Bai Jue's brain was boiling.

"Actually, it's nothing. Everyone is drunk. Few people remember it, and few people will take it seriously..." Holo stared into Bai Jue's eyes, which were full of tenderness. Cheek: "I didn't take it seriously~"

...I believe it.

...that's weird!

"A conservative question, what did I say to you last night..." Bai Jue always felt that there was something wrong with Xian Lang's eyes.

"Hmm, we guessed you would ask that."

Xianlang smiled cutely and said: "You have an ancestral chromosome..."

"Impossible!" Bai Jue raised his hand and resolutely vetoed it: "Even if I drank the ecstasy soup, Shi Lezhi would never say such vulgar words! Absolutely impossible! It's fake, it's fiction! What about ancestral chromosomes?" It's just unspeakable!"

Holo stuck out her tongue: "You can guess it?"

"Of course, I don't know how someone could say such vulgar words!" Bai Jue said, "My confession should be elegant and..."

But before Bai Jue finished speaking.

Holo had already walked in, she stood on tiptoe and whispered in Bai Jue's ear.

"You said that to me last night..."

"When I saw you for the first time, I was fascinated by you..."

After she finished speaking, she took two steps away with her small hands behind her back.

Bai Jue finally came to his senses. He froze for a few seconds, then rubbed the back of his head: "You're... a bit reckless."

Take the opportunity to confess at this time.

"I didn't say it." Holo turned around and said in a mischievous voice, "You said it."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Holo yawned, saying that she was going to take a bath, and reminded Bai Jue not to come and peep, but Bai Jue said very steely and straight, definitely not.

After watching the wolf girl leave, Bai Jue realized that this is a completely strange place.

"Speaking of which, where is this place..."

Is it possible that I have traveled to some strange world after being drugged?

No, if it's time travel, they won't time travel together, right?

It should still be on Earth.

While the girls were still sleeping, Bai Jue planned to take a look around the neighborhood. This place does not seem to be an uninhabited place. Judging from the appearance of the building, it is a typical Japanese-style building, and the surrounding scenery is also ups and downs. In the mountains, this building is located in the flat area between the mountains, surrounded by the roar of the waterfall, blue sky and white clouds, what a beautiful scene.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, Bai Jue immediately felt good. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he suddenly felt that life is still pretty good.

Hmm, in short, enjoy this quiet scenery first, and then go to the sky to see where you are.

Bai Jue, who was still enjoying the morning air, heard a footstep at this time, the footsteps were very light, and there was no sound of shoes hitting the wooden boards. This reminded him that in such a Japanese-style building, no one wore shoes. shoes.

At the same time as the footsteps came, Bai Jue's soul perception also fed back the other party's information. He was somewhat familiar with this soul wave, but not particularly familiar.

A woman who looked like Yamato Nadeko walked around the corner.

Uesugi Kenshin.

After seeing her, Bai Jue's first reaction in his heart was to relax. It seemed that he hadn't gone to a strange world, he was still on the earth, and it was relatively close to the Shenzhou Empire, which was in Kyushu Island; the second reaction was strange, why did he always After waking up, you will be on Kyushu Island, and why is Uesugi Kenshin here?

"Good morning, did you rest well last night?" Uesugi Kenshin bowed slightly and said good morning. As a representative of Yamato Nadeko, she was always so decent and generous whenever she appeared, making her appearance very refreshing.

"Good morning, I didn't sleep well, I think it's okay... right?" Bai Jue rubbed his eyebrows: "It's just that I was a little frightened after waking up in the morning, and I don't know how to end it, including what happened next."

"It's true, it's a bit difficult." Uesugi Kenshin covered his lips and smiled: "I can't help you with this, you can only figure out a way by yourself."

"Emmm..." Bai Jue stared at her seriously: "Is this house yours?"

"It's my private residence." Uesugi Kenshin nodded lightly: "It's a resort or something. It belongs to the Uesugi family's property. If you like it, I can give it to you."

She said it generously, and she meant it.

This sentence of giving away not only gave away a house, but also gave him all the four mountain peaks in the surrounding area.

Kyushu Island is a country with private ownership of land. Land belongs to individuals, and the state has no right to deprive citizens of their personal property. However, in Kyushu Island, where the land area is not enough, the land itself is a very valuable wealth, which can be described as every inch of land.

Saying this sentence is enough to make ninety-ninety percent of the people in the world be moved.

Of course, Bai Jue was not included, he refused without even thinking about it: "No need, I can't take care of such a big house, I'm more concerned about what happened last night... I can't remember Too clear."

Uesugi Kenshin thought for a while: "Did something happen last night? Well, it did cause a lot of commotion at the beginning, and suddenly you brought a group of girls to Asama Shrine, saying that you were looking for a room that was big enough... ..."


Bai Jue couldn't understand at all, what was wrong with his brain that he came to Kyushu Island to open a house?

"I couldn't understand it at first, but when I arrived, I asked after a while before I understood what you said, 'Sleeping with a big quilt is a fine tradition in Kyushu Island', 'Of course you have to come to the island country to find a big quilt to sleep together' Room' and so on." Kenshin Uesugi had a polite expression, but she was indeed snickering: "It's really interesting, such a bold statement..."

…Shut up, I am Shi Lezhi, I was infused with ecstasy soup, then? It's not me, definitely not me!

Bai Jue was silent for a long time: "Forget what you said last night, it's all drunk nonsense, you can't take it seriously."

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