
"Alcohol, all kinds of wine, although I don't understand it very well, but the name 'Rebirth Galaxy Wine' is very powerful."

"...It's okay to start over again." Bei Gao wanted to make a movement of putting his hand on his forehead, but he couldn't move, so he could only sigh: "Can you just let me stay here quietly and wait?"

"Of course...it won't work." Du Mi cupped her cheeks and said with a smile, "Usually you play with me, now it's my turn to play with you."

"...I didn't force you to do it." Old Bei Gao blushed.

"I won't force you this time." Du Mi smiled and said, "The premise is that you can resist."

"Hmmm! The couple over there, tell the joke and go back to the boudoir!" Meng Ke reminded.

"What's the matter? Food and sex." Xun Qing said lightly: "They are both engaged, it's nothing, it's better than a woman who no one wants."

"Are you mocking yourself?" Meng Ke also chose a character, and the saint halo of the gentle big sister shrouded her, drinking porridge could only show her obedience.

Xun Qing also quickly finalized the character, and it was Ye Yu.

"Can you play games?" Meng Ke glanced at Xun Qing.

"No, but it will be soon." Xun Qing said lightly.

Ye Yu's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He had never met the saint before, so he couldn't speak any more nervous words.

"W-why did you choose me?" Ye Yu asked with difficulty, "I, did I satisfy you?"

"I heard...you are a young girl?" Xun Qing's plain words did not seem to be indifferent to human beings.

"Who's talking nonsense! I'm not, I'm not!" Ye Yu retorted loudly, "I'm a normal young man with a sound mind!"

"You can't tell a lie in front of a saint." Xun Qing said lightly, "I will correct you properly."

The porridge drinker on the other side also sighed, "I suddenly understand why Meng Sheng chose me..."

"Oh?" Compared to Xun Qing's serious smile, Meng Ke's smile was very gentle.

"Because I'm a disciple of the Medical Sage... No matter how much you bully me, I can't resist, and you can even bully me with peace of mind." Drinking the porridge expressionlessly, he still remembered the teacher's evaluation of Meng Ke——looking like a good person Actually a mean, mean, single old woman.

"You seem to be thinking about something impolite." Meng Ke raised her eyebrows: "I won't bully a junior, but you look more pleasing to the eye."

"Pleasing to the eye?" Drinking porridge is not narcissistic. He is not particularly handsome, at least not comparable to Bei Gao, and even worse than Big Whale.

"Because the rest of them are not good." Meng Ke said disgustedly: "One will be bad luck for half a lifetime if you touch it, one will be bald before reaching middle age, and there is a young girl who will kill the world, who can I choose? "

The virtual characters of Li Jianan, Shaman and Ye Yu suddenly showed the actual animation effect of the arrow being shot in the knee. The three of them held their hearts at the same time, and the arrow spurted blood from the knee. There was a feeling of chest tightness, and the movements were very synchronized.

Sister Fa is one of the very few people who are not thrown into the game as a member of the shirijiri group. She looked at it with great interest, but all the characters have been selected away, leaving only the shaman and Li Jianan .

Sister Fa thought about it for a long time, and her eyes wandered between the two, as if she was making an important decision in her life. Finally, she sighed: "I abstain..."

"Hey!!!" The shaman couldn't help shouting in grief: "Don't you want to go too far, Sister Fa! It's more miserable not to be selected than to be played! Although I am a non-chief and a shaman, you can't target me like this me!"

"Just get used to it, just get used to it." Li Jianan's tone seemed to have seen through life. He had long been used to the cold world and the cold heart. Even the scorpion may be fake, so there is no warmth at all: "A dead fat house has no human rights." . . . and African chiefs too.”

After waiting for a while, Kenshin Uesugi, Sasaki's second daughter and others on the other side still did not move, obviously they did not intend to choose.

The eyes of the two gradually dimmed, full of sadness, being rejected like this... It seems that this is not the first time, but why is it so heartbreaking this time!

Altair said: "The store manager, there is no choice for these two people, why don't you let them out?"

"emmm...it's okay for Jianan to release it. After all, it's harmless to humans and animals. But if a big killer like a shaman is released, he'll give someone a hug if he gets upset. If his luck evaporates, he will die. Yes." Bai Jue's three-dimensional image showed a thoughtful expression: "Well, I will lift the identity restrictions of Shaman and Jianan, and you can create avatars to move freely in the game and control your own activities, because it is virtual body, so you won’t be vaporized if you meet a shaman…”

"That's not necessarily the case." Drinking porridge said: "His luck evaporation is very penetrating. Even if it is a virtual body, the evaporation will still be evaporated, but the speed is much slower, and the amount will be larger. Fewer, but unlucky or unlucky."

"If no one is killed, there is no problem~" Bai Jue put on an indifferent attitude, snapped his fingers, and both of them obtained the permission to move freely.

"It's okay." Saman squeezed his fist and shouted in full swing: "Someday, I want to tear this false game space! I can't help me ... ah ah ah ah-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !"

Before he finished speaking, a huge black hole appeared under his feet, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, okay, the characters are starting to load, please get ready." Bai Jue looked at the other idle people: "Although all the characters have been selected, it doesn't mean that you can't participate. If necessary, I can Provide other characters, such as..."

He snapped his fingers, and several different characters reappeared on the screen.

"These are all the character information that I randomly selected and extracted. This one is called Orange, ah, no, it's called Durian... There are other things that I'm not satisfied with."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay, the game begins." Bai Jue said: "First of all, let me introduce the general situation. There are various game modes in it. It uses a ladder-type ranking game mode. You can control the characters to play. , all kinds of games can be chosen at will, but every time a game character dies, one hundred reward points will be deducted, there is a basic one thousand points, once the points return to zero, the game will be declared a failure."

Although the game relies on the keyboard and mouse to operate, the game is actually located inside the subspace, which is very vast, and every detail is very real. After all, it is copied from a certain Destiny's technology tree, and it actually exists and has undergone a certain process. repairs.

"That's right, that's right."

Seeing that all the players have started activities, Bai Jue reminded: "Some game props can be equipped, because in this game, the physical fitness of heroic spirits and ordinary people has been adjusted accordingly, and the difference is not very big. Although the whale is the weakest, he can still withstand the several attacks of the heroic spirits. The best way to increase the value is to equip it. I have prepared some beginner gifts for you and put them in your backpack. "

Li Xiuning opened the backpack and took a look.

There was only one item inside, and there was an introduction of six or seven lines. Since it was just a few words, and Li Xiuning was not interested, she didn't look at it at all, but only noticed the name of this piece of equipment.

——Saint Prayer (Women's Clothes)

She glanced at Le Luo, and suddenly fell into deep thought: "Are you a woman or a man?"

"I am..." Le Luo opened his mouth: "Is it important to be a man or a woman?"

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