"How do men pass on women's clothes?" Li Xiuning tilted her head.

"It doesn't matter, even women's clothing can be equipped." Li Shiming said lightly: "Try it and you will know."

"No! Stop it!"

Ling Dao let out a scream, but it was useless. After Princess Qin pressed the right button of the mouse, a light flashed on Ling Dao's body, and he was wearing a female cowboy costume called 'Wildness Investigator' immediately. ...well, cropped jeans... a cropped leather jacket, a very flamboyant cowboy hat, and even a revolver.

Sister Fa on the other side suddenly looked away, she glanced secretly, and then turned her gaze further away.

"Don't you think your eyes are hot?" Li Xiuning couldn't bear to look directly at it, it was too exciting!

"It's not me who wears it. Even if I wear it, I don't feel ashamed." Princess Qin said lightly: "I have seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood. What is a mere man wearing women's clothing? This equipment can improve a lot of defense. Comes with a weapon."

She glanced at her own sister contemptuously: "If you don't want to play, admit defeat early."

The princess domineeringly clicked on a copy of the game with a medium difficulty, 'Fighting Zombies'.

"It shouldn't be difficult to hit zombies." Ling Dao pondered for a while: "My marksmanship is quite accurate... One head shot should kill one..."

However, he looked at the dungeon introduction.

【Game Name: Fight Zombies】

[Game introduction: Zombies, born of resentment from heaven and earth, immortal, immortal, and abandoned by the three realms of heaven, earth and man, outside the six realms of sentient beings, wandering and displaced, using resentment for profit in the world, feeding on blood, venting with the blood of all living beings... ...cough cough cough]

[Game process: defeat the liver of the zombie Ayumi Aikawa, the blood of Sanka Reya, the mask of Jason by the crystal lake, the nameless hair of Kabaneri and the nails of the zombie king, the mission is considered completed]

[Precautions: Ayumi Aikawa is surrounded by blood-sucking ninjas, magical girls, and necromancers, who are caring for protection, and Sanhua Rimi is a weak one, but she will bite, and if she bites, she will GG on the spot. Please pay attention to your chest, nameless hair is easy to handle, but this girl can kick people, Jiang Chen's nails are long, please change to sharper nail scissors, Brian Anglaus in the Overlord Theater next door is a good one nail clippers]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"Hey, how can this kind of game be completed!" Ling Dao roared: "What about your zombies? Although they are all names that the group has never heard of, they look very dangerous, you bastard! Zombie King General Chen slapped me!" Can shoot me to death dozens of times!"

But Li Shiming's eyes couldn't help revealing a very interested look.

On the other side, Li Xiuning looked away, and she looked Le Luo up and down: "This little brother...Miss... Anyway, she looks pretty, and this saint's prayer also looks very good, not so lustful..."

She also clicked on women's clothing to equip

So in Le Luo's tired MMP expression, the clothes on her body changed into a set of holy maiden robes, with a heavy cross attached in her hand, which is probably a weapon... right?Anyway, this isn't the first character to hit someone with a cross... Yes, I'm talking about you, uncle cleric of poisoned milk powder!

"It's just blue equipment, but it feels a lot stronger." Li Xiuning blinked, and Le Luo inexplicably fit it well after putting it on: "I suddenly understand why some people are obsessed with brushing equipment, but ..."

She looked at the back of this dress, it was actually a backless dress, and she could almost see her buttocks, this shame...

"I feel a bit chilly behind." Le Luo said.

"It's just an illusion."

Li Xiuning smiled nonchalantly, clicked on a copy of the game by the way, and started the loading interface.

[Game Name: Attack on Giant Root]

[Game introduction: They are the prey, we are the hunters! 】

[Game process: This game is a tower defense and area guarding game, please be sure to cut off every terrible giant root accurately, otherwise they will eat people, even if they don’t eat people, it may have something to do with your game characters Indescribable things, please be careful]

[Notes: Some giant roots are strangely shaped like auger bits, and they will release the powerful skill of "White Jet of Destruction". Once hit, the character will enter the state of "destroyed fighting spirit", unable to move and unable to fight back]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"Is this? Isn't it a bit too much!" Le Luo trembled all over: "What the hell is a giant root! What the hell is a giant root! What the hell is a giant root! Come out to me with the surname Bai, this? Just look at the name and it's very scary what!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Bai Jue whistled: "They're just monsters, easy to kill, but their shape refers to the Armstrong-style cyclotron-jet Armstrong cannon, and the degree of reproduction is very high."

"Why don't you just say ****!!!" Le Luo's voice became sharper: "Then what kind of shitty jet of white light is ****!"

"Hush..." Bai Jue said with a serious face, "You know too much!"

"Ah, ah, I will never let you go—!" Le Luo's roar gradually disappeared in the dark portal.

On the other side, Himiko also looked at the inventory. This piece of equipment is called 'The Temptation of the Red and White Miko'. It seems that there is no difference between ordinary equipment, but there is an inexplicable lust for the exposed armpit and navel. The weapon is two A yin-yang jade that can be swung up and smashed in the face.

If she saw this kind of clothes on weekdays, Himiya would directly open the treasure in a huff, but now that the clothes were on Quincy's body, she couldn't help feeling unhappy, instead, she felt a vague sense of revenge in her heart. This feeling... ...Maybe it's just pleasure, oh hehehehe... Um cough, I'm a lady, I can't laugh out loud.

"Come on, let's change it." Himiko looked happily at Quincy's change of clothes, and she felt a little cute... I forgot, this guy is a gentleman, and people who spread the word that this dress is a loli would believe it .

"Ah, I want to die..." Quincy didn't have the heart to admire his clothes at all, instead he had a wonderful feeling of 'doing it all over again'.

Then the copy of the game came, and what Himiko entered was a copy of the game called "Spirit of the Halberd Eater? Zero".

[Game name: Spirit of Halberd Eater? Zero]

[Game introduction: Eating is a kind of realm, as long as you are alive, I will eat it even for you, even if it is a ghost or ghost! 】

[Game process: The mission requires the following items, the fangs of the vampire, the wrist of the devil, the snake hair of the witch, the tail of the dragon, the skull of the slippery ghost, and the killing stone of the black witch. Send the following ingredients to the pole of Yuanyue Academy Cook in Xingliao or Zhonghua Yiyiyi's shop, and present it to the white witch Tugong Kagura, the task is considered completed]

[Precautions: 1. Watch out for the haunted King of Time Stop, pay attention to the haunted ghost of Rashomon, watch out for the haunted heroic spirit Medusa, watch out for the haunted dragon maid, watch out for the haunted Lord of the Nightwalker, and pay attention to the haunted Isayama Huangquan; 2. You You can use all forms of cheating, as long as you can do it; 3. The lack of any kind of ingredients will lead to incomplete cooking, but as long as the game characters can eat the ingredients and not die, it will still be regarded as the task is completed but the reward points will be reduced; 4. Once The death of a character may lead to being whipped or even transformed into a dead spirit. This state will last for three games, please pay attention]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"...This task will kill people, it will definitely kill people!" Comrade Yang Guang's legs couldn't help but start to tremble. What kind of ghosts are these big guys with bad names at first sight.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Himiko smiled and said, "Anyway, he won't really die."

"...It says that you will be whipped to death..."

"You won't feel pain if you flog the corpse."

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