
"Okay, leave one person behind, if something goes wrong, remember to set it on fire, and I will evacuate later."

The three groups of people started to act at the same time, and sneaked towards the tile house in three different directions on a dark and windy day. They didn't know where Zhang Yi's guest room was, but they could hear it even ten meters away. Snoring from the room.

Almost all the Confucian disciples were having fun in the hall, and there were not many people resting now, and the breathing sounds of the old people were different from those of the young people.

Two men in black were lying on the roof. They were lying on both sides of the roof. They were clearly two different groups of people, but they didn't notice each other because their eyes were blocked, so they secretly lifted the roof tiles. Looking down, through the faint moonlight, I saw a rough figure clearly.

They were certain in their hearts, so they spoke to their companions.



Meng Ke, who was waiting for Xun Qing to fall asleep in the room, and Xun Qing, who was waiting for Meng Ke to fall asleep, heard two cat meows at the same time.

"It's the password of the third child, I found it."

"It's the call of the fourth child, I'm sure."

Two groups of people started to move, approaching the past one after the other.

The third wave of people couldn't find a place to climb up to the roof, and they didn't dare to jump up directly to avoid making too much noise, so they could only walk silently against the wall. They were obviously one step behind the first two groups.

At this time, the heavens are beautiful.

The moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see the surroundings. Two groups of people touched the front and rear windows at the same time, through the windows, they vaguely saw the figure inside, and barely heard the snoring.

Two groups of people reversed the case at the same time, shouted in a low voice: "Do it!"

Two groups of people rushed in, and the room was immediately filled with murderous aura. The sharp sword and dagger were unsheathed, and aimed at the figure on the bed at the same time, and the next moment they were about to stab the sleeping person into a hornet's nest.

Immediately, the sound of the blade piercing into the quilt was heard, and the sound of the sword attacking was heard.



"Quick, cut off his head."

A group of low-pitched voices sounded one after another, but...they quickly realized that something was wrong, maybe there were too many people around here.

"Boss, are you there?" Someone asked.

"I'm here." Two voices replied at the same time.

"Boss, why do you have a double image?"

"Double shadow, who are you, pretending to be me?"

"Who are you! Who dared to pretend to be the boss for your bear-hearted leopard!"

"Fart, who's impersonating! Show your true colors quickly, or I'll take your skin off!"

A group of people in the house cursed in the dark.

Then there was the sound of tiles breaking from above the roof, and everyone stopped arguing and looked up.

As the cracking sound spread suddenly, the tiled roof shattered, and the three figures fell down the cracked roof with three thuds, and the three of them fell hard at first. fell to the ground, then stood up cursing.

"Cao Nima, I told you not to stand too close! It will collapse!"

"Go away, don't press Lao Tzu's leg!"

"Zhang Yi, it's time for your death, hand over your head!"

The third wave of assassins arrived long ago with justice from heaven.

"Oh no, it seems that there are too many people!"

At this time... the cloud passed, and there was soft moonlight in the dark room.

Moonlight illuminated the interior of the room through the broken roof.

More than a dozen men in black wore the same night clothes, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other, their eyes were full of words of bewilderment and crap.

An assassin poked the person next to him and asked, "You, who are you?"

"I, I am the third child..."

"Fart, I'm the third child, you can be the third child?"

"Well, I'm also the third child." An assassin who just fell down touched his sore buttocks and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm old X..."

A group of people replied in unison, the room was full of embarrassment for a while, how should I put it...it's really subtle, it turns out that the habit of ranking people by seniority is common in all countries.

"...Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to kill Zhang Yi!"

"What a coincidence, we are also here to kill Zhang Yi!"

"Then let's not make trouble for the time being! Kill Zhang Yi!"

"Okay! By the way, the knife has been stabbed in for so long, why is there no blood?"

The assassins lifted the quilt and saw that there was a wooden figure inside, and the faces of the assassins changed.

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