variables, such as waking up and finding that you have traveled to a different world that can transform horses into fighting spirits, or opening your eyes to find that you are wearing a magical crown on your head, and then your penis is gone. For example, you You've worked so hard to get married, and when you're about to get married, your little wife suddenly took off her skirt and told you to be taller.

This kind of turning point always makes people have a sense of sadness that Kuba has passed away.

The same is true for Bai Jue today.

He couldn't remember at all what happened after he was given a mouthful of mooncake last night.

Since the awakening of the holy soul, his spiritual power has been increasing day by day. Learning swordsmanship and comprehending the meaning of the sword has made his spiritual power reach a subtle level. As long as he is willing, he can even see every speck of dust in the air clearly. The mastery of himself has already reached the level of deep understanding. As long as his mental power keeps running, there should be no such wonderful symptoms as 'amnesia'.

However, the fact is that he really can't remember what happened at all. When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange ceiling with a little familiarity in front of him.

He stared at the ceiling for more than three minutes, his mind went blank, and even felt a pain in his head. He clearly smelled the alcohol on his body. It took a while to recall a little bit of detail. It seemed that after being given a mouthful of mooncakes, I had no choice but to pull the people around me and start drinking.

Pulling Yin Shi and Lao Xu, they began to drink heavily.

But he forgot, it's not that the girls around here can't drink, Ji Zi also came over with a wine glass, Da Vinci also came over, and then it seemed that everyone drank a little bit of wine...even the two girls Li also got a little bit of it, which was a crime.

However, if it's just drinking, I shouldn't be drunk... Bai Jue can't figure it out, his memory only reached the time when he clinked glasses with Da Vinci, and then it stopped abruptly, as if the memory cells died in pieces , the spirit soul completely resists recalling the situation of last night.

Eh?Why do I feel a little familiar with this situation, as if I have known each other somewhere...

Oh yes!

Bai Jue was startled, and he sat up. At the third singularity, Ping'an Jing, when he was given the love potion, his memory of the second half of the night completely disappeared, and it was exactly the same as now!

"No, no, it's impossible, those wines are all my own, it's impossible for me to be drugged..."

Bai Jue shook his head, fundamentally rejecting this frightening possibility.

Yes, yes, I must be drunk... He groped towards the bed while comforting himself. This is not the bedroom of the coffee shop. He thought that he must have been drunk last night and pushed away from the world Zhimen has been sleepwalking everywhere, and when he wakes up, he is not on the side of the road, but he can still find a bed to sleep in. It’s really unbelievable... By the way, why didn’t the mop and the fireproof girl pick me up, and they just left me as the store manager Go out and surf...

Thinking this way, he was about to lift the quilt, and then there was a fragrance in the air. The faint fragrance had the fragrance of flowers, like a girl's body fragrance, and even his body had that kind of fragrance like musk or orchid.

The slow feeling fed back to the brain, and only then did he realize that the soft, warm, fragrant and mysterious creature nestled next to him seemed to be possible... It was not a fragrant pillow, but a fragrant young lady. ...


Bai Jue suddenly took a deep breath, his expression became tense and stiff in an instant, he slowly pulled the corner of the quilt with trembling hands, and while silently chanting Amitabha Buddha to praise his mother God, he slowly opened the quilt with cartoon layers .

Then Sunshine witnessed a miracle happen.

The long silver hair is like fine silk, shining like glass in the sun. She didn't even change her clothes. The girl in the maid's outfit closed her eyes quietly, her delicate nose was breathing evenly, and her ingenious collarbone was clearly visible in the sun. .

At that moment, Bai Jue's expression changed.

It turns out that the mop didn't pick me up because I fell asleep... No!But why do I feel that I was slept by her?

This time it really became sleep!

After the cup was lifted, Altair curled up instinctively, her legs moved a little, and then a wonderful reaction happened.

Bai Jue clearly felt something move in his abdomen... Ah, it wasn't his Tower of Babylon, he had top-notch gun pressing skills, after the scare just now, even hard ones would soften.

Something soft was moving in his abdomen, and he lifted a section of the quilt again.

The silver-haired Loli used his stomach as a pillow and slept soundly.

Teresa is sleeping...

Bai Jue obviously felt something was wrong, because there seemed to be more than one warm and soft creature, surrounded in all directions.

Bai looked at the bed he was sitting on with a silent expression. It was about five meters long and three meters wide...

Is this bed a bit too big? !

Bai Jue turned around and lifted the quilt behind him.

Matthew held Abigail in his arms, sticking to his back.

No one knows how many legs are hidden under the quilt!

Bai Jue silently covered the cup again, tightly covered...

Then...he exploded in place.


"Is this? The Northeast Chaotic Stew!"

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