Bai Jue snapped his fingers.

A list of rewards appeared before everyone's eyes. The redemption list can be described as vivid and vivid. There are all kinds of items, such as Immortal Wine, Niangyu Spring, Wangqing Water, Wide-sleeved Immortal Dress, Future Battleship, Gauss Technology, and even Ultra There are Mann Transformers, and some travel coupons to different worlds.

But that's not the point, the point is... There are some special redemption lists on the other side of the redemption list, and the redemption regulations here are...

[Bai Jue's special love cake: [-] reward points]

[Bai Jue's ten-minute chat time: [-] reward points]

[Bai Jue's original shirt: [-] reward points]

[Bai Jue's X photo: [-] reward points]

[Bai Jue's private date: [-] reward points]

As soon as this redemption list came out... a faint smell of gunpowder wafted in the cafe.


<img src="" alt="3"


Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken Mind is broken mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed mentality collapsed

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There are not many items that can be exchanged in this exchange list, only twenty or thirty items, many of which have only one item in stock.

The items in this exchange list seem to be very ordinary, but in fact they are also very ordinary, even Bai Jue himself didn't know it, obviously someone, oh no, a certain cat secretly added it.

Even if Bai Jue doesn't know about it, it won't affect the enthusiasm of the heroic spirits. Of course, they are willing to have a good time if they have prizes and candies.

Without saying a word, Li Shiming sat down directly, staring at the private appointment with [-] reward points.

On the screen of Her Highness Princess Qin... is Ling Dao.

"Hiss..." Ling Dao suddenly felt a slight chill on the back of his neck, but he couldn't muster the courage to face this astonishing former emperor.

"Be honest and cooperate, and I can set you free earlier." Li Shiming said lightly.

"Yes, you are highness!" Ling Dao frightened Biao English.

Li Xiuning silently looked at Bai Jue's X photo... She had a slight curiosity on her expression.

On Princess Pingyang's Le Luo.

"Emmm..." Le Luo thought for a while, and said, "Elder Sister, can you change someone... The student Ye Yu next to me is good..."

Li Xiuning raised her eyebrows: "Stop talking nonsense and I can save you from dying a few times."

"...Big Brother, please be gentle." Le Luo could only silently swallow his heartache.

"Then I'll try it too." Himiko sat down with a delicate expression. She first coughed lightly, expressing gracefully that I would try, and then she controlled Quincy's character very honestly.

Quincy's expression turned pale immediately, his eyes widened, it's a pity that he didn't expect to encounter such a development.

"Auntie, you..."

"Who is your sister-in-law? Did you tell me about abducting my sister? Huh?" Himiko's expression quickly turned cold: "I ran around the world and couldn't find you. Let me catch you now, I Let's see where you can go this time!"

"...Didn't the surname Bai talk to you?" Quincy was startled: "He said it's all over!"

"Let someone else tell you, are you a man?" Himiko pinched Quincy's cheek: "Listen well, cooperate better this time, I can consider letting you marry from Asama Shrine, otherwise..."

"Don't worry." Quincy's face straightened: "I will definitely cooperate to let you get the highest reward."

Liu Xiu looked and looked, and finally chose Difficult to Travel as the game character.

Comrade Ananda smiled reluctantly, and that bloody handsome ancient face was full of helplessness: "Your Majesty, I will do my best to cooperate... I never thought that my dignified deputy commander Tiance would be arrested... Finally The sad thing is that the general didn't choose me, woo woo woo..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, touch your head." Liu Xiu smiled softly: "I'm here."

"Well, does Your Majesty know how to play games?" Xinglu Difficult nodded and asked, "Do you know how to operate it?"

"I've played it." Liu Xiu nodded her chin, and the hair on her head shook a few times: "I played it a few times secretly...but I couldn't even pass the prologue. I heard it was a very difficult game..."

"What game? The king's secret order?" asked hopefully.

"Super Mario, right?" Xiuxiu smiled proudly, "It took me ten hours to pass the first level. I'm not bad."

Ananda had only one thought at this moment—then I’m cold...

"It's okay, deputy commander." Xiao Wu gestured at his weak biceps: "I will help guide, don't look at Xiao Wu like this, but I am super good at playing games! Equal points Very high, I have never lost in PK!"

"You still have time to play games?" Xinglu Nan's expression suddenly changed: "Where did you find the time to play games? I'm clearly watching closely... Oh no, what game are you playing?"

"Dress Nikki-Dress." Xiao Wu gave a thumbs up.

"Stay away from me! Don't even move a single key on the keyboard!!!" Xinglu Nan roared. It might be a matter of life and death for Liu Xiu to control him, but if he controlled it for Xiao Wu, it would be a matter of shame and chastity up.

On the other side, Bei Gao's expression was gentle and affectionate.

"Mi'er...I believe in you." Li Qinglian even betrayed her appearance in order not to be ashamed.

"Yeah... I believe you too." Du Mi, the sick beauty, tapped the keyboard skillfully: "Although I am not interested in most of the rewards, there are many good things in the redemption list. I think you must Do you want it too?"

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