"It is also said that it will be transformed into a dead spirit."

"Transformation is transformation, maybe it's a buff." Himiko clicked to start the game with great interest, and now she is a little bit looking forward to what type of game it is.

On the other side, Su Yuan'er blinked: "Wen Qian, this dress suits you well..."

Big Whale didn't have the strength to answer at all. The equipment on him was called... Night Succubus.

Even if you don’t need to describe it, you can imagine what kind of equipment it is from its name... It has no weapons, but it wears a skill called 'Blowing Kiss', which can force the charm to hit the target. It's just a movement... Hello show what.

Ps1: You probably can't imagine how excited I was in my heart and how happy my expression was when I wrote this chapter.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is this skill so coquettish?"

On the other side, Fasalia's eyes widened, and Fasalia looked at the bubbling whale on the screen delicately, and she was even a little eager to try: "Quick, play a few more skills to make me healthy!"

"Stop it!" Big Whale was so ashamed that he wanted to hit the wall. When he activated his skills, he completely ignored his own wishes, forcing him to pose in a coquettish pose and blowing kisses with his palms against his lips. Not to mention men, even Most women can't do this action, it's too coquettish!

"Why not? It's just a game anyway." Sister Fa said with a wicked smile.

"Actually, this game has a video recording function." Altair on the other side pretended to pass by casually with a drink, and reminded: "The key to enable video recording is F12."

Su Yuan'er hesitated for a moment, as if he was considering whether it was suitable or not, but in the end he couldn't help the temptation in his heart, obeyed his inner desire, pressed the F12 key slowly and firmly, and started recording.

"Yuan'er ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Big Whale yelled frantically, with the makeup on his face and the night wig, there is really a kind of pitiful rush.

"Hmm..." Su Yuan'er blushed suddenly, no, it was a feeling of heartbeat.

"Well, this dress is not bad." Bai Jue reminded: "But there are other types of clothes in the game, which can be obtained by completing hidden tasks or exchanging reward points through the game process."

"I don't have too many complicated equipment systems here. There are no stigmata, weapons, or dresses. There are only different clothes... The clothes are divided into three levels: blue, purple, and red. Blue clothes can be upgraded to the highest level. Purple is at level [-], red is at level [-], these clothes will increase their corresponding attributes as they are upgraded, unlock advanced skills, and their appearance will become more gorgeous."

"Cute clothes will become cuter, and sexy clothes will become more sexy. The blue appearance will be upgraded once, the purple will be upgraded twice, and the red will be upgraded three times. At the same time, the appearance of the clothes is not indestructible. In other words, there is a possibility of exploding the clothes, how to do so, you should research by yourself... By the way, the most important point is that these clothes... can be taken out."

"Huh?" In an instant, many pairs of eyes looked over.

"I'm serious, these clothes can be taken out, I have a complete set of real products here." Bai Jue said to Altair: "Mop, please demonstrate, just beg for that set of saintess... ah bah, saintess pray."

Altair snapped her fingers, a burst of data flow surged, her clothes transformed into exactly the same physical clothes, and there was really a layer of solid light flowing, and its appearance was more gorgeous and beautiful than Le Luo's.

"This is the Holy Maiden's Prayer after upgrading to the highest level." Bai Jue said with a smile: "Anyone can spend the corresponding reward points to take these equipment away. I guarantee that the actual wearing effect is exactly the same as in the game. .”

Su Yuan'er's eyes instantly blazed with fire: "Let's go! Wen Qian!"

"What are you doing! Don't move! Don't come over—!"

Game matching begins.

[Game name: Forgiveness is power! 】

[Game introduction: Thunder Bluff stained with blood, flowers blooming in Iroha, ah, what a NT R]

[Game process: Please face the following four teams of NT R couples, Ito Makoto and Gui Yanye, Narumi Takayuki and Suzumiya Haruka, Kitazono Haruki and Ogiso Yukina, Akizuki Takazo and Akizuki Airi, after completing all NT R tasks, The game is considered complete]

【Precautions: 1. Please do not cheat in various ways. If you are not one of the NT R couples in person, it will be considered invalid; 2. NT R methods are not limited, whether it is NT R man or NT R woman 3. It is possible to unlock the blackened hatchet after a team of NT R couples, disembowel and disembowel the ship to send the end game, please be careful]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"What the hell kind of game is this? Forgiveness is strength. I'm going to fuck it, and the last couple is obviously not quite right! Isn't that the very famous series of fatherly love like a mountain!" The big whale screamed incomparably It's tragic, because he can probably imagine what the next game process will be like, Su Yuan'er will never let him go to NT R other men, he will only use him to NT R other women!

What is the consequence? The consequence is that he, Zheng, forcibly bends a straight man by relying on a succubus costume!It would even make them say something like 'it's boring without a big dick'.

If you continue according to the game process, the consequences are simply...

"Oh oh oh oh, stop now, stop! Coffee, Brother Bai, I was wrong, I was wrong! I was really wrong! I shouldn't have asked you to manage me, I shouldn't have secretly treated you Backstabbing! Your lord has a lot, let me go!" The voice of the big whale was like a cuckoo, which was horrific.

However, Bai Jue only had one answer.


The voice fell, the game interface began to load, and the voice of the big whale gradually went out.

This painful begging for mercy made Ye Yu on the other side sweat coldly, and also made Bei Gao, the number one beauty in China, fall into a strange silence.

They all understood that Bai Jue didn't intend to reconcile with them at all. No matter how much they played, it was just a game, not real. I'm afraid the more they resist, the happier this Bai will be... But if they don't resist, The consequences will not be good. Looking at it this way, it seems that they can only accept it.

"Xun... Xun Sheng, can..." Ye Yu wanted to say something.

"No." Xun Qing firmly vetoed it.

She simply clicked on the equipment case of the appearance of the clothes, and then... an elementary school student dressed in yellow hair, shorts and a white shirt appeared on Ye Yu's body.

Ye Mou's expression instantly twisted, and he even trembled.

"This, this is... I feel a wave..."

"This is the clothes worn by primary school students, and it's women's. Although men and women are the same, are you excited? You childish pervert!" Xun Qing snorted coldly: "I will teach you well today. A man of sorcery! Adult women look down on them, but instead attack minors, you deserve to be punished!"

As soon as this remark came out, Bai Jue suddenly showed a guilty expression. Although it was only for a moment...but it did not escape the eyes of some people.

Mary is not a loli... Mary is not a loli, really not!How can Heroic Spirit be considered a loli!

Bai Jue, who was so psychologically comforted, quickly recovered his calm state of mind, and there was still a lot of joy to be harvested, how could his state of mind be affected by Xun Qing's group ridicule, no, no, he had to be steady.

Xun Qing clicked on the game system and quickly matched a game successfully.

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