It would be best if they could be made to give up on their own initiative.

Bai Jue pondered for a while, he waited for a person on the high platform to get off the stage, then got up and left his seat.

When he got up, Meng Ke at the side raised his eyes and looked over, while Xun Qing just silently looked down at the moon reflection in the wine glass, and did not look at him.

Bai Jue is a celebrity in Jixia.

The students were immediately attracted. Some of Mr. Jixia showed interest, while others felt that he was going to start trouble again.

The melon-eating crowd didn't care, but many young women showed interest after seeing Bai Jue's face.

This face is indeed beautiful.

Qin Jun was naturally there too, but he was sitting far away, in the pavilion. When he saw Bai Jue appearing on stage, he couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

"Master Bai is here, Master Bai is here."

"I've seen it, I've said it all, it must be because of tonight's Qixi Festival that he is so restless in class today."

"Lu Buwei, what about you, you're still reading here."

"Don't disturb me, I want to study hard! As long as I study hard, one day I will be able to chop thousands of miles of sword energy!"

"I'm afraid this person was crippled by Master Bai."

The students were chattering, and Bai Jue had already stepped onto the high platform.

He stood in the middle and coughed lightly.

"Tonight, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, at the Chinese Valentine's Eve literary meeting, I occasionally got a few sentences, so I came here to make a fool of myself." Bai Jue cupped his hands and said, "The verses are also in a relatively new form, so please don't mind if they're not well said."

"Naturally, Wenhui is of such a nature. Teacher Bai doesn't need to worry about it." Students around responded with smiles.

There was also a bold female student shouting: "I'm optimistic about you, Master Bai, come on!"

Some students pretended to be cold and said: "This is not like Master Bai's style, why don't you touch it!"

There is no doubt that this kind of dialogue is also the influence brought by Bai Jue. This group of scholars who learn bad things but not good ones are more slippery than him.

"Then I will read it." Bai Jue said, "Today, on Qixi Festival, I will write a poem to describe the beauty of women."

Everyone stopped arguing and waited for Bai Jue's poems.

Bai Jue pretended to be thinking deeply, took a step, and read the first sentence.

"Yun Xiang clothes Hua Xiangrong."

——Sorry Bei Gao, your poem is good, now it is mine!

Hearing the first sentence, the students and teachers around were a little dazed.

"This, this is not four words..."

"Is this a miscellaneous poem?"

At the same time, someone let out a suppressed exclamation.

"Even if it's a miscellaneous poem, this sentence is simply exquisite to the extreme!"

"Yes, when you see clouds, you think of clothes, and when you see flowers, you think of your appearance. What a beauty!"

"Don't make noise, just listen to the next sentence."

Bai Jue read out the second sentence: "The spring breeze blows the threshold of Revlon."

"It really is seven words!"

"Among the Book of Songs collected by Confucius, there are only a handful of miscellaneous poems. Could it be possible that these miscellaneous poems can also be handed down to the world?"

"No, this is not a poem in miscellaneous words." Mozi has a lot of experience, and his expression is both amazed and admiring: "The flat and flat are consistent, the top and bottom are neat, and the rhythm is equal. This is a complete system... This is the seven words. Quatrains?"

Bai Jue read out the last two sentences unhurriedly.

"If you don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, you will meet at Yaotai under the moon."

Because the seven-character quatrains he read were so ahead of the times that many people at the scene were stunned.

It took a while for someone to respond.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"Wonderful, indeed wonderful!"

"Although I don't know what's going on, it's just a second!"

The reaction was very real. This group of students did not understand the mediocrity of seven-character quatrains, but the first sentence of the opening sentence was indeed shocking.

Meng Ke whispered slowly: "Yun Xiang's clothes are Hua Xiangrong..."

Xun Qing also silently recalled in her heart: "Yun Xiang clothes Hua Xiangrong..."

The two of them blushed silently, maybe they were both wondering whether Bai Jue's words were describing them.

Actually it's not... After all, it's not a poem written by Bai Jue, but if it was really written for someone, that person might be...



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