On the other hand, in later generations, many people were not famous, but became famous after becoming poets. A poem was spread all over the world, and the reputation of Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, was passed down through the ages. Just a proud poor man.

Even if you don’t talk about Li Bai, you can talk about Qu Yuan. This man is a famous patriotic poet in the Warring States Period. He is also the first scholar in history to write poetry independently. , his life experience can be described as ups and downs, and finally committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, which is well known. (Qu Yuan is a vanilla beauty, here is a remote knowledge point, the vanilla beauty is not a beauty, but a loyal patriotic person)

In ancient times, it was not a romantic thing to be a poet. On the contrary, many famous poets had no ambitions. famous psalm.

This is equivalent to the principle that 'a young man in his twenties who has no job will probably fantasize himself as a writer'.

As for why I write poetry instead of books.

That's because the poems are widely spread, easy to spread, catchy and thought-provoking.

But the irony is that the better the poems are written, the wider the dissemination, and the greater the fame, the easier it is to be underestimated. People in the world will cherish your talents, but those who really hold power seldom value you because of a poem , On the contrary, it may fear you.

During the Warring States period, few scholars wrote poems, firstly because they wanted to do practical things, and few were unappreciated for their talents, and secondly, it was not easy to write poetry. Well, he wrote so many poems handed down after he was demoted. If he succeeded in the reform and strengthened the country like Shang Yang, why would he write poems? Wouldn't it hurt to be idle?

Therefore, in Bai Jue's ears, the poems and lyrics spoken by these young people on stage often show signs of being copied mechanically, and some are simply adapted from the Three Hundred Poems of the Book of Songs.

The academic thought of this era is so practical that it doesn't place much value on these fancy poems.

Simply put, poetry is just entertainment, good or bad is not important.

When you go to sing, do you have to sing well? Even if it's bad, it doesn't matter if you follow suit. On the contrary, if a professional singer goes up and becomes a mic master, it will only make the atmosphere of the scene embarrassing.

So Bai Jue didn't want to recite poems on the high stage to fight against him.

Copying other people's poems to surprise the ancients in BC is really not a very interesting experience of pretending to be coquettish, what a thick-skinned person can do it!

Friends, I want to be shameless!

As the savior of the world, how can you just copy other people's poems casually?Even if I'm the original author from the timeline, that's not okay!Isn't this cheating the original author!It's more shameful than writing a fan!

"Little friend, don't you want to come up and do two poems?" Mo Di asked with a smile, "Tonight is full of flowers and full moon. Girl's Day, there should be some excitement."

"Don't don't don't, I think they read the two poems Guan Ju and Jian Jia very well, so I won't go up and make a fool of myself." Bai Jue said for mercy: "I also know these two sentences, Guan Guan Jujiu is in the river continent, The so-called Yiren gentleman is so good... I won’t recite too much.”

"It's a fair lady and a gentleman..." Mozi glanced at Bai Jue and corrected him: "Young people, love is always inevitable."

"Love is not that simple." Bai Jue said, "I don't even know, who knows? Does Mozi have someone he loves?"

"I did." Mozi said, "I did it when I was young, but I just let it go. Now the beauty is gone, and my hair is gray."

"Love is always like this, one side is willing, the other side seeks." Bai Jue also sighed softly: "The world is not worth it, what is love?"

"The world is not worth it...there is such a sentence that the world is not worth it." Mo Di whispered, "The world is not worth shedding blood for, and mourning for it... You really said something amazingly frequently, saying that you don't understand poetry and songs, I don't believe it of."

"It doesn't make sense to know the cliché."

"A cliché...that's a good statement..."

Bai Jue was speechless. When he was in class before, no matter what he said, the students below always had the expression of "meow meow meow", which made Bai Jue dare not even say idioms casually. I was really afraid It will be compiled into quotations and handed down to future generations.

"Mozi, can we talk properly?" Bai Jue lowered his voice, and said through voice transmission: "What the hell are Meng Ke and Xun Qing doing? How did you convince you to drag me out of the room? I am a certain person Ask yourself, I haven't caused you any trouble since I came to Jixia, have I?"

"After you came to my Jixia, the whole school can be said to be restless." Mozi also replied with a voice transmission, and said with a smile: "There are seven or eight people in the Jixia school who came to say goodbye. If it weren't for me If they are settled down, there will be more than two people leaving now."

"Emmm... You are avenging your own personal revenge! You can scold me if you don't like me, don't play tricks!"

"Avenging private revenge...that's a wonderful statement!"

"Hey! Listen to what people say, Mozi."

"Please don't worry, I am a Mohist giant, how can I have any excessive thoughts on you, a child, you can overwhelm those Confucian soldiers, Mohists in academics, that is your own ability, Jixia is a place where a hundred schools of thought contend The ones who can’t stand the pressure and want to leave are just a group of cowardly people who are willing to fail.” Mozi stroked his beard, and he could transmit his voice without opening his lips: “I have no intention of avenging public or personal revenge.”

"Then why did you drag me out?"

"Because I really don't want to see you make the same mistakes as I did back then... Although the theory is good, you can't neglect the abruptness. Beautiful girl, Miss Meng and your childhood sweetheart, have a deep affection for you, and Miss Xun said to you Conspiring with each other is a confidante... This is really a difficult choice, but the sooner you make a decision and make an appointment." Mo Di smiled and said: "Actually, I am not alone in today's matter. At this time, Confucius' letter also mentioned the need Jixia will take care of your lifelong affairs."

"Huh? Lifetime event?"

Bai Jue's heart is full of the scene of the alpaca running.

I'm going back to the coffee shop after finishing this volume of the plot. There are no lifelong events, even if I have to think about it, I can't think about it in this era, okay?

It's over, these old people look like they want to match me... so worried that I won't get married, ah bah, are you worried that I won't be able to marry a suitable person?

Bai Jue couldn't help asking: "I look... like so, so, so... someone who has no relationship with the opposite sex?"

"That's not the case. I'm just worried that something will happen to you in the long run."

"What can happen?"

"What else could it be? It could be an open fight, a serious one, or even a life-threatening situation. Your life is in their hands." Full of wisdom, he has already understood the essence of Shura field.

"So are you forcing me to make a choice?" Bai Jue put his hand on his forehead, this Mo Zi had a good idea, but... I already have a girlfriend, and she is still a twelve-year-old loli... There are eight fiancées, and when it comes to the Asura field, I don't think anyone is stronger than me. The addition of two more is not like making things worse, but just making things worse.

What's more, Bai Jue felt good about himself, he had clearly controlled his strength, and he didn't focus on frantically brushing Meng Ke and Xun Qing's favorability... But why?Could it be that a passive skill that I didn't know was activated?

"It's not persecution. If you don't go up, the old man can't kick you up. You are a disciple of Confucius. No one in Jixia can persecute you. Of course I won't. Go or not, it all depends on how you think." ’” Mo Di said with a smile, “I won’t say any more.”

Bai Jue was speechless.

In the current situation, whether he goes up or not, troubles are inevitable.

If not, Meng Ke and Xun Qing would naturally not be satisfied with him either.

If he goes up, he must read two lines of poems.

And Bai Jue will leave sooner or later, and if a fate is established in this era, there may not be any good results.

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