"There is no guest room in the academy, so you can sleep here tonight."

Meng Ke said, "Although this is an old room, it is cleaned every day, so it is considered clean."

Xun Qing looked at this slightly narrow house: "There is no guest room, so what is this house?"

"It's mine." Meng Ke smiled and said, "I've always lived here before."

"Then why, there is only one single bed here, I sleep here, where do you sleep?" Xun Qing hurriedly waved his hands: "I can use tables and chairs to make a bed, there is no need for this."

"You are a guest. If you neglect a guest, you will be disrespectful. For Confucian disciples, it is a big deal." Meng Ke shook her head, and she said seriously, "If the teacher finds out, he will expel me from the school."

"But..." Xun Qing hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

"Ruzi can be taught."

Meng Ke picked up her salute and turned around with brisk steps.

"Wait, Senior Sister Meng Ke." Xun Qing suddenly realized something, she asked, "I live in your room, where do you live?"

"I live in the junior brother's room." Meng Ke said with a smile: "It's next door, just call me if you need something. In the past, I often fell asleep secretly on his bed. It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

With that said, she turned to go out.

At this time, a hand was placed on her shoulder, and Xun Qing said with a cold expression: "I was almost deceived by you."



-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Confucius' birthday is quite lively.

He is a famous birthday star, but also a famous thinker and teacher.

When the news got out, many people came to celebrate their birthdays. Even the king of Lu State sent someone to send gifts, and he left after sending the gifts. He didn't sit for a long time. The gifts given were all small gifts in the literal sense, and the monarch of Lu Kingdom was a little more generous and gave three boxes of congratulatory gifts.

More or less people give gifts are considered a good thing.

It is not bad if someone warms up the atmosphere on the birthday. A group of people ate and drank until the hour of the night. Kong Zhongni went back to the room to rest early, and the other brothers started to make noise.

Bet for a while, kill werewolves for a while, play Go for a while, and fight the landlord for a while.

Bai Jue was regretting teaching them these games. If it wasn't for Kong Sheng, they might have lost their minds. God knows if they would not get up until dawn tonight.

But Bai Jue ignored them, and went back to his room to rest. Zhang Yi slept in a temporarily vacated room, which was just across from Bai Jue's room. Rest in the room.

Of course Meng Ke didn't give up, she planned to sneak out when Xun Qing fell asleep.

Xun Qing said that she knew what she was thinking a long time ago, so she should be optimistic about her if she doesn't sleep tonight. How can a lonely man and a widow live in the same room?

A group of people each had weird thoughts, and only Bai Jue slept soundly and heartlessly.

However, in the dark, there is already an undercurrent surging.

The three waves of people occupy three different corners.

These three waves of people are all people who came to assassinate Zhang Yi.

Among them, two groups of people were originally to protect Zhang Yi Zhouquan, one group came from Qi State, and the other group came from Wei State, but now they want to bring Zhang Yi's head back to meet the king... and the third wave of people is naturally from the state of Wei. Zhao Guo.

The first wave of men hid in the corner of the west wall.

They wore black night clothes.

One crouched down and said, "He could have killed him when he left the city of Zhao State. Why wait until he came to Lu State to settle down? That was the place where Confucius lived. Thirty or forty Confucian disciples were there, and there were almost They are all masters with a six-year-old skill, so it is not so easy to kill him."

Another person said: "I have protected Mr. Zhang for so long, I really don't want to kill him, he has already noticed us..."

The leader said humanely: "Don't forget the monarch's order. We protect him because it is useful. Now kill him and get his head back, so that we can get rid of our identity as assassins and join the Imperial Guard. This is a chance to get ahead."

"I...understood." One person struggled and said, "Then I will use the head on the head of the gentleman, and I will let the gentleman go to the ground in the future."

"Okay, leave one person alone, and the others will follow me. If you startle the Confucians, remember to set fire to attract attention."

The second wave of people hid in the bushes to the south, also wearing black night clothes.

One person said: "There are all Confucian masters here. I suggest that one person stay here. If something goes wrong, I can set fire to attract them and let me evacuate safely."

Another person said: "The mission is only allowed to succeed and not to fail, but the monarch has issued a death order, and if his head cannot be brought back, we will be expelled from Qi State, and even a wanted order will be issued in Qi State."

Another person gritted his teeth and said, "But if you succeed, you can become a non-commissioned officer, so I have to take a gamble."

"But I've heard that Jixia student's sword energy is flying thousands of miles into the sky... If he wakes him up, I'm afraid it will be..."

"What are you afraid of? If you don't wake up, you will be fine. Leave one person behind, and the others will follow me!"

The third wave hid on both sides of the pool in the north, still wearing black night clothes, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"Remember, don't disturb the Confucian disciples!"

"The Confucian disciples here are almost all masters, but I won't lose to them."

"The only one to kill is Zhang Yi, the others must not move!"

"...What's the matter with killing a few Confucianists, I'm waiting for military scholars..."

"You are not a scholar now, but an assassin. Assassins should stop talking nonsense! If you kill the Confucian family, it will become a big problem. Zhang Yi must die here to make sense! Do you hear me clearly?"

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