Mo Di didn't like this kind of thinking. Rather, he thought that this kind of thinking was rampant, so he knew that there were constant disputes in the Warring States Period.

"Your ideas are too radical. It's good for young people to be enthusiastic, but they are just lies after all. The gods will not be destroyed, and the six kingdoms will continue." Mozi said: "The only way is to stop the war. "

"Can the war stop? As long as people still have greed, the war will not end."

Bai Jue doesn't dislike the Mohist's universal love and non-aggression, but it is too idealized and requires too much dedication and sacrifice, and this kind of dedication and sacrifice is more conducive to covering up the ruler's cold-blooded and ruthless.

He said: "It is impossible for everyone to sit down and talk about it calmly. If this happens, there are only two possibilities."

Mo Di paused, and asked, "These two?"

"The first possibility is that there is a common enemy." Bai Jue raised his index finger, and he said, "This is what strategists call the art of combining vertical and horizontal forces. A powerful enemy can make the six countries give up fighting and turn their targets against each other." The quasi-only enemy, if they continue to fight, they will be taken advantage of by the enemy ... It is a balance, but it is not in line with today's situation."

Mo Di had indeed heard Zhang Yi say something similar, but there is no political strategist in Jixia now.

He asked again, "What about the second one?"

"The second is common interests. The huge interests are enough to make them give up the idea of ​​competing for each other's territory. Until they fully grasp the definite interests, they will also form an alliance for a short time."

Bai Jue raised his second finger: "This situation is possible, assuming they are aiming at a big cake at the same time... For example, in Qin today, if the six countries decide to jointly attack Qin, they will indeed form an alliance until Qin was destroyed."

Mo Sheng put his hands flat on his knees, and said in a deep voice, "But it's only temporary."

"It's temporary. If Qin is destroyed, in order to carve up this sweet cake, wars will continue to break out among the six countries... until the interests are divided... In fact, Qin has always been walking on the edge of the cliff, but The group of red-eyed six countries didn't realize this, but sooner or later, they will notice." Bai Jue said: "At that time, what will Qin do to stop it?"

"I can't stop it..." Mo Di closed his eyes: "I can't stop it, and I can't hold it."

When a country came to invade, Hangu Pass was still barely able to defend against the natural danger. If the six countries attacked Qin, it would only take three days for Qin to perish.

The gods of the six kingdoms launched the wrath of heaven at the same time, and Hangu Pass would be erased from the map in an instant.

Mo Di once saw with his own eyes the scene where the entire city was razed to the ground by a big hand, and that scene left a deep impression on his heart. Since then, he has become more determined that if one wants peace, the only way to put an end to war is to stop war. The unification of force is unpredictable.

"Then Mozi, forgive me for asking, do you think this is fair?"

Bai Jue asked: "Since Qin Xiaogong, the Qin State has implemented political reforms, strict legal system, and strengthened the state's internal affairs. It has been fighting hard for many years, and it has gone through many generations of kings. However, the Warring States period has passed a hundred years, and it still retreats at Hangu Pass. After that, it became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the hands of the six nations, is that reasonable?"

"...Unreasonable." Mo Zi nodded.

"Then let me ask again, the Six Kingdoms don't implement benevolent government, ignore internal conflicts, the scholar-official class seizes power and amass wealth, the political situation is chaotic, the kings believe in gods, and the power of the country is used for large-scale sacrifices. Disputes have continued for a hundred years, and sixty-eight cities have been destroyed, and more than a hundred people have died. Ten thousand years of cold and famine, refugees from the six kingdoms change their sons for food, spring swallows return, and the eaves are in ruins...but the king doesn't care about it, is this fair?"


"Then let me ask one last question, all schools of thought are the pioneers of the human race, developing various theories, in order to unify the world, to quell wars, the Mohist defend the city, the Confucian scholars seek benevolence, how many generations have the world's scholars spent in finding the way to save the world and calm the people , now it is a cold winter for hundreds of families, and in a hundred years, there will be no more scholars in the world! Hundreds of years of vicissitudes have brought such an ending! Why, why!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mo Di remained silent.

The quiet room was silent because of Bai Jue's three questions.

"There is no such thing as fairness or rationality in the world. It is common sense for the strong to bully the weak. It is also the nature of the law of the jungle to prey on the weak. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, that's all. When human beings no longer have morality and rationality, Just plain beasts."

Bai Jue said: "Today's Six Kingdoms are beasts, and those kings are cancerous tumors. Instead of advising them to be kind, it is better to cut them off directly, saving time and effort. This is the fastest and most direct way."

"Stop killing with killing..." Mozi sighed, "Even if we rule the world, what we will gain is only a scar from the flames of war."

"Then rebuilding on the ruins is the way the world is. Shang destroyed Xia, Zhou destroyed Shang. Since ancient times, the change of dynasties has always been like this." Bai Jue said: "This is an era of war, how can there be undead?"

"The way is different, and we don't conspire with each other... No wonder Confucius let you come to Jixia. Such a thought is certainly beyond my understanding." Mozi didn't want to continue talking, because as an elder, he shouldn't be with you. The younger generation argued, and secondly, he couldn't deny Bai Jue's thoughts, so he could only interrupt the discussion: "Forget it, continuing to argue will only make each other unhappy."

"This time, the younger brother is too rude, thank you Mozi for your generosity." Meng Ke quickly took over the topic: "Then, we will leave."

"You don't need to be too polite, and you don't need to be panic. You are new here and you need a place to rest. The Jixia Academy is built on the hillside. It covers an area of ​​several miles and the terrain is complicated. I am afraid that you will get lost, and ask the students outside the door to guide you. Bar."

It was only after Mo Di opened his mouth that Meng Ke noticed that there were people waiting outside the quiet room.

It's just that when I first came, no one was outside the door.

Bai Jue naturally noticed early in the morning that even though his mental power was severely suppressed, he could still perceive everything within ten steps. The person outside the door was none other than the girl he had seen earlier.

Mozi said: "Come in."

There was a knock on the door of the quiet room, and a woman in a white robe walked into the quiet room, bowing slightly: "Student Xun Qing, I have seen Mozi."

Hearing her self-introduction, Bai Jue's face changed slightly.

It turns out that she is Xun Qing... a famous thinker at the end of the Warring States period and a semi-sage.

Xunzi, whose name is Kuang Ziqing, has the same pronunciation as Sun in ancient times, so he is also called Sun Qing.

Xunzi played a very important role in the history of the Warring States Period, and his theory of evil nature was often compared with Mencius' theory of good nature.

But Xun Qing's most famous is not her own political actions, but the students she taught. She has three famous students, one is Han Fei, one is Li Si, and the other is Zhang Cang.

Han Feinai is the master of legalism. It can be said that his summarized legalism ended all schools of thought. Legalism is also the final victor among all schools of thought. The King of Qin exclaimed when he saw it. If the widow sees this person and swims with him, he will not hate to die." Such words!

Needless to say, Li Si, the founding official of the Qin State, was also the one who killed his brother Han Feizi with his own hands.

Zhang Cang, the founding prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty, once served as a censor in Qin State.

Although Xun Qing is a member of Confucianism, he has a deep connection with Jixia Academy. He has a lot of connections with Gong. His thought is different from that of ordinary Confucian scholars. He was influenced by Huang Lao's theory, and he put forward the theory of paying equal attention to etiquette and law. In the end, the complete legalism was developed from this theory.

Therefore, Xunzi is revered as a posthumous saint.

Bai Jue did not expect that Xunzi was actually a woman in this era.

In fact, Mencius and Xunzi were not from the same era, but now the two of them not only met in the same era, but also got the wrong gender at the same time, which has to be said... well done.

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