"Yes." Bai Jue nodded calmly, nothing to be ashamed of.

"Can you talk about it?" Confucius was very interested in what his disciples had done in the past two years.

"Then I'll just say it briefly."

Bai Jue explained the basic concepts of Legalism.

Zhang Yi has never been to Jixia to listen to Bai Jue talk about these ideas. After all, he dabbles in vertical and horizontal arts, but he feels that he has benefited a lot from listening to it occasionally.

"It turns out that the punishment is strict and the law goes hand in hand." Confucius thought for a while, then asked Xunqing, "What is the first?"

Xun Qing paused slightly, and she said: "The law comes first..."

If Xun Qing in history answered, she would still answer that ritual is the first, but after more than two years of Bai Jue's spiritual collision and ideological indoctrination, her way has long deviated from the way of ritual and music.

The Confucian concepts of benevolence, righteousness, ritual and music are far away from her mind.

Kong Zhongni was silent for a long time, he frowned, and then slowly relaxed: "Is the law the first, the law is the main, and the etiquette is the supplement, it's okay... Maybe this is what is needed in this era."

Confucius deserves to be Confucius, he did not immediately reject the views of the two, but after thinking for a while, he chose to accept it.

He is very clear that there are hundreds of holy ways in the world, and there is no single correct answer, but in the era, there is only one king. Today's era does not favor Confucian rituals, music, benevolence, and righteousness. What it needs may be the law.

Legalism also happened to coincide with military thinking.

Although it has a strong impact on the two prominent schools of Confucianism and Mohism, after all, the law is the law, and the facts are the facts. The thought of the unification of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States is Legalism, and it has influenced the later generations for two thousand years. This is undeniable.

Confucianism in later generations has long been Confucianism.

Of course, it is not necessary to talk about these serious topics these days.

The most important thing is actually the birthday of Confucius.

Kong Zhongni originally did not intend to hold this kind of birthday. After all, Confucianism is not rich nowadays, and it is a bit extravagant. Confucian disciples were called to celebrate Confucius' birthday, so Bai Jue and Meng Ke were called, but no one else was called.

So Bai Jue was puzzled why Zhang Yi was there.

After leaving the Confucius Bookstore, Bai Jue dragged Zhang Yi away.

"Okay, I said I said, don't pull my beard." Zhang Yi sighed: "Be gentle with the old man, okay?"

"Don't be ashamed of the old man." Bai Jue raised his eyes: "Tell me, what's the matter? You should still be in Zhao Guocai, why come to Lu Guo when you have time."

"In fact, the monarch of Zhao State entrusted me to come here." Zhang Yi said: "Zhao State has strong soldiers and horses, but it is a country that should not be underestimated. Although I don't really care about scholars, but I have a letter of recommendation, he met me one month later, and then..."

"You were sent here by him?" Bai Jue asked.

Zhang Yi smiled awkwardly: "It's not that I was sent here, I came here by myself, because Zhao Guo simply agreed to King Xiang...... I came here to celebrate Confucius' birthday from the bottom of my heart, and secondly, I think You should come, so I'm waiting for you, but don't forget the plan we both agreed on."

"That will have to wait until you return to Qin." Bai Jue's expression was calm: "Are you a little too anxious?"

"Don't tell me I'm afraid I won't have a chance." Zhang Yi sighed: "Many people want to kill me and take my head. I have encountered many assassins along the way. Even now, there may be assassins lurking around me." assassin."

Bai Jue's mental power couldn't spread ten meters away, and he couldn't be sure if there was an assassin lurking.

"If the assassin really wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be able to live until now." Bai Jue said, "I don't understand who sent the assassin. The Prime Minister of the Five Kingdoms has only advantages and no disadvantages...Could it be Chu State?"

"I don't know, but the reason why I didn't die was not because I was smart or anything...but because someone didn't want me to die so early, at least not before I finished the five kingdoms..." Zhang Yi lowered her voice, In the discourse, there is no chic and unrestrained talk in the past, but a kind of helpless sigh: "Now that I have traveled through the five countries, I am afraid I will not be able to return to Qin."

"...So you came to see me?"

"I heard about Kong Sheng's birthday in Zhao State, so I rushed here."

"Zhao Guo? The brothers probably didn't inform anyone about this matter, and there were no other guests. How did they know?" Bai Jue frowned, and said in a low voice, "Something is not quite right..."

"Whether it's right or not, after the birthday is over, we must return to Qin immediately without any delay," Zhang Yi said in a low voice.

"I'm suddenly a little worried. If the assassin strikes today, there will be so many Confucian people..." Bai Jue's heart suddenly became heavy.

"There are a lot of Confucian masters with profound skills. Ordinary assassins come and die as many times as they come. If they are not stupid, they should not kill rashly." Zhang Yi said: "This place is still safe. As long as I leave, I will be safe."

Bai Jue paused: "I hope so, I will send you back to Qin as soon as possible after your birthday."

He patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder: "Go, let's go to the kitchen."


"Tonight's birthday banquet must be my cooking. I'm afraid it will be too late if I don't cook. By the way, tell me about your experience in the Five Kingdoms in the past two years."

One old and one young just entered the kitchen.

The eyes of a group of Confucian scholars all around suddenly glowed green.

"I'm lucky tonight."

"Wow, it smells so good, it smells so good!"

"That's just ordinary garlic, Brother Chao, it will make you greedy."

Yan Hui came over and said calmly: "Okay, let's spread out, don't disturb the little brother cooking, just go on your own."

A group of Confucian scholars reluctantly took a few steps back and dispersed one after another.

Yan Hui walked into the kitchen solemnly, and came out after a few minutes. His expression remained the same, but there was a little greasy on the corners of his mouth and fingers, and there was a smell of chicken oil on his body.

After a while, Bai Jue's angry curse came from the kitchen: "Damn it, who stole half of the fried chicken legs!"

at the same time.

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