"Yes, Master Bai, let us study, only by studying can we become handsome, you teach us to become handsome!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, give the lecture, I will suffocate if I don't listen to the lecture!"

Bai Jue rolled his eyes, ignored the group of people, turned around and walked out of the classroom.

Ta Meow, who said that the people in the Warring States Period were kind and simple in nature.

This group of scholars are all chicken thieves, they have learned from others, and they are proficient in using his witticism.

I heard that some people are collecting Bai Jue's quotations, intending to record them and pass them on to future generations. Of course, Bai Jue himself does not know this, otherwise he will change the course of history without knowing it.

Hmm... It's the same as when a certain clerk became the first archbishop of the church out of nowhere.

From a certain point of view, Bai Jue is really similar to a missionary, but everyone believes in the legal system.

Although Bai Jue walked out of the classroom, there were still a group of students hugging and kissing non-stop.

Gossiping is very annoying.

In the past, Bai Jue always slipped away quickly after class, leaving these students to Xun Qing to deal with, but now he finally knows what Xun Qing is in the mood.

Bai Jue has three sentences in total.

"Let's talk about it in the next class."

"Don't ask me, I don't know!"

"No homework, too lazy to assign!"

If these three sentences were heard by modern students, they might be so excited that they would thank their teacher on the spot. However, when they fell into the ears of Jixia students, they only made them jump and sigh in amazement. That thing stopped suddenly, and there was a withdrawal reaction.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jue was even more emotional.

But so what, no one can stop me from fishing!

Who!All!Do not!can!

Bai Jue returned to the room as quickly as possible. First, make sure that there is no one else in the room, no one behind the door, no one is under the bed, no one is under the bed, no one is in the closet, and no one is in the room. Very well!

The door is locked, the doors and windows are closed, locked from the inside, and the complex mechanism iron lock made by the Mohist mechanism is used to lock the taboo triple chain, even if you want to open it, it will take at least a few minutes!

It doesn't matter if anyone wants to forcibly break through the gate. The doors and windows are made of hard material poured in bronze. It is absolutely impossible to forcibly pry open or break open with all one's strength.

And there are blind spots in this room, and under insufficient lighting conditions, there will be visual errors. As long as he hides in a fixed position, even if he walks in front of him, he will never be aware of his position.

Bai Jue sat in the corner, his heart was as stable as an old dog, thinking that he was so well prepared, he didn't believe anyone could arrange him.

He sat cross-legged, began to adjust his breathing silently, his consciousness sank into the spiritual realm, and chatted with the holy souls while petting cats and dogs.

Minutes passed by.

Bai Jue felt that it was getting late, and he thought that Meng Ke and Xun Qing had probably given up before they came to him.

So he floated up to the sea of ​​consciousness, and when the consciousness returned to his body, he opened his eyes to see...

As night falls, the lanterns come on, and the full moon hangs high like a jade plate.

On July [-]th, Jixia students gathered around the open-air square of Jixia Academy. Tables and futons were placed on the ground. Palace's gentleman, lecturer, or person of high status.

In addition to the students of Jixia, there are many people who came out of the capital surrounded them. They have almost no seats, and most of them are here to watch the excitement. The coexistence of elegance and customs in the festival is quite interesting.

The crowd formed a circle, leaving a platform about tens of square meters wide.

There are also many table cases on the platform, and there are many seasonal fruits or exquisite objects prepared in advance. In front of each table case, there is a woman sitting kneeling, because Qixi Festival was not a special event in the Warring States Period. A festival that represents love, it is a festival for women, and men also join in the fun to watch it. The love between men and women is just a by-product of the Girl's Day.

This group of beautiful young daughters worships the bright moon and the sky.

This is begging for cleverness.

Begging for cleverness is to beg the girl from heaven to give oneself a pair of skillful hands... There is the word "weaving" in the Cowherd and Weaver Girl on Qixi Festival, and the weaving female red is a handicraft and life skill that ancient women must learn.

With the development of the times, begging for cleverness also has another meaning, which is to beg God to give oneself a happy marriage with love.

Begging items can be complicated or ordinary. Common ones are seasonal fruits, and more complicated ones are female reds, baked Qiao fruits, or delicate decorations such as hairpins, combs and other daily necessities.

The state of Qin is rich, so nearly a hundred women came to participate in the begging ceremony held by Jixia.

It's just that the begging items they prepared seemed much more ordinary to Bai Juesuo.

After all, this is only the Warring States period. In fact, the living standard of Qin State is already the highest among the Seven Kingdoms. Other countries have frequent wars, and the common people do not have enough food and clothing. The stable state of Qin will hold this ancient festival.

"Oh no."

Bai Jue stared: "How did I leave my room, how did I come here after a dream in the blink of an eye?"

He sat in the second row, second only to Mo Di in the front seat.

After all, in terms of seniority, Bai Jue is a disciple of Confucius and is qualified to sit in the front row.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Mozi who was full of smiles.

The corners of Bai Jue's eyes twitched slightly... Well, it must be Mo Di's good deed.

No matter how complicated the mechanism lock he made was evolved from the Mohist mechanism technique, he must have seen through the blindfold tricks and visual errors he made. After all, optics has been studied and recorded in the Mohism.

Mo Di's research on physics is definitely at the forefront of the times.

"It's too much." Bai Jue complained, "Can't you let me stay in the room? Why drag me here?"

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