"What did I do? What happened last night to become such a dream-level opening method with a lot of people sleeping together!"

"When they wake up, I'm afraid they will die! Have I kept my virginity? They don't look messy at all, but one man and more women slept all night, and I always feel that I have gone further and further away from the concept of virgins Far away, hey!"

Bai Jue's mind was a mess.

Thinking is extremely chaotic.

The mood is also complicated and difficult to understand.

He clearly felt that he was taking pills, but deep down in his heart, he felt a shameful sense of accomplishment.

To be reasonable, this kind of big quilt with all kinds of girls stewed in one pot is simply a man's dream, right?

Look at the clerk next door, did he do it!No!

But my savior did it, do you think I am awesome?

...It's awesome, it's awesome, let's see what kind of knife they plan to use to slice you back when they wake up.

Bai Jue thought for a while, and his eyes immediately locked on the location of the door. The whole room is indeed very big, very big, but the exit is not far away, and it is not difficult to leave with his skill!

I have to run before they wake up!He ran away and said he didn't know anything!In this way, a ray of life can be preserved!

Thinking this way, Bai Jue began to slowly withdraw to the outside. He couldn't jump straight up, too much movement would wake them up, so he could only move his body slowly, imagining himself as a loach crawling out of the mud... …

As his slight movements continued, he finally pulled out his upper body, and just as he was leaning on the wall and was about to get away, a hand grabbed his ankle... a bulge was lifted from the quilt, It moves up slowly...

This makes people feel like watching a horror movie.

Bai felt that his ankle was being held, and that person was still climbing up. His breathing was stagnant, and his subconscious struggle became more intense, but it was of no use. A delicate face emerged from under the quilt.

"Shh." The wolf girl put her index finger in front of her lips, and she opened and closed her lips: "Be gentle."

Bai Jue nodded immediately, thinking that luckily it was Holo.

The two got off the bed lightly, Bai Jue fled to the door with lightning speed, opened the door and hurried out, Holo followed her with her little hands behind her back, before going out, she still looked He glanced at the girls who were sleeping soundly.

However, the girls who lost their central bones all felt a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously moved towards the middle. If they expressed their body language at the moment in one sentence, it would probably be—how about such a big one?Was here just now.


After leaving the room, Bai Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

He leaned on the wall of the hallway with a look of relief on his face, and Holo patted him on the back lightly.

"Don't worry, it's okay, in fact, things are not as bad as you think."

"Really?" Bai Jue asked.

"Hmm, the truth is worse than you imagined." Holo smiled slyly.

"You're not comforting at all!" Bai Jue's expression was blank.

"Because it's already so bad, what else can you do? You can just let nature take its course." Holo said with a smile.

"So, what happened last night..." Bai Jue asked, "Why did we sleep on the same bed in this strange place, just like the chaos in the Northeast..."

"Don't you remember?" Holo blinked.

"I don't remember at all!" Bai Jue said through gritted teeth: "If I can travel through time, I just want to go back and see clearly."

"Well, it's like this, because you were completely drunk last night, so drunk that you collapsed on the chair and didn't move. , we gave you that kind of hangover medicine, and then you did wake up, but it seemed that you were even more drunk and couldn't control the situation at all." Holo smiled cutely, showing two small canine teeth: "But we don't hate it. You look so cute when you let yourself go."

"I? I knew it was like this!"

Bai Jue had a thunderous expression on his face, clenched his hands into fists, and shouted with a broken expression: "Then what kind of ecstasy soup did Da Bichi pour me into! That stepping horse is definitely not a hangover soup! After I finished drinking it, yesterday The memory of the whole night is blank!"

Holo tilted her head, and she said with a look of 'I already knew', "Is that so? We don't know at all~"

... Lie to ghosts, you know everything, you are a wise wolf!How could you fail to see through the inner thoughts of that big bitch, you definitely didn't stop it on purpose!

Bai Jue's eyes were full of strong distrust, but what else could he do?

It can only be turned into a deep sigh.

"And then? What happened after I was given the ecstasy soup?"

"Well, let's think about it... because we also drank a lot of wine last night, and we all got a lot drunk. In fact, everyone was drunk a lot, and we can't maintain normal thinking anymore. Many girls took the opportunity Sticking to you and refusing to get off, if it wasn’t for that girl named Matthew who said so desperately, ‘I will protect the chastity of your predecessors’, maybe you would have been stripped by them.” Holo said with a half-smile: “You See if half of the buttons on your clothes are missing?"

...Are these women wolves!

Bai Jue put his hand on his forehead: "And then?"

"Probably because you are strong and cowardly, your performance last night was also unexpectedly bold." Holo thought for a while: "You proposed to hold a game of kings, and everyone randomly drew lots to play the game, and all the girls present agreed, and then It’s a king’s game full of all kinds of sinister calculations. If you want to write it, you can write at least [-] words of non-repetitive plots. It can be said to be quite exciting. From the results, the girls drank more. Drinking too much wine, the wits that were not much in the first place are almost completely evaporated, and this is what they have done to themselves..."

"What about me? How am I?" Bai Jue cared about this.

"It's nothing like that."

"Just being forced to hug left and right, and forced to confess to a few girls."

Holo's previous sentence made Bai Jue heave a sigh of relief, but the next sentence made Bai Jue almost breathless.

"I don't believe it! How could I! How could I make..."

"Really, you teased that... that Ji Zi so hard that you couldn't help but pounce on him, trying to get rid of you on the spot. I didn't expect you to be so proficient... You said sweet words one after another, what? "It's hard to see you for the first time", what "where my thoughts reach, wherever my eyes reach, is you", what "the moonlight is so beautiful is not as beautiful as you", it is simply a complete collection of confessions, to all girls I’ve said it all over again and it’s not the same…”

"Oh oh oh oh, shut up, I don't want to hear it!"

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