He realized that maybe some unexpected phenomenon occurred during the spiritual coherence with Feixue in the past three days, which caused her to complete the materialization. After finding out the reason, he could return her to the form of a sword, otherwise he would not There are no weapons available.

His palms were pressed, and the wavelengths of spiritual power began to be in tune. Feixue finally formed the sword spirit under the influence and nurturing of Bai Jue's huge soul power. She would not resist Bai Jue's spirit in the slightest.

Gradually, Bai Jue saw her real body, which was just a temporarily constructed spiritual body.

In essence, it is the same as the white tiger, phoenix, and Fenrir. Because it is a sword itself, it can exist in the material world without an additional medium. The lifetime of the month.

And to return her to the form of a sword, you only need to touch her core body and enter a command.

Bai Jue's palm pressed down slowly, because it was the structure of the spiritual body, as long as the palm was covered with spiritual power, it could penetrate her soul body structure.

Visually, it looks like a palm passing through a holographic projection.

And her key lies in the heart.

Slowly press the palm down, this movement is not fast or slow, after all, it is the first contact, so be careful.

At this moment, Altair was wearing home clothes, she was coiling her hair, and walked to Bai Jue's room.

"The store manager, just now I saw Abby flustered, do you know..."

Before she opened the door and entered, she saw a scene from the half-covered door, and the scene in front of her made her eyes freeze.

A beautiful snow-white girl was lying on the bed without any clothes on. Bai Jue pressed one knee on the edge of the bed and bent down. The two of them were at an arm's length apart. They seemed to respect each other, but in fact they were in love with each other. Altai looked at him in such an intimate posture. Er's whole body is stiff, and she hasn't unlocked this position yet!

The most exaggerated thing is that Bai Jue is not only doing bed-thumping, but also wantonly stretching his sinful hands to the chicken breast that happens to be a little bigger than Jun Ji...

Fireproof women can bear it, but domestic cats can't bear it.

She sneered, that sneer was terrific and heroic, and her smile was perfect and indifferent, which made one think of a song "The Other Side of Sorrow".


The energy of Peimo Nengyu directly hit the concealed door, and the +18 door let out a contemptuous sneer. After popping out a -1 red font, it hit the wall hard, and the +18 wall Not even a piece of the wall fell off, and the impact force enough to smash the armored vehicle was invisible, only a slight tremor.

A violent breath and a sneer came.

Bai Jue's mental power fluctuations, which he had finally adjusted with great difficulty, were affected again. His palm fell down by coincidence, but because he didn't adjust his mental power well, the hand failed to pass through, and actually pressed it. On Feixue's left chest.

"Ah..." She sighed, her body trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes subconsciously, her beautiful snow-colored pupils were full of shyness: "Master, be a little... gentle, okay?"

Bai Jue's face was expressionless, he didn't feel that he had made money at all, because...

——The chest is hard.

It's a bit cruel to say this, but after all, you can't expect the sword spirit to perfectly simulate the ecology of human beings for the first time, and even simulate a mass of useless fat on the chest.

She built this body entirely for a relatively perfect body curve, combined with all the data of beautiful women Bai Jue had seen, she finally completed this body, but it is essentially no different from a machine girl made of steel... …

Because... the chest is hard!

This hard feeling may also be mocking Bai Jue who has never touched that young lady's chest in his life, otherwise Feixue could have imitated it.

Bai Jue immediately wanted to bump his head to death in front of this steel-like bust...

You are not the fourth or fifth sister!How could he have such a solid mind!


Bai Jue said that he was thinking too much, so he pressed down with his palm and penetrated Feixue's body. Her body was broken like a mirror in water, and in the end, it was a beautiful long sword as pale as snow in his palm.

Jun Ji, who was about to make an attack on the other side, froze immediately.

She couldn't help but calm down, and tilted her head: "That...is a sword?"

"It's a sword spirit, and somehow it turned into a human form." Bai Jue covered his face and held the Feixue sword in his hand, his face was full of vicissitudes: "And the human form is not complete...I am Not to thank her for being lucky enough to harden her chest instead of growing something strange..."

Fei Xuejian shook several times, as if protesting.

"Yes, yes, it's not your fault."

"This is not Feixue's fault, but mine!"

Bai Jue sighed and sat by the bed, looking at the sky speechlessly: "I suddenly realized that I might be too lacking in practical knowledge, at least I have never felt the actual touch in my life so far, how could it be possible to create a real Chest!"

When Bai Jue slapped his thigh, it wasn't that there was something wrong with any of his tendons, but he had really realized his enlightenment and let himself go.

"I've decided, starting today, I must touch and get real practical feelings!"

"My hands must deeply feel the true broad-mindedness!"

"Then start with..."

Bai Jue looked at Altair's chest.

Jun Ji put her hands on her chest subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

Bai Jue shifted his gaze, and vowed: "Let's start with the girls who are out of my sight!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Shop Manager, what's wrong with you, do you want me to help you?" Altair squeezed his fist, with the words 'do you look down on my mother's small breasts' written on his expression, like a demon.

"Then if I want, you can let me touch yours..." Bai Jue asked tentatively.

"No, get out!"

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