The lecturer kept a silent expression, and the students around him were all looking at him, only Lu Buwei was studying hard in the corner of "The Sutra of Intervention" written by Bai Jue and Xia Jiba.

"Wait, what day is it today?" Bai Jue looked at Xun Qing seriously.

"The fifth day of the seventh month." Xun Qing said.

"The day after tomorrow?"

"Qi Qiao Festival."

Bai Jue's eyes darkened, so it's Qixi Festival?


ps1: Qixi Festival, known as the Qiqiao Festival in ancient times, most likely originated before the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. In ancient times, there was a poem "Xiaoya? Dadong" written in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Xiang.Although Qixiang, it is not a seal; if you look at the cow, you will not accept the box.

The general idea is that the Vega in the sky, sitting by the loom, has no intention of weaving silk, but thinks of the Altair on the other side of the Milky Way wholeheartedly, and misses it endlessly.From this, it can be imagined that in the Western Zhou Dynasty, there were imaginations and legends of the love story between the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.


text inside

Pigeons are not what I want.

All my friends know that I am serious about Calvin.

Recently, I have been stuck for three or four hours every day, and I only typed out [-] words at two o'clock. According to this state, I will probably write until dawn at five o'clock, so I can only put it on hold for a while.

I went to other places before and didn't have any pigeons, but today I have pigeons, but I feel complicated.

It can only be said that the subject matter of the Warring States Period is too complicated and involves too many characters. Even if you want to sort it out, it will take a long time.

Let me take a day off.

The main thing is that the two books are Cavendish together, and I also listen to despair (Wang Tian).

Speaking of which, I have been dreaming a lot lately. I was chased by an unknown creature in my dream last night. I woke up in the morning and I didn’t know who chased me again... emmm, so does it mean that people become mentally retarded when they dream?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You are a younger brother, do you know?"

Bai Jue knocked on the table and scolded Lu Buwei furiously: "Everyone knows a little bit, but everyone is not proficient. It's two thousand years too early for you to criticize Legalism like this!"

"I... I just said that this method is too merciless, why are you so cruel to me!" Lu Buwei retorted in a low voice with a frustrated face: "I have studied hard! What else do you want to do! Have I been crying for you to see!"

"If you cry, I'll slash you with a sword." Bai Jue stared.

"It's fine, it's still in class, everyone, please be kind." A lecturer who attended the class said, "Let's continue with class."

"That's right, Lecturer Bai, let's continue talking. We are waiting to hear. It's almost time to ring the bell to end the get out of class. Hurry up and talk more." Another Mr. Jixia who was attending the class also urged.

The classroom was full of people. The classroom that could only accommodate more than [-] people had already filled nearly a hundred people. There were not many students in Jixia Academy. Several Mr. Jixia, after Bai Jue's hard work, they finally let go of their airs, and came to attend the class after honestly saying something really sweet.

Bai Jue could only push his air glasses, then walked to the podium and continued to narrate.

However, students still communicate in private.

"Why is Master Bai so tempered today? I have bullied Lu Buwei five times in one class this afternoon. Even if he farts, he will be scolded twice. It's too miserable."

"Didn't you also see it during Wenbi, the sword aura is so exaggerated, and the terrifying sword aura he slashed shows how much Lu Buwei is hated by Master Bai."

"That sword energy is indeed exaggerated, but that's not the reason why he was scolded..."

"What's the reason for that?"

"Didn't you notice that Master Xun and Miss Meng are not here today? Don't forget what day it is."

"Oh, Girl's Day!"

"Is there an event in Jixia tonight, gather in the atrium, worship the moon and pray for blessings, maybe there will be some people presenting poems."

"I heard that Jun Qin seems to be coming tonight. I don't know who is qualified to take away the presents prepared by the girls in the begging ceremony tonight."

Whispering in private is common, but Bai Jue pretends he didn't hear it.

It's just that there are already many thoughts in my heart.

——Qiqiao Festival, Girl's Day, Qixi Festival... Hehe, I can go to your sister's.

——Thinking about the last Qixi Festival in Yanjing Jixia, I was a savior, wearing a mask to send assists, it can be said that I was benevolent, and finally pushed myself to the front desk, and was cheated by the clerk surnamed Bai... If it wasn't for someone who caused trouble to come to my temporary rescue, maybe we would have already explained where we are.

——In the Warring States Period, in the Singularity, God seems to want me to feel the despair of last time.

——Tonight, Bai Jue will shut up and think about my mistakes, playing the role of a younger brother, keeping my ears shut and only reading Jin Ping Mei... As long as I enter the sage mode, Qixi Festival is not important at all.

——Go to his meow's Qixi Festival, go to his meow's moon worship and pray for blessings, I will lock the door tonight, and no one will try to pull me out! !


Not long after, as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Bai Jue immediately shut his mouth and didn't say a word.

He calmly tidied up the bamboo slips and silk, and knocked on the table.

"get out of class."

Suddenly, there was a sigh from below, like a group of kittens waiting to be fed.

"Come on, Master Bai, just add a few more sentences! Just two sentences! Look at the last two sentences in this long paragraph. I'm about to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

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