But after all, it is in the dark and cannot be brought out in the open.

The first time Jun Ji opened her mouth, she was taunting—it's not that I'm targeting you, but that all the Valkyries here... were all crooked!

Even a witch who is more than five hundred years old couldn't help but move her fingers slightly. She just touched her waist subconsciously, but unfortunately she didn't bring a knife.

It is impossible to draw a knife to cut people, and it is impossible to do it for the sake of the captain, but this girl is really rude.

"Miss Altair, I think you should know what is the most basic courtesy and respect." Yae Sakura kept smiling as kindly as possible: "Then, we can have a good talk about other issues."

"Yes, let's talk."

Altair was kind, but her next sentence showed that she had no intention of negotiating: "First, he used to be your captain, second, he is now my...our store manager, and finally, his life should not be I was disturbed, I hope you don't do unnecessary things."

"Excessive thing?" Yae Sakura raised her delicate eyebrows: "As a latecomer, I really dare to say... I don't know you very well, but I also know that you used to be the captain's enemy, and now you are actually an enemy. A well-behaved pet cat? It is true that the captain’s charm is not small, but in terms of the role of protector and companion, there is still too much time difference between you and me, little girl.”

"So..." Jun Ji asked with a smile, and her sharp words could always hit the pain point of the Valkyrie in the first place: "Can you let go of this world?"

"..." Yae Sakura fell silent.

"This is the fundamental difference. I have no home. Where he is is my home. This is the difference. You have to stay here because this world needs your existence. If you leave here, you will be nothing. And the store manager is not just your captain... Besides, as far as I know, the store manager is also the master, admiral, commander, etc..."

Altair counted his fingers: "Counting in this way, there are so many existences like you that it is almost impossible to count, and the store manager has never accepted you into the coffee shop. Do you know why?"

"Do you want to say that we are not worthy?" Yae Sakura's faint words came, and the fingers of her right hand were already lit up crimson.

"No." Altair did not pursue the victory, but said softly: "This is the tenderness of the store manager to you, he will not deprive you of the reason for existence, he does not need to exist, but as long as you stay here, you have your own existence There is no need to become his vassal...to become a person's vassal requires great sacrifice and awareness, because you may not get anything in the end."

Yae Sakura's momentum weakened slightly: "We are not vassals..." She said: "The Valkyrie and the captain are a standard subordinate relationship, but the bond between us along the way has surpassed the simple subordinate hierarchy."

"Love is unreliable." Altair said very seriously: "I can't believe in so-called love."

"What you did was not out of jealousy, nor out of love, so why?" Yae Sakura asked strangely.

Altair did not answer, but pressed one hand on the table, held his cheek, and asked: "Miss Witch, you are over five hundred years old, and you have missed the same lover for five hundred years, and even became a quasi-law Or, this deep and long-lasting longing should have surpassed everything, but why did you move on in just one or two years? A stinky man, can't compare to your five-hundred-year-old obsession?"

"..." Yae Sakura didn't answer, maybe even she herself didn't know how to answer, feelings are sometimes so complicated, she can't deny her heart, the honesty towards herself caused the separation of two emotions.

"So, love is unreliable." Altair sighed quietly, and said to the many Valkyries: "Including you, too, you may be blinded by pure love and make yourself irrational."

"What about you?" Teresa asked: "If you don't have the slightest liking for the captain, why did you warn us? Your behavior and your statement are completely contradictory."

"I don't like the store manager." Altair said very simply, she held her cheeks and smiled.

In an instant, everyone was surprised.

At this time, Bai Jue came out with the second dish, and put the still hot pickled fish on the table.

"Seeing that you guys are chatting to the cold, let me come over and put some dishes on the table to stir up the atmosphere. What are you talking about?"

"The store manager..." Altair turned his head.


"I don't like you." She said seriously.

"...I see." Bai Jue said calmly, "Remember to wash your hands later."

He turned and approached the kitchen again, and the door closed.

All the Valkyries stared at Jun Ji with astonished gazes, probably wondering if Altair's next sentence was "really fragrant", after all, the essence of human beings is really fragrant repeating pigeons!

"I don't like him." Altair repeated in a low voice, she touched her chest silently... her heart was beating fast, and she touched her cheek, which was hot, and then she smiled: "I just want to possess him .”

Plop, plop, plop...

One after another, the Valkyrie knocked her head on the table, making a bang bang bang sound like a bell was ringing.

"That's what I like! You still say you don't like the captain!" Theresa retorted loudly, covering her flushed forehead, "You're sophistry!"

"In the end, it's the same, but they are all women who lost their souls because of a man." Jizi Wuliangta shook her head lightly: "The captain's charm is really too strong, and I suddenly feel that I can't compete."

"Then you don't have to argue." Teresa folded her arms and snorted softly, "The captain is my... pillow!"

"Yes, yes, next time I will order a captain's pillow for you." Ji Zi touched Theresa's head and smiled helplessly.

"I don't think you came here to declare war." Yae Sakura quickly adjusted her mood after being a fox witch, "You don't have to worry that we will do it now. In fact, as you said, before everything is over , we can't leave this world... I won't be a threat to you until I get my own body, at least not for the time being."

"I have returned from Hades for the second time. I am not particularly attached to the so-called life and death. I can see through many things. If such a broken soul can give the captain enough warmth, I am willing to dedicate myself. Blooming like cherry blossoms and then withering... I also told the captain, I agreed to his marriage proposal."

"Marriage proposal?" Ji Zi was taken aback.

"Marriage proposal?" Bronya paused while playing a handheld game.

"Marriage proposal?!" Paramecium Kiyana had the strongest reaction, the fur on the top of her head spinning wildly like a propeller: "I've never heard of it before!"

"What a fuss, the captain also proposed to me." Teresa shook her calf: "I also agreed, but I have to wait until I grow up..."

"Why didn't the captain propose to me!" Kiyana slapped the table and rushed into the kitchen to ask for clarification.

In fact, Bai Jue, who was in the state of love potion at that time, also wanted to propose to Kiyana, but at that time, Kiyana was Kallen. She was very moved and refused.

"This, this, this, this, I thought I was on the same starting line, but it turns out that my starting line is actually someone else's finish line?" Ji Zi suddenly became confused: "When did I lose so much!"

"Your heart is not peaceful enough, you must maintain the tranquility of your heart, and don't be disturbed by external objects." Fu Hua assumed the posture of an immortal detached from the mundane world.

"Who wants to cultivate immortality with you!" Ji Zi slapped the table: "Fu Hua, you are stupid for practicing martial arts, Captain Ke Keke proposed marriage, it's over, it's over... This girl's last chance to get married is gone. ,This is how to do ah."

"It's okay. I've been single for a long time. It's good to get used to it. It's good to be alone." Fu Hua said calmly. Since she was single in the last era, she has been imitated and never surpassed. She is a model of a bachelorette represent!

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