"Wen Qian, it's okay, I'll be with you." Su Yuan'er smiled softly, and she said, "I'll be with you."

"I believe you..." Big Whale can only pin his hopes on this, hope that the surnamed Bai won't be too mad, save some face for him, Whale, and don't play tricks in front of his fiancée .

"Himiko, please." Li Xiuning said, "You're welcome."

"Xiu Ning is so polite, so I will be disrespectful." Himiko narrowed his eyes, and after a bit of politeness, he approached the door first, followed by Uesugi Kenshin and Sasaki's second daughter.

"Let's go too." Liu Xiu pulled Xiao Wu and followed into the gate of the coffee shop.

Then Li Shiming walked in silently.

Meng Ke adjusted his breathing, and Xun Qing also showed a rare look of urgency. The two saints knew who they were going to see next.

Waiting for Bei Gao and Du Mi to also enter the door.

Drink porridge and shaman before entering the cafe.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Altair also closed the door.

Passing through the Gate of Myriad Realms didn't feel any discomfort. Everyone seemed to pass through a layer of water, and when they opened their eyes, they had already arrived at the coffee shop.

With the size of the coffee shop, it is a bit crowded to accommodate twenty or thirty people, so this time Bai Jue rebuilt a coffee shop in the sub-space and expanded its size. The expanded coffee shop can accommodate a hundred people. The scenery is almost the same as the original cafe.

That's not the point, the point is.

Su Yuan'er found that her fiancé had disappeared, and so did Du Mi, who was still holding Li Qinglian's arm just now, so why did she disappear in the blink of an eye.

Many people have found that there are fewer people around them.

Before they could ask questions, a figure appeared in front of everyone, and he smiled and said, "Welcome to the coffee shop..."

The moment Bai Jue appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, either complex or profound.

"It's really you..." Xun Qing stared at this young face in disbelief. Two thousand years later, he still gave people the impression that he had met once ten years ago, but it was really just a glimpse. Thought I would have to wait a long time.

"Bai..." Meng Ke pursed her lips, the past flashed into her eyes again, and she unconsciously took half a step forward.

When Himiko saw Bai Jue, her mood was even more complicated. Even her best smile gradually lost its luster. She didn't know what to say for a while. It has been several months since Kyushu Island passed, and she has never dared to see Bai Jue again. This time, the habitual evasion psychology developed again.

Sasaki's second daughter directly pressed the hilt of the sword, but Uesugi Kenshin pressed her wrist.

"...Okay, okay, I know everyone is very excited when they first arrive." Bai Jue coughed lightly: "But please don't rush over, because this is my stereoscopic projection, and I am still working on debugging. "

"As for what kind of debugging work, you will understand later."

Bai Jue didn't intend to talk about personal matters. He smiled and said, "You may have noticed that some people around you have disappeared. Please rest assured that they are still alive and their lives are not in danger. I just arranged for them to play a game." .”

"What game?" Su Yuaner asked.

"This game is a two-player game."

Bai Jue snapped his fingers.

More than a dozen virtual screens popped up.

The faces of different people are reflected on the screen, there is a big whale, there is Bei Gao, there is Ye Yu, there is Quincy, there is a difficult road, there is a shaman, there is porridge, there is Ling Dao, Le Luo...these People look lifelike.

No, this is not real at all.

Their expressions are very rich, but the whole person can't move, as if they are fixed on the character creation page.

Su Yuan'er stretched out his hand and poked the screen, and the big whale on the screen shook his head: "Who? Who is poking me!"

"Wen Qian?" Su Yuaner asked in surprise, "Can you hear me?"

"I heard, Yuan'er, where are you? I seem to have been tricked. This must be a trick of that surname Bai. What he wants to do, you stop it..." Before Da Jing finished speaking, his mouth was painted With a red cross, the ability to speak is sealed.

"Slandering the administrator in public is rude." Bai Jue narrowed his eyes.

A group of people looked at Bai Jue, wondering which game this is?

"Well, I think you may be wondering what I want to do, but please don't get me wrong, I can't do anything, on the contrary, it's up to you guys to do something." Bai Jue smiled very brightly: "Everyone sees everything It is a game character that you can control, it is impossible for a game character to act alone, it needs to be controlled by the player, and you are the player."

"...Game?" Li Xiuning tilted her head.

"Boring." Li Shiming has no interest in these childish games, she has already passed this age.

Although the other heroic spirits didn't say anything, they might not be interested either.

Bai Jue continued: "During the game, no matter what the player asks the characters to do, they cannot resist and must obey [-]%. Even if they are typing on the public screen, they must shout out, for example..."

Bai Jue typed a line and hit the Enter key.

On the virtual screen, the big whale stared at him, and he gritted his teeth tightly, as if something was about to come out from between his throats. Finally, he opened his mouth and let out an angry roar—RUA! ! !

Su Yuan'er's eyes lit up: "Can you do anything? Can you say anything?"

"You can say anything~" Bai Jue showed a meaningful expression.

Big Whale's expression was instantly frightened: "Yuaner, you can't do this! I believe in you!!"

"Wen Qian...it's just a game." Su Yuan'er started typing: "It's okay, I won't hurt you..."

"I don't know what you said at all...Su Yuaner, I like you...I don't believe it, it's too fake...Su Yuaner, I like you so much...Do you dare to look into my eyes and say...Su Yuan'er, I want to marry you and go home... Please let me go...you are my wife..." Da Jing couldn't even finish his sentence, his face was filled with the expression of being hopeless but not wanting to die.

Bai Jue glanced at Su Yuan'er's operation with satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "I will launch many game modes in the future, including difficult challenges and ordinary multiplayer competitions. You can control the game characters to participate. And get a certain amount of reward points, enough reward points can be exchanged for various prizes..."

"As for the rewards to be redeemed, you can check the reward list."

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