[Game name: I heard that you control young girls? 】

[Game introduction: Then I will send you a lot of brats to try! 】

[Game process: You will enter a playground and take care of and take care of the following young children. Fat Tiger, little husband, watch over and take care of them for a day, there must be no loss or casualties]

[Precautions: 1. Warning from the king of bear children, warning of death by a thousand cuts, warning of corpse party, warning of elementary school students of death, ah? Sydney warning, warning of Doraemon; 2. Do not use any coercive means; 3. If the child dies during the game, he will possess the game character and produce a persistent debuff, which lasts for three games]

[Game reward: [-] reward points! 】

"God? Baqian, it looks normal, why is the reward point so high!" Ye Yu couldn't speak fluently: "Big Brother, Sister Saint, there must be something tricky about this, it must be a cat's disease! This is a trap , a proper trap!"

"Trap? So what?" Xun Qing said indifferently: "Eight thousand reward points, a sure-fire deal!"

"I don't want to see bear children ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ye Yu's screams were also miserable, but compared to Big Whale's, it still lacked a bit of sincerity. Maybe he was also performing, thinking that a group of bear children Not a big deal, but it would prove him completely wrong.

Next, it's Beigao's turn. In fact, they are all carried out at the same time, but it is impossible to describe them at the same time, and they can only be explained one by one.

Beigao's equipment is ashamed to say, and shameful to say that it looks good, but it is also inexplicably good-looking.

"This piece of equipment..." Bei Gao's face was full of black lines. He didn't really care what he was wearing, because no matter what clothes he wore, he was far more attractive than the model. This was a matter of temperament and appearance.

In fact, many men don't want to wear women's clothes not because they don't want to wear them, but because they don't look good, their body shape is not suitable, and their appearance is not good-looking, which makes them very eye-catching when they wear women's clothes. If you want to do something cute, why don't you wear it to make yourself look good?

It can be changed to Beigao, no matter what kind of women's clothing he puts on, it's not a big problem. Li Qinglian is the most beautiful woman in China. If his appearance is modified, he will even blow up all the women present. Wearing women's clothing can even turn the corner All men who think they are straight.

Because of this, Bai Jue also knows that ordinary women's clothing can't make him feel ashamed, and he must use special methods to make him feel ashamed.

So, he took out this piece of equipment! (For details, please refer to the first picture of ps2)

"Are you surprised, are you surprised, are you happy?" Bai Jue put his hands on his forehead, raised his head and laughed like the suppressed laughter of Iori Temple: "I prepared this dress specially for you, come, imagine you Walking on the street wearing this dress, wouldn’t the rate of turning heads be [-]%? You are very beautiful, but this dress makes you unbeautiful! Hahahahahaha!”

Du Mi pursed her lips, she glanced at Bei Gao, then at his clothes, looked away, and showed a slightly funny smile: "I think it looks pretty, really..."

"Before you speak, please turn your eyes around." Bei Gao sighed, "I knew this guy was uneasy and kind, but I didn't expect it to be this kind... What is this equipment skill?"

"Forcing Ah Heiyan, who is nearby... the price is to follow suit."


ps1: 23332333233333333!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Game Name: Who is the King of Ghosts and Animals]

[Game introduction: Aren't you usually aloof?Believe it or not, in the next second you will become an emoji pack and a theme of ghosts and animals? 】

[Game process: Participate in a competition called King of Ghosts and Animals, and compete with Liu Xing, Liang Feifan, Brother Bolan, Brother Gluten, Zhuge Villager, Wang Situ, Zhang Xyou, Director Jin, Kangxi, Douluo, Yue Buqun, Ge Pao, Li Yunlong, Wuwukai, Bai Zhantang, Tom, Snake Yumeko, Jouchi, Sonoda Kaimi, Lu Luxiu, etc., competed fiercely with the giants who dominate the emoji package industry, and won at least one Three good results]

[Precautions: 1. Don't be expressionless. I know you are good-looking, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. On this stage, only first-class Yan Yi can lull the audience; 2. You can't use existing emoticons Subject matter, but there is no contestant's facial expressions to use, such as 'You are so coquettish', 'Fang Accelerator gets punched in the face', 'Yakami Moon? Planned Pass', 'Emiya Kiritsugu? Crashing roar' and other classic scene expressions can be used ;3. I will record the whole process]

[Game reward: [-] reward points]

"My god..." Bei Gao's expression was still so stiff that he could take it to the competition.

"I think it's pretty good, much better than the others." Du Mi thought it was just an expression, which was completely acceptable.

"It's much better...?" Bei Gao put his hand on his forehead: "No, no, this has hit my weakness instead. I am a person who cherishes feathers, at least I don't want to do some embarrassing things, embarrassing me is itself It’s even more uncomfortable than making me wear women’s clothes, let alone wearing this clothes, and on this basis, I have to make all kinds of broken expressions for PK... Do I, Li, not want to lose face?”

The games that Bai Jue specially arranged for everyone definitely hit their pain points [-]%.

Bei Gao cares more about his own image. Although he is usually unkempt, in fact, he will not take care of his appearance at all until he is so confident in his appearance that there is nothing to add... Because of this, as the number one beauty in China, He will always care about his own image, even if he picks his nose, he has to find a status that others can't see. It's impossible to be like a certain Japanese national beautiful girl who was forcibly changed into a terrible emoticon by silver fuck real manga...

However, Bai Jue's arrangement now is simply pushing him into the emoji world.

If it's just a play on the spot, then it's fine for everyone to laugh, but...but...this guy said he wants to record it, what if, what if the video gets out!Then the various collapsed emoticons of someone in Lin are really going to turn into emoticons and become popular all over the empire of China!

Thinking of this, Bei Gao's scalp numbs and his brain trembles... If it really develops to that point, then he may not be able to return to his country for the rest of his life, maybe he can only spend the rest of his life on a deserted island without internet , after all, your Shenzhou Empire emoticons are already a powerful cultural export.

In terms of consequences, this is obviously much more terrifying!

Think about the owners of those emoticons on the Internet, why doesn't Coriander stop laughing now!It's not all your fault!

Bei Gao really felt that he might become the next victim... or the one who would die with regret.

"wait wait wait!"

Bei Gao's calm expression finally gradually disintegrated, and Li Qinglian, who was as calm and elegant as a banished fairy, finally panicked.

"Don't listen, don't read, don't understand, let's go!"

Bai Jue refused to add EX in three consecutive rounds and directly sent Beigao into the game.

He clapped his hands, and first cleared away the mischievous bosses Ling Dao, Le Luo, Big Whale, Bei Gao, and Ye Yu, and then there were only a few seemingly innocent spectators left.

He squinted his eyes and stared at the people who had trouble walking, drinking porridge, shaman, and others. This group of people probably knew about it, but they didn't inform him at all. As teammates, they were even more silent than their opponents, and they didn't report what they knew. The same is adultery and treason.

"It's your turn." Bai Jue smiled slightly: "Xiuxiu, let's start."

Liu Xiu nodded, she had been preparing for a long time.

In fact, Bai Jue didn't specially prepare any clothes for other people. Most of them were randomly arranged by the system. Whether he could get them all depended on his own luck. Obviously, people with difficult roads are not lucky.

This bloody, ancient handsome guy quickly lost most of his blood on his expression.

This outfit is called 'Rabbit Ear Attributes'.

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