"Being compared with you, I feel that I have failed terribly!" Ji Zi left the dining table with a wow, and rushed out of the restaurant.

"Single old aunts are like this." Qiyana sighed, and the dull hair on the top of her head was shaking weakly as if she had lost its vitality: "I'm really afraid that after losing the captain, I will become like Jizi .”

Yae Sakura smiled softly: "No, Kiana."

"Really? Will the captain marry me?" Paramecium's eyes showed a little hope.

Yae Sakura's smile became more gentle: "That's even more impossible...you can only spend your life with snacks and games."

"This is too much!" Kiyana retorted loudly, and then she thought for a while: "But it seems to be not bad..."

After a while.

"The captain hasn't come out yet... isn't the meal ready yet?" Theresa clutched her empty stomach: "Theresa is hungry."

"The manager's cooking speed is not slow, this time..." Altair suddenly looked at the empty place: "Could it be..."

Yae Sakura got up one step faster and rushed to the kitchen.

Ji Zi's voice came from the kitchen.

"Relax, I can't cook with you like this."

"Why not, Captain, just once, just once? I want it..."

"No, let go!"


Yae Sakura grasped the Sakura Fubuki Tachi, she didn't expect such a green hat to appear under her nose!

She pressed the knife and rushed into the kitchen, but she didn't see anything that made her want to be wrong.

Bai Jue just pulled the half-cooked meat helplessly and tried to snatch the food from Ji Zi, but she gnawed on it and refused to let go, even leaning her lips on Bai Jue's finger, still licking the meat on it. Oil stains and seasoning taste.

"You are..."

"Hmm..." Seeing Yae Sakura, Ji Zi hurriedly let go of her mouth, tidied up her appearance, quickly wiped the food residue on her lips, and coughed lightly: "As you can see, I came to steal food."

Thinking of this, Ji Zi couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. She actually came here with the idea of ​​"stealing food" at first, but she was tempted by the food as soon as she entered the door. She couldn't help but tasted it, and then... People ate two dishes.

As a sister Yu who doesn't have a big appetite, she didn't expect that she would have such a big appetite. This made Bai Jue have to cook repeatedly. When you come up, you can't stop it.

Hey, this girl is simply a disgrace to the world of stealing food... Although I have eaten it, why do I feel that I have also suffered a loss?

Bai Jue ignored Ji Zi's complicated mood, and greeted Yae Sakura with the dish: "Okay, you're all hungry, let's serve dinner."

"Well, well..." Yae Sakura nodded obediently, and she blinked her eyes. As a cook with a family of all-round skills, her self-esteem was slightly frustrated by Bai Jue's failure in cooking. What if she really got married? In the end, she probably won't be able to enter the kitchen... Thinking of this, her cheeks flushed, she quickly lowered her head, and even the fox ears softly pulled down.

This meal was quite enjoyable.

It was just because of Qiyana's various competitions that Bai Jue had to go to the kitchen to make a few extra dishes.

Bai Jue is at the dinner table, this group of girls is much more peaceful, there is no quarrel, and there is no Shura field staged on the spot, such as the evil unfolding of something that chops you up and makes it into a snack for your sweetheart, it does not exist here of.

Afterwards, Mei Lei took the initiative to do the job of washing dishes.

Bai Jue continued to sneak into the memory space to study.

Altair and the Fireproof Lady did not leave, but visited the Hyperion, and focused on the captain's lounge, which is now a public hotel for the Valkyrie.

If any Valkyrie skipped work in the middle of the day, she'd be sure to find her here.

The next day or two was a pleasant one.

Bai Jue's progress is very fast, and he has mastered the programming of the memory space very quickly. Perhaps it is because his instinct has a special talent for editing maps, or it may be that this kind of foolish teaching and foolish operation is easy to complete, almost snapping his fingers , the recording function of the bookmark can complete the simulation construction of self-discipline.

The only trouble is that the characters in the memory space do not have souls, after all, they are all false creations, while in the subspace, real creatures can be perfectly generated or simulated, which is quite dangerous to be honest. For the study of souls, It is impossible to achieve in the collapsed world where the technology tree has not been fully opened, but it is not the case in other worlds.

Seeing that there was still a day and a half left in the time, Bai Jue said goodbye to the Valkyries and went to Chaldea one step ahead.

In Chaldea, he was going to ask Leonardo Da Vinci what is the structure of the spirit base of a heroic spirit.

It would be great to actually do some research, if you can.

The location he teleported to was his own room, but as soon as he arrived in his room, he heard a burst of strange sounds.

Chaldea is in a snow-covered area, so there are no windows and no light in the room, only lights. If the lights are not turned on, the room will be completely dark... In this darkness, there are one or two low-pitched female gasps.

Bai Jue suddenly felt that his way of opening was wrong.

Then he followed the sound to the window, touched the cup, and lifted it hard.

He saw a pair of golden snake eyes...the pink hearts inside.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This, this smell...it's Lord Anzhen...it's definitely Lord Anzhen."

From the half-lifted quilt, there was a terrifying look of hot eyes.

She curled up on the bed, her eyes were blurred, a lovely dragon horn grew on her head, and those golden snake pupils had a burning desire that was hard to look at. Seeing these eyes, Bai Jue realized that her bed seemed like a Who took over again.

After all, it is a snake, what do snakes like... Everyone knows it in their hearts.

No, I have to run quickly...

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