"Did something happen when I left?" Bai Jue asked.

"No major incident happened, but the Destiny Headquarters sent a new Valkyrie."

"New Valkyrie?"

"Well, it's still on the way, so it shouldn't have any impact. After all, boss, you often skip work, and Bishop Otto is used to it." Ai-chan said with a smile.

Bai Jue nodded without asking further questions.

I always feel that the collapsed world has also started a new round of innovation, but this is no longer something he, a player who was forced to quit, can control.


That night, there were three more people at the dinner table.

Bai Jue's eyelids twitched, looking at Altair's Fireproof Lady and Abigail sitting at the table, his eyelids twitched.

I was wondering why I agreed so simply, but I planned to follow from the beginning.

"You can just tell me." Bai Jue helplessly put down the scrambled eggs with tomato: "I won't starve you."

"Yu likes the astonished expression of the store manager, this is what makes Yu happy." Altair said proudly in a tone of second grade.

"I was pulled here." The fire-proof woman lowered her head and combed Abigail's hair.

"Abi wants to eat the meal made by the master." Abigail was obviously spoiled by taste.

"Okay... you guys go on." Bai Jue chose to go back to the kitchen, because there was already an atmosphere of tension at the dining table, and the huge dining table seemed a bit crowded due to the increase in the number of people.

The Valkyries made eye contact, as if they were planning something.

After making eye contact, Ji Zi acted as the vanguard and asked first, "Hmm... Well, Miss Altair, I have something to say..."

"Tell me." Altair took a serious look at Ji Zi, nodded and said, "I also want to talk to you."

Altair, as the combat power that can be shown in the coffee shop, naturally has her own preparations.

The fireproof woman is not suitable for fighting. Although she is a terrible sick girl in essence, what is even more frightening is that she never shows up and is always a vase quietly. When outsiders fight, she can only fall into a passive position.

Abigail is pretty much the mascot, cute as it is, but not too overpowering for a group of women bent on sleeping.

So Altair, the only one in the store who was capable of fighting, had to support two pig teammates on the field. She had always stayed in the coffee shop, so she chose to appear this time, so she naturally had her own ideas.

I have known Honkai Valkyrie for some time, but it was just an acquaintance, far from being familiar.

To defeat your opponent, you must first understand your opponent. Altair has secretly entered and exited the Honkai world many times without them knowing. She even hacked into the secret library of destiny through the ability of everything. At that time, Otto was still playing the fantasy game of Karen , I don't know at all.

"Ah ha ha..." Ji Zi chuckled, showing a confident smile to enhance her deterrence. As a royal sister who has seduced countless people, she is very oppressive, and she opened her mouth with a universal temptation: "Altair How long have you and the captain been together, are you familiar?"


Altair thought for a while, and reported a bunch of data: "Bai Jue, male, [-] years old, [-] meters tall, [-] kilograms in weight, the only family member is an adoptive father, living in Jiangning, Shenhai City, Shenzhou Empire No. [-], Tianhui Avenue, District, manager of Clover Cafe, blood type ab, active savior, repairs five singularities, has four kinds of holy souls, advanced swordsmanship, superb cooking skills, favorite food is egg fried rice , the most hated food is canned herring."

"Lazy but with a sense of justice, he is a perfectionist with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He likes fishing, chasing fans, playing games, and chatting... He has a strong mouth and a flirtatious manner. He is not good at flirting with girls but always has a strong personality." Heterosexual relationship, there are as many as ten types of heterosexual relationships that can be determined, about six people who have a certain liking for them or non-humans, about fifteen people who have a strong liking for them are those who are not married or non-humans, and about [-] people who have a strong liking for them There are seven people who have a strong possessive desire or non-human beings."

"He has some little-known little habits, such as squatting to watch movies, changing clothes while going downstairs, and his lolicon tendencies that he didn't realize... I like cleaning very much, so I take a shower once a day, It’s just that occasionally he forgets to change his shirt and wears it repeatedly, which makes the shirt smell stronger. In addition, he also likes to stroke cats and touch women’s hair.”

Altair gently smoothed her long silver hair as she spoke, she said calmly and indifferently: "Do you need me to add something?"

Ji Zi's almost perfect fake smile froze on her face.

Altair responded with an absolutely violent amount of information when she asked a question. What else can I ask?

Wuliangta Jizi retreated in an instant, she sat back again, took a step back to express her abstention: "I'm sorry to bother you... Also, I want to ask the store manager if you have the shirt in your collection, I will buy it at a high price... "

"No problem." Altair raised his finger and sealed a deal in an instant.

Theresa widened her eyes, anxious but unable to speak, she could only stare at Jizi with her eyes—you have betrayed the revolution no matter what.

Ji Zi shrugged helplessly, it wasn't that I didn't want to go, but that the enemy was too powerful.

Teresa had no choice but to signal the second strongest to take over with her eyes.

The fragrance of the cherry blossoms slowly spread, Leiden Mei, whose long blue-purple hair turned into the color of cherry blossoms, opened her eyes, Yae Sakura clung to her donkey ears, and smiled, "Hello, Miss Altair."


ps1: Although I said [-] words and [-] words, my body still wrote [-] words honestly, emmm... Shut up, I'm not tsundere!I'm a hunk!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yae Sakura...is that so?"

Altair narrowed her eyes, she raised the corners of her lips, and kept a polite smile as much as possible, but there was still a slight sarcasm in this smile: "I heard the store manager mention you, although not many times...he I once praised you."

"Will the captain also praise people?" Yae Sakura changed her sitting position, she stroked her hair, and there was no change in her expression in her crimson eyes, but she still politely expressed her willingness to stop: "The captain said What, I'm all ears."

"The store manager said..." Jun Ji smiled, and she paused for a while pretending to think, as if she was brewing some relatively gentle words, and finally said slowly in an uncertain tone: "The store manager praised you even though Sexual orientation is not normal, but he is essentially a very gentle Yamato Nadeko... Please rest assured, I do not discriminate, there is no gender or gender issue between love comparisons."

She opened her mouth with relatively sharp sarcasm.

How did Altair learn that the group of Valkyries was originally full of lily love... This is indeed Bai Jue's fault. He occasionally talks about this kind of problem, but he avoids it very cleverly. After the group of Valkyrie's favorability was maxed out, the fact that they have changed from curved to straight.

Of course, Altair was no fool, she could tell.

But this is still a loophole that can be exploited. Yae Sakura still has a deep love for Kallen. Even if she becomes a straight daughter, she seems to have no intention of giving up Kallen's stock. My lover' idea may even be implemented secretly...

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