Here someone Bai looked at Xun Qing.

Xun Qing was also looking at Bai Jue. She really planned to go back to rest just now, but Xun Qing didn't have a real teacher in Jixia Academy. She lacked a teacher, and she was confused. She was depressed and could only seek help from Mozi.

However, before she could even knock on the door, she overheard a conversation.

She listened to all the conversations between Bai Jue and Mo Zi exactly.

At first she felt that Bai Jue's attitude was arrogant and disrespectful to Mo Zi, but as she gradually listened to it, she suddenly felt enlightened.

It is extremely, it is extremely.

Xun Qing sometimes raised his eyebrows and sometimes frowned.

Hearing the depths, she felt that what Bai Jue said was true, and that it really touched his heart, but she did not fully accept Bai Jue's thoughts, because the boundless killing intent in that voice made her a little uneasy.

It was the three questions that made Xun Qing most difficult to maintain her mind. She had a lot to ask and say, but it was difficult to speak in front of Mo Zi.

"Go, remember to take care of the two of you."

Mo Di probably also has some things to think about, and he is not as calm as he appears on the surface.

Bai Jue and Meng Ke resigned and left the quiet room.

Meng Ke has long been used to Bai Jueyu's non-surprise and endless temper. In a sense, Meng Ke, who has been influenced by red thoughts, has long been an evolved version of Miss Meng, which is different from the saint who only knows how to talk about benevolent government.

She looked at Xun Qing a little angrily, always feeling that there was something special about this woman.

Xun Qing didn't care about Meng Ke at all.

She opened her mouth, biting her lower lip slightly, and finally she couldn't help but asked, "Master Bai, what you talked about with Mozi just now, Qing Wu had probably listened to it, and now I have many doubts in my heart, can you explain it?" Confused?"

"But it's okay to ask, but it's just a superficial opinion." Bai Jue thought to himself that scholars like to talk about it anyway, so come on, talk about cheating, my savior has never been afraid of anyone.

"Young Master, I think I'm right, but in this chaotic world, can war be the only way to end it?" Xun Qing asked the most important question as soon as he opened his mouth.

Bai Jue shook his head: "That's not the case. The theory of a hundred schools of thought, whether it's Confucianism or Mohism, if implemented properly, wars can be ended. If the world is all benevolent, love all sentient beings, and don't start unjust wars, everyone sit down and drink peacefully. Tea, a chat, and a game of chess will naturally end the dispute."

Meng Ke frowned slightly, how could she not know, but how difficult is it to achieve this?Let everyone become Mohists, or let everyone become Confucian scholars?

The princes and nobles will never agree.

"My son's words..."

"Is this absurd?" Bai Jue asked with a smile, "Because you also know that this is almost impossible to achieve. Whether it is Confucianism or Mohism, benevolent government or both love and non-aggression, it is impossible to stop the war, because Today, there is no righteous war in the world, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone to love his whole life. It is impossible for princes and nobles to love lowly common people. If they are not made to look noble, how can they be rulers? If you want to be a ruler, you cannot let yourself Getting smarter just makes the people below dumber."

"...the conflict between the ruling class and the civilian class is ultimately opposite." Meng Ke said: "It cannot be changed. This is the cage that the feudal system cannot avoid."

Xun Qing asked again: "If benevolent government is useless, is there only war?"

"War is not the goal. The real goal is to unify the world. Only when the world is united and there is only one emperor in China can it be stable." Bai Jue said: "The world is too big to accommodate tens of millions of people. Too small, only room for one king."

Xun Qing was silent for a while.

"Your Excellency, I understand." Her eyes were gradually stained with an indistinct profundity: "Natural selection, survival of the fittest, what the Young Master said is indeed the truth. The law of the jungle is the law of nature. The essence is also a beast, only a complete war can unify China..."

"But a complete war may also destroy China." Bai Jue said: "Today's war is not normal. Rather, the world today is too distorted. Miss Xun, do you know where the root of the distortion is?"

"... Greed?" Xun Qing asked.

"It's the gods." Bai Jue said: "This is the domain of the human race in Shenzhou. Why do we need the power of the gods? They shouldn't have appeared or existed. They also blocked the trajectory of history and rewritten the world that was supposed to be unified." process."


Xun Qing muttered to himself.

She thought of the city-state that was on fire.

She thought of the god who covered the sky and the sun.

She remembered the bloody battlefield.

Walking alone on the battlefield full of bones, climbing the plank road that is difficult to climb to the sky, and traveling a thousand miles alone, from Zhao to Qin, studying hard in Jixia Academy.

What made her study alone?

What made her homeless?

What made her seek so hard?

It is hatred.

It is a god.

"God, be punished."

"If there is no god, and the six countries lose this support, Qin's iron cavalry will sweep the world, and the world will be unified, just around the corner."

Bai Jue spoke in a calm tone, neither sensational nor passionate.

But it was this sentence that made Xun Qing's heart beat violently, and she suddenly realized that maybe the real target of her revenge was them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Slaughtering God is not an easy task.

Talking about killing gods, but it's not as simple as shouting, "One day I will tear up this false starry sky", "I can't help my fate", and then explode the seeds all the way to Jiuchongxiao.

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